
  1. 全球债券市场近来的趋势怎样

    What Are The Key Trends In The Global Bond Markets Currently

  2. 在某个时候,随着多数主要经济体采用相同的财政政策,全球债券市场将会透不过气。

    At some point , with most big economies adopting the same fiscal policy , global bond markets are going to start choking .

  3. 全球债券市场充足的流动性,已将违约率和风险溢价推至创纪录的低点,提高了投资者对风险资产的需求。

    Abundant liquidity in global debt markets has helped push default rates and risk premiums to record lows and feed investor appetite for risky assets .

  4. 但随着全球债券市场问题开始给交易带来压力,去年下半年的成交额下降了12.5%,预计这一趋势将持续到2008年。

    But trading volumes slowed by 12.5 per cent in the second half of the year as problems in the global debt markets began to weigh on the deals , and this trend is forecast to continue into 2008 .

  5. 欧洲央行认为:从5月份开始,全球债券市场出现显著的重新定价,这主要是由于美国货币政策预期的改变,外汇市场加大的波动和紧张主要落在新兴市场经济体头上。

    Starting in May , there was a significant repricing in global bond markets , which took place largely because of changing monetary policy expectations in the United States – with increased foreign exchange market volatility and stress borne largely by emerging market economies , the ECB said .

  6. 传统上,美国国债倾向于带动全球其他债券市场,但是,自欧洲央行最初宣布启动QE的计划以来,欧元区一直引领债市走势。

    Treasuries have historically tended to push other global bond markets around , but the eurozone has led movements since the ECB first announced plans to start QE .

  7. 布思预计,全球新兴债券市场未来两年将出现显著增长。

    Mr Booth expects the global emerging debt market to grow significantly in the next two years .

  8. 在全球政府债券市场上,需求高于供给,重要原因就在于央行的购债行动。

    In the global government bond market demand exceeds supply , not least because of central bank buying .

  9. 全球政府债券市场昨日企稳,收益率的突然上升促使保险公司和养老基金等机构投资者逢低买入美国国债。

    Global government bond markets stabilised yesterday as suddenly higher yields prompted institutional investors such as insurers and pension fund managers to scoop up US Treasuries .

  10. 然而,汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,全球投资级债券市场活动大幅减少,暗示这次市场动荡的影响正在扩散。

    However , figures from Thomson Financial show a significant decline in activity in the global investment-grade market suggesting the impact of the market turmoil is spreading .

  11. 关于全球经济,债券市场发出了这个可怕的信号。

    That is the stark message bond markets are sending about the global economy .

  12. 目前,全球可转换债券市场的资本规模已接近5000亿美元,而每年新发行的可转换债券规模已超过了1000亿美元。

    Now the globe Convertible Bond market capital scale is beyond 1000 billion dollars .

  13. 随著欧元推出,预期全球股票和债券市场表现会更为反覆。

    Volatility in global equity and bond markets is expected to increase with the emergence of euro .

  14. 虽然全球股票和债券市场均小幅上涨,但欧元兑美元仍下跌0.9%。

    While global stocks and bonds made modest gains , the euro fell 0.9 per cent against the dollar .

  15. 我强烈怀疑,全球股票和债券市场,以及大宗商品市场的某些领域,已经形成又一个泡沫。

    I suspect strongly that we are already in another bubble in the global equity and bonds markets , and also in sections of the commodity markets .

  16. 位于布鲁塞尔的智库Bruegel提出了一个有意思的想法,即欧元区国家应该合并至多相当于GDP总量60%的国家债务,从而创造出全球两大公共债券市场之一。

    One interesting idea , from the Brussels-based think-tank , Bruegel , is that eurozone countries should pool up to 60 per cent of GDP of their national debts , thereby creating one of the world 's two largest public debt markets .

  17. 我说,我担心的不是希腊,是意大利,全球第三大债券市场。

    Look , I said , it 's not Greece I 'm worried about . It 's Italy .

  18. 意大利拥有全球第四大债券市场,未偿债券余额1.8万亿欧元。

    Italy is home to the fourth-largest debt market in the world with $ 1.8 trillion euros outstanding .

  19. 美国通胀率的上升,可能很容易导致全球投资者撤离美国债券市场。

    A rise in US inflation could easily lead to a pull-out of global investors from US bond markets .

  20. 如果中国经济急速放缓,全球大宗商品市场的繁荣景象就有可能终结;如果中国停止使用其外汇储备购买美国国债,全球债券市场将遭受冲击。

    A sharp economic slowdown would likely end the commodities boom and if China were to stop using its reserves to purchase US Treasuries , bond markets would suffer .