
zhènɡ fǔ zhài quàn shì chǎnɡ
  • Government bond market;treasury bond market
  1. 建立集中监管、统一互联的政府债券市场是完善我国社会主义市场经济体制,推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的重要内容。

    To build a united and centralized treasury bond market is an important part to develop socialist market economy and improve reform and opening of the capital market .

  2. 标准人寿投资的投资主管理查德巴蒂(RichardBatty)表示:在美国和英国政府债券市场上,风险已显著增加。

    Richard Batty , investment director at Standard Life Investments , said : The risks have heightened sharply in the US and UK government bond markets .

  3. 由于市场担心一旦欧洲央行(ECB)撤销紧急支持措施,该国经济将会崩盘,希腊股市及政府债券市场在过去几周遭遇抛售。

    Greece has been an early casualty as its stocks and government bond markets have been sold off during the past few weeks amid worries that , once emergency support from the European Central Bank is removed , the economy will implode .

  4. 数据供应商dealogic表示,在同期内,美国和欧洲的非政府债券市场分别增长了16%和38%。

    The US and European non-government bond markets have grown 16 per cent and 38 per cent respectively over the same timespan , according to Dealogic , the data provider .

  5. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)母公司麦格劳-希尔(McGraw-Hill)旗下一个研究部门称,如果美国失去它的AAA评级,那么这个最大经济体政府债券市场的投资者可能面临高达1000亿美元的亏损。

    Investors in the US government bond market could face losses of up to $ 100bn if the largest economy loses its triple A rating , according to a research arm of McGraw-Hill , the parent of Standard & Poor ' s.

  6. 一个货币联盟中的政府债券市场有着与生俱来的脆弱性。

    Government bond markets in a monetary union are inherently fragile .

  7. 论我国政府债券市场的功能及其发展

    On the Function and Development of Government Bond Markets in China

  8. 接着,它还对政府债券市场进行了直接干预。

    It went on to intervene directly in government bond markets .

  9. 建立和发展西部地方政府债券市场问题研究

    Study on Establishing and Developing Local Government Bond Market in Western China

  10. 别忘了,他曾反对对政府债券市场进行干预。

    He opposed for instance intervening in government bond markets .

  11. 政府债券市场可能要为最困难的考验作好准备。

    Government bond markets could provide the trickiest test .

  12. 一个完善的政府债券市场,离不开政府提供的政府财务报告。

    A perfect government bond market cannot function properly without the government financial reports .

  13. 假设欧洲央行通过这种方式成功稳定了政府债券市场。

    Suppose the ECB did succeed in stabilising government bond markets in this way .

  14. 量化宽松带来的第二个风险是政府债券市场的扭曲。

    A second risk from QE is of distortions in the market for government debt .

  15. 面对股市的下跌,美国和欧洲的政府债券市场上涨。

    US and European government bond markets rallied in the face of the equity sell-off .

  16. 影响政府债券市场流动性的因素包括产品设计、市场结构、交易机制、信息披露和税收等问题。

    Liquidity depends on product design , market structure , trading system , disclosure and taxation .

  17. 在全球政府债券市场上,需求高于供给,重要原因就在于央行的购债行动。

    In the global government bond market demand exceeds supply , not least because of central bank buying .

  18. 据惠誉的研究,有930百亿美元,美国政府债券市场比别的国家都大。

    At $ 9.3 trillion , the U.S.government bond market is massive compared with those of other countries .

  19. 第四部分主要以政府债券市场拍卖和电力市场拍卖为例,讨论了现实中的合谋问题。

    Chapter 4 focuses on the collusion in practice , mainly in auction market of government securities and electricity .

  20. 包括离岸人民币市场、中小企业融资、公司和政府债券市场的发展。

    This includes development of the offshore renminbi market , SME financing , corporate and government bond market development .

  21. 第五章,介绍了不同政体的两个发达国家,美国和日本的地方政府债券市场。

    Chapter 5 . it also introduces the Local Treasury bond of two developed countries with different polity : USA and Japan .

  22. 但假如投资者真的害怕物价上升,(这一迹象)却很难在政府债券市场中看到。

    But if investors are really frightened of price rises , it is hard to see evidence in the government bond market .

  23. 目前,特别应重视开拓由国债和市政债券构成的政府债券市场。

    At present the development of government bond markets consisting of treasury bond and municipal bond should be attached great importance to .

  24. 日本政府债券市场的规模位列全球第二,无法像“阁楼上的疯女人”那样被人忽视。

    The Japanese government bond market is the second largest in the world . It cannot be dismissed like some crazy aunt in the attic .

  25. 全球政府债券市场昨日企稳,收益率的突然上升促使保险公司和养老基金等机构投资者逢低买入美国国债。

    Global government bond markets stabilised yesterday as suddenly higher yields prompted institutional investors such as insurers and pension fund managers to scoop up US Treasuries .

  26. 虽说把大笔资金投资于流动性很强的外汇或政府债券市场不难,但投资于非流动性公司债券或股票就难多了。

    While punting large amounts on the highly liquid foreign-exchange or government-bond markets is easy , betting on illiquid corporate bonds or shares is far harder .

  27. 在政府债券市场和资产-负债领域工作的人,比宏观经济学家更相信,政府将实现稳定的低通胀。

    Those working in the government bond markets and asset-liability sphere are more confident that governments will deliver low , stable inflation than , say , macro-economists .

  28. 上述政策在单个国家层面上会被视为疲软或恐慌的信号,货币市场和政府债券市场会付出代价,但国际协同行动将会避免上述情况的发生。

    International co-ordination will avoid the policy being seen as a sign of weakness or panic at the individual country level , with costs to currencies and government bond markets .

  29. 在我国证券市场引入做市商制度的讨论中,大多数观点拘泥于做市商制度本身,而忽略了其在股票市场和政府债券市场的差异。

    Introduction of market making system in China securities market is widely talked about , but the difference of market making in equities and fixed income markets is largely neglected .

  30. 有人焦虑地表示:如果日本的主妇们打开储蓄的闸门,将资金投放到国外,那么本国庞大的政府债券市场有可能崩溃。

    But there was nervous chatter , too : if Japanese housewives opened the floodgates and sluiced money abroad , there could be a collapse in Japan 's enormous government bond market .