
  • 网络cumulative circle and causation;Cumulative causation theory;cumulative causation model
  1. 本文介绍了西方三种地区经济增长理论,即新古典理论、经济开放理论和累积因果理论。

    The thesis has introduced respectively three western theories of regional economic growth : the neo classical theory , the economy open theory and the cumulative cause and effect theory .

  2. 它的理论基础包括:循环累积因果理论、旅游地生命周期理论、收入分配理论、乘数理论、信息不对称理论和可持续发展理论等。

    Its basic theories are these : theory of circle cumulate cause and effect , theory of tourist destination lifecycle , theory of income and distribution , theory of multiplier , theory of information asymmetry and theory of sustainable development etc.

  3. 本文认为:作为西方地区不平衡发展理论的两种重要观点,增长极理论和累积性因果循环理论实际上都是对平衡发展主张的否定;

    Abstract There are two major ideas in the theories of unbalanced regional development : the theory of development poles and the theory of circulation of accumulative causal relationship . These two points are actually denial of balanced development .