
  • 网络Koda;Accumulator
  1. 在累计期权和雷曼(lehman)迷你债券等结构化产品上亏损的投资者,在香港街头抗议,指银行在风险方面误导了他们。

    Investors who lost money on structured products , such as accumulators and Lehman mini-bonds , protested on Hong Kong streets , alleging banks had misled them about the risks .

  2. 中信泰富起初是想通过购买累计期权合约来支付那些费用,并对冲澳元汇率走低产生的经营风险。

    Initially , the accumulators represented a way to finance those costs , while providing a cushion against a weakening of the Australian currency .

  3. 累计股票期权是一种让投资者承诺购买股票或外汇的结构性产品。

    Accumulators are structured products that commit investors to purchases of stocks or foreign currencies .