
  1. 国外银行贷款定价方法主要有成本相加法、价格领导法、客户盈利性分析法等三种模式。

    Cost-plus Loan Pricing , Price Leadership , and Customer Profitability Analysis are the three main methods of loan pricing in foreign banks .

  2. 第四章介绍了国外银行小额贷款法律制度以及对我国的启示。

    Chapter ⅳ introduces the legal system of microfinance in the banks of foreign countries and its enlightenment to China .

  3. 再次,借鉴《巴塞尔新资本协议》、国际个人贷款业务风险管理模式及国外银行个人贷款业务风险管理经验。

    And then , we will take adduction of the new Basel Capital Agreement , international risk management model of individual loans and its management experience at home and abroad .

  4. 具体地,本文就一国外银行的贷款组合实例进行实证测算和分析研究,并对两个模型计算所得结果做了比较。

    Concretely , take a portfolio of foreign bank loan for an example , the paper uses the VaR method to measure its credit risk empirically , and compare the results with each other .

  5. 本文通过对国外银行业贷款呆帐准备金制度的系统考察与比较,提出了改革和完善我国银行业呆帐准备金制度的对策思考和政策建议。

    In this paper , the author deeply studies the bad debt provision system in foreign banks , and puts forward some countermeasures and proposals to improve the bad debt provision system in our banks .

  6. 文章从信贷风险的含义和特征入手,指出我国银行对风险贷款分类不同于国外银行风险贷款的分类,进而得出我国银行防范和化解银行信贷风险,主要是降低或控制不良贷款。

    By starting from the meaning and the characters of the credit risk , we can know our bank loan classification is different from foreign banks . Correspondingly , the thesis points out that our work is mainly to reduce and control Non-performing loan .

  7. 约40家国外银行占越南贷款总额的不到15%,获准在越南注册,将使汇丰和渣打在扩大其分支机构网络和产品推出方面领先于外国竞争对手。

    Some 40 foreign banks account for less than 15 per cent of total lending in Vietnam and local incorporation will give HSBC and standard chartered a head start on foreign rivals to expand their branch networks and product offerings .

  8. 国外商业银行解决不良贷款的基本方法

    Basic methods for foreign banks to deal with bad loans

  9. 本文首先简要论述了商业银行贷款定价的基本原理和原则,分析了影响贷款定价的主要因素,并对国外商业银行传统的贷款定价三大模式进行了介绍和评述。

    Firstly , this paper gave a brevity discussion on the principle and the fundamentals of loan pricing and analyzed the major factors that influence the pricing . Then it introduced and made comment on three major traditional loan pricing model of foreign commercial banks .