- 网络general fund

Advances to general fund to finance budgetary expenditure ;
Will be interesting to see where it all plays out in the end , and if Bain will offer a similar choice when it begins raising its eleventh general fund next year .
The money went into a common fund .
Some of the money would come from the general-purpose funds .
Both the investors and the professional fund rating agencies analyze funds performance on the basis of the former performance .
Over the past 10 years , long / short funds have produced slightly higher returns than the average hedge fund , according to hedge fund research .
Funds reclassified from general trust funds to technical cooperation trust funds
Even the average mutual fund manager , who gets paid far less than Dalio , was up 0.9 % in the fourth quarter alone , just slightly better than Bridgewater did all year .
As SWFs are controlled by a sovereign country , their investment incentives and strategies are different from ordinary investment fund . The influences of SWFs ' performance to the global financial market are more complicated , and lead lots of disputes .
If the normal hedge fund charges of an annual 2 per cent of funds under management and 20 per cent of profits had been applied to the resulting $ 62bn , no less than $ 57bn would have been absorbed in fees .
Cerulli says plain-vanilla equities funds are being shunned in favour of bond and guaranteed funds .
Cerulli notes plain-vanilla equities funds are falling out of favour , with investors flocking to aggressive bond and guaranteed funds .
Many cookie-cutter fund management houses are more profitable than that .
This trading limitation does not apply to equity-index funds , broadly diversified and publicly available mutual funds and commodity pools .
Decades of research has shown that predicting whether even the most generic mutual fund will beat the market is fiendishly difficult .
The exchange fund is therefore not an ordinary investment fund , and comparisons between it and other investment funds are unhelpful , the spokesperson said .
Woodwell , who favorsplain-vanilla mutual funds , is the type of person who considers buying a few shares of an individual stock as living dangerously .
A wholesale renegotiation of the covenant between limited partners ( the investors ) and general partners ( the managers ) , on both existing and future funds , needs to take place or paralysis may turn into rigor mortis for some of the existing players .
Over the last 18 months we 've done better than a general greater China fund , Mr Champion says .
This part is centered around the relationship between the fund manager ( ordinary partner ) and fund holder ( limited partner ) .
Because investors always make their investment decision on the basis of performance of funds , it is necessary and urgent to construct an objective and just funds ' performance evaluation system .
Balanced fund a mutual fund that invests its assets in the money market , bonds , preferred stock , and common stock in an attempt to provide both growth and income .
The ordinary resources and the Special Funds resources of the Bank shall at all times and in all respects be held , used , committed , invested or otherwise disposed of entirely separately from each other .
It also would impose fewer restrictions and obligations on how Zuckerberg and Chan could distribute money than if they were to set up a regular nonprofit foundation . They could donate to political organizations and for-profit entities as well as charities .