
  • 网络general tariff;General tariff rate;Common Tariff
  1. 国外进口货物当时按普通税率征税。

    A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports .

  2. 请问适用最惠国税率还是普通税率?

    Is it dutiable under the most – favored – nation rates or the ordinary tax rate ?

  3. 90.他还指出,进口关税目前分为两栏:普通税率和优惠税率。

    90 . He also noted that currently there were two columns of import duty rates : general rates and preferential rates .

  4. 原产于本条第一款、第二款和第三款所列以外国家或者地区的进口货物,以及原产地不明的进口货物,适用普通税率。

    Normal tariff rate is applied to imported goods originated from countries or regions not listed in paragraphs 1 , 2 , and 3 of this article and to imported goods for which the place of origin is unclear .

  5. 其余额外财政收入将来自按照较高的普通所得税率(而非较低的资本增值税率)对所谓的“附带权益”(私人股本业高管、对冲基金经理和房地产投资者的利润)征税。

    The remainder would come from taxing so-called " carried interest " , or the profits generated by private equity executives , hedge fund managers , and property investors , at the higher ordinary income rate , rather than at lower capital gains rates .

  6. 不过,他们的收入会按照普通收入的税率缴税,而非按照对冲基金资本收益15%的税率来缴税。

    Their income will be taxed as ordinary income rather than the 15 % rate on capital gains that hedge funds benefit from .

  7. 本通知规定将居民首次购买普通住房契税税率暂统一下调至1%。

    This circular provides that where residents firstly purchase ordinary housing , the deed tax rate temporarily decreases to the unified tax rate of1 % .

  8. 最起码,我们不应大幅削减政府支出,或大幅提高针对普通人的税率,这两种举措会令情形更加恶化。

    At the very least , we should not be making things worse with big cuts in government spending or big increases in tax rates on ordinary people .

  9. 今年2月,香港政府采取了一些旨在让楼市降温的措施,对超过2000万港元(合258万美元)的豪宅征收“双倍印花税”,并降低了普通住房的税率。

    In February , the government took steps to cool the market , doubling stamp duty on properties worth more than HK $ 2m ( $ 258000 ) and introducing a lower duty on cheaper homes .

  10. 今年2月,香港政府采取了一些旨在让楼市降温的措施,对超过2000万港元(合258万美元)的豪宅征收双倍印花税,并降低了普通住房的税率。

    In February , the government took steps to cool the market , doubling stamp duty on properties worth more than HK $ 2m ( $ 258,000 ) and introducing a lower duty on cheaper homes .

  11. 普通收入的最高税率为39.6%,高收入者的长期资本利得要交20%的税。

    Ordinary income is taxed at rates up to 39.6 % and long-term capital gains are taxed at 20 % for wealthier taxpayers .