
  • 网络general economy
  1. 文章对消费中深藏的资本和人本的双重逻辑进行了反思,并在巴塔耶普遍经济思想的基础上提出本真性消费的概念。

    This paper has rethought of the dual logic of capital and homocentric features in consumption , and put forward the true consumption on the basis of Bataille 's general economy .

  2. 普遍经济力图排除有限经济中消费的资本逻辑,而代之以更为普遍的人本逻辑。

    Since travel for education , business , or pleasure is more and more common , The general economy tried to get rid of the capital logic of consumption in limited economy , and used the more universal homocentric logic to replace it .

  3. 去年9月末,在世界各地普遍经济低迷之际,参加世贸组织(WTO)日内瓦会议的经济学家们调低了预测。

    In late September , economic weakness around the world caused economists at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva to scale back their forecasts .

  4. 失业是当今世界市场经济国家伴随经济高速发展而日渐突显出来的一种普遍经济现象,它严重削弱经济进步的推动力,制约劳动力资源的优化配置。

    Unemployment is regarded as a common phenomenon in countries of market economy .

  5. 普遍经济伦理初论

    A Preliminary Study on the Universal Economic Ethics

  6. 目前,农民合作经济组织已成为具有全球性的普遍经济现象。

    Currently , farmers ' cooperative economic organizations have become a widespread global economic phenomenon .

  7. 从普遍经济到普遍历史&论巴塔耶普遍经济学视野中的世界历史形态

    From Universal Economy to Universal History & on the Pattern of World History from the Perspective of Bataille 's Universal Economy

  8. 文化经济学的提出,是对现代社会中文化产品的生产与服务已成为一个普遍经济事实的回应;

    The birth of cultural economics is the response to it that the production and service of cultural products in modern society has become a common economic fact .

  9. 国际经济发展的现实表明,经济服务化已经成为当代发达国家的普遍经济特征并进一步向中等发达国家与地区扩散。

    Tertiarization , or the transformation from commodity economy to service economy , has become a significant economic feature in the developed countries and is diffusing to the mid developed countries .

  10. 物价变动作为一种市场经济条件下的普遍经济现象,一直对历史成本会计信息的真实准确有一定的影响,在通货膨胀严重的情况下,在很大程度上会妨碍财务会计履行其职能。

    As a kind of common economic phenomenon , changing price always has great effect on historical cost accounting system , which to some extent , hinders financial accounting performing its functions .

  11. 本文首先追溯了有关经济学理论来解读体验,阐释了体验经济的思想本源&乔治·巴塔耶的普遍经济理论。

    This article started with the unscrambling of " experience " by tracing back to relevant economical theories , and explained the original idea of Experiential Economy , that is , the Universal Economy Theory of Georges Bataille .

  12. 过去制定竞争法被认为是普遍经济政策的要素,现在的焦点则转向追求能够被各国所接受的保护和管理全球竞争的有效方法。

    The focus has shifted from efforts to legitimize competition laws as a necessary element of universal economic policy to the pursuit of internationally acceptable and effective means for assuring and regulating business competition on a global scale .

  13. 第四部分主要阐释了普遍经济伦理的基本原则,即普遍经济正义原则、普遍经济效率原则、经济自由原则及共同发展原则。

    The fourth part mainly analyses the essential principles of the universal ethics , namely , the principle of economic justice , the principle of universal economic efficiency , the principle of economic freedom and the principle of mutual development .

  14. 物价变动作为市场经济条件下的一种普遍经济现象,一直影响历史成本会计信息的真实性和准确性,在物价变动严重的情况下,会严重妨碍财务会计职能的有效履行。

    Price changes which is a general economic phenomenon in the Market-oriented Economy , it has certain impacts on truth and accuracy of historical cost accounting information , in conditions of price changes seriously , the function of financial accounting may be prevented in a large extent .

  15. 为了探寻摆脱功利主义经济的可能性,巴塔耶深入批判了功利主义思维方式的核心&谋划观念,从而以耗费这一基本概念建构起普遍经济理论。

    In order to search for the possibility to get rid of the utilitarian economy , Bataille made a severe criticism on the notion of design & the nuclei of utilitarian thinking mode , therefore applied use as the basic concept to set up the theory of general economy .

  16. 目前,国外银行已普遍采用经济增加值(EVA)这一创新指标作为业绩评价的核心。

    Currently , foreign banks have generally adopted an innovation indicator , the Economic Value Added ( EVA ), as the core of performance evaluation .

  17. 为了有效地保障其规定的高可靠性、安全性和经济性,国内、外航空公司已普遍采用经济、合理的视情维修(Condition-BasedMaintenance,CBM)策略。

    In order to ensure the better reliability , safety and economy of aero-engine , condition-based maintenance ( CBM ) policy is populated for airlines in the world .

  18. 普遍认为经济将持续好转。

    The feeling is that the economy will continue to improve .

  19. 在新经济条件下,垄断仍然是一种普遍的经济现象。

    Under new economy condition , monopoly is still a universal economy phenomenon .

  20. 在融通的过程中,借贷和买卖是最普遍的经济行为。

    In the accommodation process , borrowing and trading are the most common economic activities .

  21. 议价是一种相当普遍的经济行为。

    Bargaining is popular in economic activities .

  22. 产业集群是经济全球化背景下一种普遍的经济现象,它作为一种新型产业组织形式,可以有效地促进区域经济发展。

    Industrial clusters is a kind of common phenomenon under the background of economic the background of globalization .

  23. 普遍的经济不确定状况和财政紧缩政策不能是减少行动的借口。

    Widespread economic uncertainty and fiscal austerity GetWord (" austerity "); should not be excuses to do less .

  24. 在世界上许多国家,信贷消费由来已久,已经成为一种非常普遍的经济现象。

    In many countries world , Consume credit is time honoured , has been a much universal economic phenomenon .

  25. 农业就业份额随经济的增长而持续下降,是一个普遍的经济规律。

    It 's a universal economic law that agricultural laborer share will descend continually with the growth of economy .

  26. 然而,为了巩固改革的势头,挑战在于让人们普遍享受经济增长带来的利益。

    To cement the commitment to reforms , however , the challenge is to make the benefits of growth inclusive .

  27. 产业集群作为一种极具生命力的经济发展模式,已经成为全球范围内较为普遍的经济现象。

    As a kind of vigorous economic development model , industrial clusters are becoming a common phenomenon in the world .

  28. 现代社会人们对精神产品的追求逐渐成为普遍的经济现象,而“经济理性”这一假设却无力解释这些经济现象。

    In the modern society , it has become a popular economic phenomenon for people to pursuit the spiritual product .

  29. 过去,通常只有在人们普遍看好经济前景时,企业才会进行大举投资。

    In the past , substantial investment has usually been forthcoming only at times of widespread optimism about economic prospects .

  30. 摘要当前世界各国普遍重视经济的可持续发展,而可持续发展的概念需要深化理解。

    Sustainable development is universally paid attention to by all over the world at present and its concept needs further understanding .