
zhènɡ zhì xīn wén
  • political news
  1. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)的数据显示,39%的美国人使用Facebook来获取政治新闻,远远超过使用雅虎新闻(YahooNews)、谷歌新闻(GoogleNews)或者Twitter获取政治新闻的人数比例。

    According to the Pew Research Center , 39 per cent of Americans use Facebook for political news - significantly more than the proportion who use Yahoo News , Google News or Twitter to do so .

  2. 中美报纸政治新闻语篇对比研究

    A Contrastive Analysis of Political News Discourse in American and Chinese Newspapers

  3. 政治新闻已成为美国新闻报道的主要内容。

    Political reporting has become a staple of American journalism .

  4. 就比如说美国一政治新闻网&RealClearPolitics,集合了各种新闻,评论以及民意调查。

    Take Real Clear Politics , an American political website , which aggregates news , commentary and opinion polls .

  5. 据NPR新闻的大卫·弗肯弗里克报道,约翰逊协助定义了政治新闻的时代。

    As NPR 's David Folkenflik tells us Johnson helped to define an era of political journalism .

  6. CDA自诞生以米就被广泛应用于新闻语篇的分析,特别是对政治新闻和经济新闻的分析。

    After its birth , critical discourse analysis is widely used to analyze news discourses , especially political and economic news .

  7. 他表示,CNN将继续积极报道华盛顿和中东的政治新闻,但同时将把更多的资源用于报道娱乐、商业、体育和文化新闻。

    CNN will continue to cover Washington and the Middle East aggressively , he said , but will also devote more resources to entertainment , business , sports and culture .

  8. 如有必要,可以腾一点地方给政治新闻

    We 've got space for political if we need it .

  9. 他突然向世界宣布这部小说采取了政治新闻的手法

    He sprung on the world this novel approach to political journalism

  10. 从系统功能语言学角度研究国际政治新闻英语的汉译

    A Systemic-Functional Approach to E-C Translation of Journalistic English on International Politics

  11. 评价理论对政治新闻的批评话语分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Political News Reports-Under the Framework of Appraisal Theory

  12. 英语政治新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势研究

    A Study on the Generic Structure Potential of the English Political News

  13. 评价理论视角内的英语政治新闻语篇分析

    English Political News Discourse Analysis from the Perspective of the Appraisal Theory

  14. 英语政治新闻中距离象似性原则的应用

    The Application of The Iconicity of Distance in Political News

  15. 她给她的报纸报道当前的政治新闻。

    She reports the current political news for her paper .

  16. 语法隐喻在美国政治新闻语篇中的应用研究

    A Study of Grammatical Metaphor and Its Application on American Political News Discourse

  17. 政治新闻语篇在整个新闻语篇中具有举足轻重的地位。

    Political news discourse plays an important role in the whole news discourse .

  18. 就是一年半前的政治新闻网

    Slugline will be what Politico was a year and a half ago .

  19. 英语政治新闻语篇中情态动词的使用特点

    A Study on the Characteristics of Model Verbs in English Political News Texts

  20. 政治新闻报道使得这家德国报纸的从业者更加重视他们自己。

    The political coverage helps hacks at the German paper take themselves seriously .

  21. 但将这一理论运用于政治新闻语篇连贯的研究还不多见。

    But it is seldom used to the coherence study of political news reports .

  22. 英语广播政治新闻访谈中的模糊限制现象

    Hedging in English broadcasting political news interviews

  23. 这不是邓州第一次因不同寻常的政治新闻而上媒体头条。

    This isn 't the first time Dengzhou has made headlines for unusual political news .

  24. 政治新闻报道是个典型。

    Political news is a typical one .

  25. 本文主要研究不同的意识形态对政治新闻翻译所产生的影响。

    The following paper studies the effect of ideologies in translation of political news texts .

  26. 近年来英语政治新闻在语言学界引起了很大的关注。

    English political news has aroused great concern in the field of linguistics in recent years .

  27. 我有时先看报纸上的连环漫画,然后才看政治新闻。

    In the newspaper sometimes I read the comics before I look at the political news .

  28. 他瞅了一眼政治新闻,接着就翻到体育版。

    He took a passing look at the political news , then turned to the sports page .

  29. 瓦莱丽说她和奥朗德初识于23年前,当时她还是个政治新闻记者。

    Trierweiler says she and Hollande first met 23 years ago when she was a political reporter .

  30. 如果政治新闻网要雇我,你觉得怎么样

    What 's Slugline ? If I said Politico wanted to hire me , what would you say ?