
  • 网络global fund
  1. 新系统能让gam发现投资组合持仓过度集中的现象,还可以防止基金经理转换投资类型比如,全球宏观型基金经理本应投资于利率和外汇产品,但事实上他们却购买了股票。

    The system allows gam to spot too much concentration in the portfolio , but also to avoid managers switching styles - for example , global macro managers supposed to be betting on interest rates and currencies but in fact buying equities .

  2. (量化基金,做多/做空基金,全球宏观型基金等)

    ( Quant , Long / Short , Global Macro , etc * )

  3. 全球积极型基金的表现也超过其跟踪的指数。

    Global active funds have also beaten their benchmarks .

  4. 大多数全球型股票基金都重仓持有估值最高的股票和股市。

    Most ' global ' stock funds are heavily weighted toward stocks , and markets , with the highest values .

  5. 投资全球收益型基金,也被认为是一种比只关注成长性风险更低的投资方式,尽管迪克森警告说这一观点并不总是准确。

    Going into global funds focused on income is also perceived as a less risky way to invest than pure growth plays , although Mr Dickson cautions that such a perception is not always accurate .

  6. 今年头3个月,全球投资者从股票型基金中撤出了近1000亿美元资金,这一创纪录的转变加速了投资者撤离美国和西欧股市的长期趋势。

    Investors worldwide pulled close to $ 100bn out of equity funds in the first three months of this year – a record shift that accelerates a longer-term trend away from US and western European stockmarkets .

  7. epfr每周追踪的全球新兴市场和拉美股票基金的净流入额分别比2006年的总额高出261%和205%,而全球股票型基金创下新高,吸引了近370亿美元资金。

    Net flows into global emerging markets and Latin America Equity Funds tracked weekly by EPFR were 261 per cent and 205 per cent higher than 2006 totals , while global equity funds had a record-setting year , absorbing nearly $ 37bn ( 19bn , 25bn ) .