
  1. 医院普通制剂~(60)Co辐照灭菌效果探讨

    Sterilization Effect of ~ ( 60 ) Co Irradiation on Hospital Commonly Used Preparations

  2. 试验制剂相对于普通制剂单剂给药的生物利用度(F)为87.79%±5.61%。

    The relative bioavailability of test compared to reference was 87.79 % ± 5.61 % .

  3. 以HPLC方法测定人体内血药浓度,以普通制剂为对照,研究了盐酸昂丹司琼缓释微丸的家犬体内相对生物利用度和药代动力学。

    A reversed-phase HPLC method was established for determination of OND drug plasma concentration . Pharmacokinetics of ondansetron sustained-release capsule and conventional capsule was studied in three dogs .

  4. 结果肺组织匀浆中,BDP普通制剂组BDP峰浓度出现在8h左右,然后较快下降;

    Results The peak concentration of BDP was found at about 8 hours and descended rapidly in lung tissue homogenates in conventional BDP group after administration of drug inhalation .

  5. 结果:与普通制剂相比,新工艺制剂的糖神胶囊可降低链脲佐菌素糖尿病大鼠的FBG、RBCS含量,加快MNCV,延长TFL(P均<0.05)。

    Results : Compared with the normal preparation , the new technical preparations of the Tangshen capsule could reduce the FBG , RBCS , speed up the MNCV and make the TFL longer ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 给豚鼠气管插管后、用喷雾法给予BDP纳米微囊及普通制剂悬液,不同时间点取血及肺组织,用高压液相色谱法测定血浆及肺组织匀浆BDP浓度。

    Healthy guinea pigs were spray inhaled BDP PLGA nanocapsules after intratracheal intubation . BDP concentrations were detected at different time points in both plasma and lung tissue homogenates by high press liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .

  7. 从我院2007年普通制剂供应看医院制剂发展定位

    Development Strategies for Hospital Preparations According to the Analysis of Hospital Preparation Supply in 2007

  8. 结果表明:与其普通制剂相比,阿莫西林脉冲制剂具有良好的生物利用度。

    The results show that compared to ordinary preparations , amoxicillin pulse-preparation have good bioavailability .

  9. 健康志愿者盐酸奥昔布宁缓释制剂与普通制剂药代动力学及生物等效性研究

    Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of controlled and normal-release oxybutynin chloride tablet / capsule in healthy volunteers

  10. 目的:利用普通制剂技术制备起效快、服用方便的甲磺酸酚妥拉明分散片。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare a fast action and easy administration dispersible phentolamine mesylate tablets using common technology .

  11. 药物动力学研究表明,该药生物半衰期比较短,普通制剂服用后血药浓度波动大。

    The results of pharmacokinetic study show its half life period is short , resulting to fluctuation of blood drug level after administrating conventional dosage form .

  12. 提示该缓释剂可避免普通制剂初期的高峰药浓度,可延长给药间隔时间。

    The results suggest that the sustained release indometacin capsule can avoid high initial peak of the commercially available capsule arid increase the interval between dosage .

  13. 有研究报道称盐酸帕罗西汀普通制剂的胃肠道副反应发生率高达25%,其原因与普通制剂在胃部和小肠上段局部浓度较高有关~[1,2]。

    Researches were reported that higher concentration of paroxetine hydrochloride in the stomach and the upper small intestine was the reason of gastrointestinal side effects , and the incidence of adverse effects could up to 25 percent ~ [ 1,2 ] .

  14. 按适当的配方制备了NBD-C6-HPC(一种荧光试剂)脂质体制剂和普通制剂,并按照随机对照的原则涂抹于实验小鼠的背部皮肤上。

    Liposome NBD-C6-HPC ( fluorescent agent ) and ordinary preparation were made with ideal formulations . Two drugs were applied in dorsal skin of the mice under the principle of random and comparison . After a regulated time the skin was cut off and made into optical sections .

  15. 体外透皮实验中,12h累积透皮吸收百分率(Q%)为34.6%,明显高于普通凝胶制剂(17.7%);

    The experiment in vitro showed that a percentage of accumulated transdermal absorption ( Q % ) of liposome gel for 12 h was 34.6 % , being significantly more than conventional gel ( 17.7 % ) .

  16. 目的比较复方利福平微丸胶囊与普通四联制剂中主要成份利福平在犬体内的相对生物利用度。

    Objective To study the relative bioavailability of rifampicin in the rifampicin compound ~ micropill in dogs .

  17. 目的介绍FDA关于普通口服固体制剂生物等效豁免的相关政策。

    Objective To introduce FDA 's biowaiver policy for IR solid oral dosage forms .