
  • 网络future option
  1. 其中一些较先进的国家能充分利用国际期货期权市场的农产品指导价格,通过套期保值来管理农产品价格风险,另一些国家对农产品价格管理则多体现为保护性的干预。

    Some of the more advanced countries make full use of international futures options market guide price of agricultural products , hedging to manage price risk , some other countries for the management of agricultural prices are reflected in many of protective intervention .

  2. 分数商品期货期权定价模型及其实证研究

    Fractional Pricing Model for Commodity Futures Options and Its Empirical Study

  3. 建立了具有变系数的期货期权的多维BlackScholes模型。

    Multi dimensional Black Scholes model with non constant coefficients on future option is established in this paper .

  4. 人民币NDF市场自1996年在新加坡出现以后不断壮大,2007年CME推出人民币期货期权交易。

    RMB NDF market in Singapore since 1996 after emerging from strength to strength in 2007 , CME launched renminbi futures and options trading .

  5. 随机利率条件下的货币期货期权的估值

    Estimates of Currency Futures Options under Stochastic Interest Rates

  6. 建立适合我国国情的电力期货期权市场

    Establishing an Electric Power Futures Forward and Option Market Suited to China 's Situation

  7. 期货期权风险管理探析

    Analysis of Risk Management of Option of Futures

  8. 目前境外已有数种中国股指期货期权产品进行交易。

    Now there are several stock index futures with China concept in overseas market .

  9. 另外一个买期权的动机就是恐惧,尤其是期货期权。

    Another great motivator for buying options is fear , especially in options on futures .

  10. 期货期权是期货市场发展到一定阶段的产物。

    Option of futures is the result of the futures market development into certain stage .

  11. 农产品期货期权市场是转移农产品市场风险的理想场所。

    Futures and option markets of agricultural products are ideal place to transfer the agricultural product market risks .

  12. 该报补充称,上期所也已完成铜期货期权与黄金期货期权的合约设计工作,但并未给出消息来源。

    The paper added , without citing sources , that the exchange had also designed options contracts for copper and gold .

  13. 投资银行家表示,伦敦未能收购伦敦国际金融期货期权交易所,令其数年来一直成为一个被收购目标。

    It was the LSE 's failure to seize Liffe that , investment bankers say , condemned it to years as an acquisition target .

  14. 它们的合并将创造出迄今为止(以收入计)最大的交易所,业务将横跨美欧的股票、期货期权与结算。

    The tie-up will create by far the largest exchange by revenues , spanning us and European equities , futures and options , and clearing .

  15. 同时针对我国电力市场的现状,在吸取西方发达国家已有经验的同时,讨论了适合我国国情的期货期权交易合约。

    Aiming at current market situation and using the experiences from developed countries for reference , futures forward and option trading agreements suitable to China 's situation are drafted .

  16. 构建了期货期权价格的一般动态方程,再结合所给出的信用担保的期货期权定义,提出了信用担保风险定价微分方程。

    It constructs a general dynamic equation for the futures options pricing , and offers the risk pricing differential equation for Credit Guarantee according to the given futures options definition of Credit Guarantee .

  17. 借鉴国外期货期权风险管理的经验,探讨我国期货期权风险的管理,对日后推出期货期权具有重大的理论和实践意义。

    Referencing to the experience of risk management of the foreign option of futures and exploring the method of risk management of option of futures have a great theoretical and practical significance in implementing option of futures in China .

  18. 这是因为,liffe的欧洲同业拆借利率期货和期权、或是芝加哥商品交易所(chicagomercantileexchange)的欧洲美元期货等金融产品,是利润的来源。

    This is because financial products such as Euribor futures and options on LIFFE or Eurodollar Futures at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange are where the money is .

  19. 今年以来,芝加哥商品交易所(chicagomercantileexchange)未履行的生牛与生猪期货与期权合约已激增近三分之一。

    The number of outstanding contracts at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for live cattle and lean hogs futures and options both benchmark derivatives has jumped by nearly a third since the start of the year .

  20. 英国期货与期权协会(foa)行政总裁安东尼贝坎伯斯(anthonybelchambers)表示:“整个紧张就是安全与创新之间的对立。”

    Anthony belchambers , chief executive of the futures and Options Association , says : " this whole tension is between safety and innovation . "

  21. 为达成此目标,金融商品不断地推陈出新,尤其是衍生性商品,如期货、期权、人民币相关计价商品,REITs也是其中一项规划的产品。

    To achieve this goal , it continue to introduce new financial instruments , especially derivatives , such as futures , options , commodities denominated in RMB related , REITs are also one of the planning of the products .

  22. 交易所数据显示,对冲基金以及其他大型投机者累积了创纪录的北海布伦特(Brent)原油期货和期权合约,规模接近2.65亿桶石油,相当于近3天的全球石油需求。

    Exchange data show hedge funds and other large speculators have accumulated a record-breaking number of North Sea Brent futures and options contracts equal to almost 265m barrels of oil & the equivalent of almost three days of global oil demand .

  23. 看看华尔街就知道了,那里通过期货和期权赌油价上涨的投机头寸已达到3.23亿桶当量&是GluskinSheff经济学家戴维•罗森博格认为的正常值的4倍。

    Look no further than Wall Street , where speculative bets on rising oil prices via futures and options amount to the equivalent of 323 million barrels & four times what Gluskin Sheff economist David Rosenberg calls a normal level .

  24. 金融期货与期权市场监管制度初探

    On the Supervisory System of the Financial Futures and Options Market

  25. 期货与期权部分。

    On repurchase of B - share The futures and option .

  26. 吉隆坡期货和期权交易所的概念化?

    Conceptualisation of KLOFFE as an " Options and Futures Exchange " .

  27. 对策建议。期货与期权部分。

    Countermeasure and suggestion . The futures and option .

  28. 最后探讨两类衍生工具:远期与期货、期权。

    Lastly we discuss two kinds of derivative instrument , futures and options .

  29. 它把期货与期权同等对待,同时承认期权独有的特色。

    It treats futures and options uniformly while recognizing the unique features of options .

  30. 全球股指期货与期权市场的发展动向及启示

    Trends of Global Exchange - traded Stock Index Futures and Options Market and Its Implication