
  • 网络futures investment
  1. 期货投资的VaR模型及实证分析&以上海期铜15年历史数据为例

    VaR Models for Futures Investment : An Empirical Analysis Based on Last 15-year 's Historical Data of Copper Futures in Shanghai Futures Exchange

  2. 本次研究利用长时间的农产品期货投资实践及油厂现货购销工作经验,结合MBA的专业课程,对豆类期货套利交易实例策略进行分析及总结归纳。

    This essay is based on my long time research and practice on agriculture products futures investment and the edible oil products sales experience , along with learning on MBA course , gives the analysis and summary to beans futures arbitrage strategy .

  3. 同时,VaR方法本身在石油期货投资风险分析上也存在一定的局限性。

    But at the same time VaR itself has some deficiency in the risk analyses of oil future investment .

  4. 本文作者是美国凯斯勒投资顾问公司(kesslerinvestmentadvisors)首席执行官,该公司专注于美国国债和相关期货投资

    The writer is the CEO of Kessler investment advisors , Inc , which focuses on US Treasuries and related futures

  5. 论文应用连接函数对具体实际的期货投资组合VaR进行了计算研究,得到了不同资产收益分布下投资组合VaR的许多有价值的计算结果。

    In this paper , we compute the futures portfolio ' VaR by using copulas , and obtained a lot of valuable results under different distributions of assets return .

  6. 我国期货投资基金运作与监管模式研究

    On Operation Supervision Modes of Futures Investment Funds in China

  7. 愿意广泛结交对期货投资感兴趣的朋友。

    Be willing to make friends with future traders all over the world .

  8. 现阶段,发展我国期货投资基金的条件已经初步具备。

    At present , we have had the condition of developing our futures .

  9. 因此,对黄金期货投资的风险管理就变得更加重要了。

    Therefore , it is more important to manage the risk of gold investment .

  10. 中国亟待创建期货投资基金

    Futures investment funds : urgently founded in China

  11. 保证金对企业期货投资影响的研究

    Margin Effects on Firms ' Futures Investment

  12. 期货投资基金是期货业与基金业的一个结合点。

    The futures investing fund is an intersection of the futures industry and the fund industry .

  13. 目前,期货投资基金已成为全球发展最快的投资领域之一。

    Nowadays , the futures fund has become one the most developing investment scope in the world .

  14. 共同基金业的快速发展为期货投资基金的发展壮大创造了良好的外部条件。

    The fast developing of futures fund creat a good circumstance for the development of futures fund .

  15. 运用风险评估方法对期货投资风险、行业证券投资风险和储备风险进行实证分析。

    Risk assessment method was applied to demonstration analysis to futures investment risk , securities investment risk and deposition risk .

  16. 在期货投资领域,建立一套适合自己的分析操作体系显得尤为关键和重要。

    It is important for an investor to establish a suitable analysis and operation system in the futures investing field .

  17. 与其他形式的黄金投资相比,黄金期货投资是一种最具魅力的投资工具。

    Compared with other forms of gold investment , the investment of gold futures is the most charming investment instrument .

  18. 实证分析研究了郑州商品交易所农产品期货投资中最优资产分配和最优投资绩效问题。

    This method is used to optimize capital allocation and investment performance of agriculture future investments on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange .

  19. 力求对我国期货投资基金的培育和发展起到重要的借鉴作用。

    Make every effort to play an important reference arrives role to the cultivation and development of the futures investment funds in our country .

  20. 目前,我国已经具备了设立期货投资基金的基本条件,制约基金发展的约束条件正在或即将被突破,设立期货投资基金已是我国期货市场发展的必然选择。

    At present , China has all the necessities for future investment fund operation , and it is a must for its appearance in China 's market .

  21. 所以当前在网上打着所谓“期货投资咨询公司”名义招徕客户的,肯定不是合法公司。

    Hitting on the net currently so alleged " futures investment consults a company " name is catchpenny of the client , not be legal firm for certain .

  22. 同时指出资金需求量与交易成本(包括佣金和利息)会对企业的期货投资行为产生显著的影响,这种影响的显著性取决于投资者对风险的厌恶程度。

    This article also indicates capital requirement and exchange cost effects on firms ' futures investment behavior to be significant , depending on that persons ' degree of risk aversion .

  23. 因此,期货投资基金不仅是一种优良的投资工具,也能够有效地改善投资组合的绩效,这一点也已经被国外大量研究所证明。

    Then , future is not only a good invest tool , but also can make an asset portfolio run more effectively , and this is also proved by foreign research .

  24. 隐名投资作为一种法律现象,存在于各种经济领域之中,如房地产投资、公司股权投资、金融期货投资等。

    Abstracts : anonymous investment as a legal phenomenon exists in a variety of economic sectors , such as real estate investment , equity investment companies , financial futures and investment .

  25. 期货投资基金是一种以期货为投资对象的投资工具,既具有期货投资的特点,又具有基金投资的特点。

    Managed Futures is an investment instrument with futures contracts as the object . It has the characteristics of futures investment , but also has the characteristics of the Fund 's investments .

  26. 从我国目前投资界存在的问题以及期货投资基金对投资界的影响等方面出发,对我国发展期货投资基金的战略选择进行探讨。

    This paper addresses the problems of China 's investment , and the influence of the Managed Futures , then , discusses the strategic choice for our country 's Managed Futures development .

  27. 监管模式方面,在总结美国监管经验的基础上,结合我国证券投资基金监管的实践,详细探讨了我国期货投资基金监管的法律依据、监管的主体架构和监管的主要内容。

    As to the matter of supervision mode , the paper shed lights on the legal gist main structure and most important contents of future investment funds in China by theory and practice .

  28. 上海证券学院是我国第一所专门培养证券期货投资与管理人才的高等学府

    " Shanghai Securities and Futures College is China 's first institution of higher education , which aims exclusively at Bringing up investment and management specialists in the field of securities and futures "

  29. 靠卖空银行股为原油期货投资提供资金的对冲基金陷入了恶性的逼仓中,采用此项策略的基金数周内损失了逾40%的资金。

    Hedge funds that had funded investments in oil futures by selling short on bank shares were caught in a vicious squeeze , as this strategy lost more than 40 per cent in a matter of weeks .

  30. 从传统的套期保值理论到现代套期保值理论取得了很大的发展,其中ols模型是一种简单而有效的计算方法,把套期保值看作投资者选择现货和期货的投资组合来降低组合的风险。

    From traditionary hedge theory to modern hedge theory , we make prodigious progress , and ols model is a easy and effective method , by looking hedge as combination of goods and futures to reduce its risk .