
ɡuó jiā tǒnɡ jì jú
  • National Bureau of Statistics;State Statistical Bureau
  1. 而据国家统计局的测算,农民每增加一元的消费支出,将给我国的国民经济带来两元的消费需求。

    Per State Statistical Bureau , every 1 yuan of rural consumption will bring 2-yuan consuming demand of domestic economy .

  2. 首先对ICT的作用、影响以及在经济发展中的地位进行了概述,根据国家统计局的规定对ICT进行了界定。

    Firstly , the paper summarizes the influence of ICT and its role in the economic development . And then , ICT is defined according to the rule of the State Statistical Bureau .

  3. 国家统计局可以轻松提供出更有用的数据,但他们没这么做。

    The bureau could easily present their data in more useful ways , but they have chosen not to .

  4. 国家统计局公布的数据显示,2020年2月份,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨5.2%。

    China 's consumer price index ( CPI ) grew 5.2 percent year on year in February , the National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) said .

  5. 国家统计局1月18日公布的数据显示,2020年我国国内生产总值(GDP)首次突破100万亿元,比上年增长2.3%。中国成为全球唯一实现经济正增长的主要经济体。

    China 's gross domestic product ( GDP ) expanded 2.3 percent year on year last year , exceeding the 100-trillion-yuan threshold for the first time , official data of the National Bureau of Statistics showed on January 18 . That makes China the only major economy to post growth in 2020 .

  6. 英国国家统计局表示,人口出生率下降被人口老龄化现象夸大。

    The Office for National Statistics says falling fertility rates have been exaggerated by an ageing population .

  7. 国家统计局表示,增幅较高,主要是受去年上半年低基数影响。

    The higher growth rate was mainly affected by the low base in the first half of last year .

  8. 英国国家统计局的数据显示,在英国,痴呆症是仅次于心脏病的第二大杀手。

    Dementia is the second biggest killer5 in the UK behind heart disease , according to the UK Government agency , the Office for National Statistics .

  9. 国家统计局1月18日表示,2020年,我国经济增长2.3%,经济社会发展主要目标任务完成情况好于预期。

    China 's economy grew by 2.3 percent in 2020 , with major economic targets achieving better-than-expected results , the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday .

  10. 国家统计局表示,2020年全年国内生产总值达到101.59万亿元,突破100万亿元大关。

    The country 's annual GDP came in at 101.59 trillion yuan ( $ 15.68 trillion ) in 2020 , surpassing the 100 trillion yuan threshold , the NBS said .

  11. 据国家统计局最新发布的数据,截至2015年末,16周岁以上至60周岁以下(不含60周岁)的劳动年龄人口比上年末减少487万人。

    By the end of 2015 , defined as people between 16 to 60 , the working-age population fell by a record 4.87 million , according to the National Bureau of Statistics .

  12. 国家统计局2020年上半年民意调查显示,95.1%的群众对专项斗争成效表示“满意”或“比较满意”。

    According to a poll conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics in the first half of 2020 , 95.1 percent of the Chinese people are satisfied or partly satisfied with the results of the country 's special campaign .

  13. 韩国国家统计局最新报告显示,一半以上30至40岁的未婚成年人以及44%的40至44岁的未婚成年人仍然和父母住在一起。

    According to a recent report from South Korea 's national statistics office , more than 50 percent of unmarried adults between the ages of 30 and 40 , and 44 percent of those between 40 and 44 , still live with their parents .

  14. 中国国家统计局(nationalbureauofstatistics)昨日公布的数据将加剧人们的担忧,即中国某些经济领域面临过热风险。

    The National Bureau of statistics data will aggravate concerns some sectors of the Chinese economy risk over-heating .

  15. 英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)表示,今年第一季度,英国失业人口增加逾200万,这是1997年以来的首次。

    Unemployment rose above 2m in the first quarter for the first time since 1997 the office for National Statistics said .

  16. 这是因为在CD播放机非常稀缺时,国家统计局没有搜集CD的价格。

    That is because when CD players were scarce , the ONS did not collect CD prices .

  17. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)最近发布的数据显示,英国家庭主夫的数量在过去20年增加了一倍。

    Figures released recently by the Office for National Statistics show that the number of stay-at-home fathers has doubled in the past 20 years .

  18. 中国国家统计局数据显示,上半年GDP增长近四分之三由消费贡献。

    Consumption accounted for nearly three quarters of the first half 's GDP growth , according to the NBS .

  19. 不过,英国国家统计局(officeofnationalstatistics)的最新数据显示,由于内向移民数量继续维持在高位,加之新生人口数量上升,英国总人口继续强劲增长。

    However , the latest figures from the office for National Statistics said the total population continued to grow strongly as immigration remained high and the number of births increased .

  20. 上周二,国家统计局将发布第三季度中国的国内生产总值(GDP)的估计。

    On Tuesday , the National Bureau of Statistics will release its estimate of China 's gross domestic product for the third quarter .

  21. 中国经济景气监测中心是中国国家统计局(BS)一个附属机构。

    CEMAC is an affiliate of the National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) .

  22. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)昨日承认统计有误,这大大减少了人们对英国经济出现通胀的担忧,降低了再次加息的可能性。

    The Office for National Statistics yesterday admitted to an error , which dramatically reduced the worry over inflation in the economy and makes a further interest rate rise less likely .

  23. 国家统计局数据显示,山东和安徽的上半年GDP增速与一季度持平。

    East China 's Shandong and Anhui provinces saw their H1 GDP growth rate unchanged from the first quarter , the NBS data showed .

  24. 中国国家统计局(NationalBureauofStatistics)表示,今年头10个月,中国房地产开发投资额增加31.4%,达2530亿美元。

    China 's real estate development investment grew 31.4 per cent in the first 10 months of the year to $ 253bn , says the National Bureau of Statistics .

  25. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)的最新数据显示,截至8月底的3个月,英国失业率上升0.5%,至5.7%。

    The latest data from the Office for National Statistics showed a 0.5 per cent rise in unemployment , to 5.7 per cent , for the three months to the end of August .

  26. 但中国国家统计局(nationalbureauofstatistics)的数据显示,人均年收入仍低得可怜,仅为190美元,在全球排名第175位。

    But annual income per capita was still pitifully low at $ 190 , making it , according to the National Bureau of statistics , 175th in the global pecking order .

  27. 从积极的方面说,英国国家统计局创造了国民福祉互动指标轮(NationalWell-BeingInteractiveWheelofMeasures)&这是一个图解,可以让你查看大量明显杂乱无章的统计数据。

    On the plus side ,  the   ONS has created the National Well-Being Interactive Wheel of Measures , an animation that allows you to view lots of apparently arbitrary statistics .

  28. 同样在最近,英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)发布了英国各地个人福祉排行榜。该排行榜的依据是对16.5万人的生活满意度调查。

    Also this week , the Office for National Statistics published its geographical league table of personal wellbeing in the UK , compiled by quizzing 165000 people on how satisfied they are with life .

  29. 根据路透社(Reuters)对中国国家统计局(NationalBureauofStatistics)发布的数据所作分析,与去年9月份相比,房价总体下跌了1.3%。

    The overall price decline was 1.3 per cent compared to last September , according to a Reuters analysis of the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics .

  30. 英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)公布,英国第一季度国内生产总值(gdp)环比下降2.4%,明显大于最初计算的1.9%。

    The office for national statistics reported a decline in gross domestic product of 2.4 per cent compared with the previous quarter , significantly sharper than the 1.9 per cent it initially calculated .