
  • 网络vanilla option;Plain vanilla options
  1. 瑞银施许怡敏表示,客户对“普通期权、股票挂钩票据、双币与利率工具的兴趣显著复苏”,并且,由于一些对冲基金与私人股本公司暂停赎回,他们也更加重视流动性。

    MS Shih of UBS reports " a marked revival of interest in plain vanilla options , equity-linked notes , and dual currency and interest rate instruments " , and an increased focus on liquidity in response to the suspension of redemptions by several hedge funds and private equity firms .

  2. 成立几年后,Facebook开始停止发放普通股票期权,因为每个获授期权者都被视为股东,计入了美国证券交易委员会的IPO触发统计。

    Several years into its existence , Facebook stopped granting plain-old stock options because each Optionee was considered a stockholder , counting toward the SEC-mandated trigger .

  3. 知情人士补充称,华平所持重新认购这批债券、并将这些债券转换为普通股的期权已于5月末到期。

    They added that an option held by Warburg Pincus to re-acquire the bonds and convert them into equity had expired in late May .

  4. 后来的学者对可转债进行了进一步的分析,将可转换债券分为了普通债券和期权价值两部分,考虑了企业不可赎回和可赎回的情况。

    Later scholars of convertible bonds for a further analysis , speaking of convertible bonds into ordinary bonds and the value of the options had to consider enterprises in the non-callable and callable situation .

  5. 因此,保时捷无法进一步举债它可能还需要数十亿美元,以行使另外20%大众普通股的认购期权,从而完成其大胆的收购之举。

    So Porsche cannot borrow the billions more it would need to exercise options over another 20 per cent , so completing its audacious VW takeover .