
  • 网络Domestic bank loans;loans to domestic banks
  1. 从投资的资金来源看,企业自筹资金占82.1%,其余部分为国内银行贷款和外资等。

    The82.1 % finance resource came from enterprise itself , and the rest came from domestic banks and foreign fund , etc.

  2. 而在过去的公路建设筹资管理工作中又集中反映出:河北省的公路建设资金来源过于依赖国内银行贷款,公路投融资体制缺乏创新。

    But in the management of raising funds of past road construction is reflecting on : The road construction capital source of Hebei overly relies on the domestic bank loan , highway investment and financing system lack of innovation .

  3. 本章介绍了传统的贷款定价模式及各自的优缺点和适用性,并指出国内银行贷款定价的现状和不足之处,举例说明了引入经济资本进行贷款定价的好处;

    This chapter introduces traditional loan pricing patterns and its own characteristic and applicability , points out the present condition and the weak points of domestic loan pricing , and gives an example to show the advantage by using economic capital .

  4. 在近几年,项目贷款在我国获得迅速发展,并已经成为国内银行新增贷款最主要的领域。

    In recent years , the project loans were developed rapidly in China and have become the most important areas of new bank loans .

  5. 刘铁男的儿子涉嫌多次收受倪日涛的巨额汇款,而刘铁男则帮助倪日涛从国内银行获得贷款。

    His son alledgedly received large amounts of money from Ni many times , and as a reward , Liu Tienan helped Ni Ritao get loans from domestic banks .

  6. 目前我国高速公路建设项目的债务资金来源比较单一,主要来源于国内外银行贷款,同时还存在债务比例偏大和债务期限偏长等不合理状况。

    At present the debt financing source of expressway construction projects is more onefold , mainly from domestic and foreign bank loans , meanwhile , the debt proportion is relatively large , the debt deadline is relatively long .

  7. 依靠国内外银行贷款的间接融资方式筹集资金建设项目,势必会造成电力生产企业负债比例过高,增加电力企业负担,银行资产也很有可能形成不良资产。

    If we raise money to build projects completely by loans from internal and external banks , which must cause power plant 's high debt proportion and increase power plant 's burden , and that may cause bank 's assets become bad assets .

  8. 近年来国内外银行关联贷款的风险日渐明显。

    In recent years , the connected loan risk of the domestic and foreign banks has become increasingly prominent .

  9. 第二十八条:本公司在生产经营过程中,短期的周转资金不足部份,可向国内外银行申请贷款解决。

    Article twenty eight : in the company 's operation , in case the shortage of short-term working capital , it may apply for loan to the domestic and international banks .

  10. 不过,爱尔兰随后出台了非常严厉的计划来解决债务,包括大幅削减公共部门工资,以及解决国内银行的不良贷款问题。迄今,爱尔兰击败了市场末日论者的预言。

    Yet , thus far , Ireland has confounded the market doomsters by embarking on a draconian programme to tackle the debt , which includes large public sector pay cuts , and resolve the bad loan problems at its banks .

  11. 巴塞尔新资本协议的出台以及利率市场化的逐步实施,实际上对国内商业银行的贷款定价提出了更高的要求,国内商业银行将面临贷款自主与合理定价的重要课题。

    Banks have to face the independent and reasonable pricing after Basel II and interest rate liberalization . In this thesis , the loan pricing of domestic state-owned commercial banks is studied based on the principles and requirements of Basel II .

  12. 某外资房地产开发商的一位高管表示,新规定不会产生多大影响,因为外资企业从中国国内银行获得的贷款不得超过项目投资的50%,这意味着它们已从其它渠道筹措了另一半资金。

    One executive at a foreign developer said the new rule changed little as overseas companies were unable to borrow more than 50 per cent of the funds from local banks for an investment in China , which meant they were already providing half of the funds from other sources .

  13. 因此,国内银行对住房按揭贷款的市场竞争非常激烈。

    Therefore , the domestic banks for housing mortgage loans in a very competitive market .

  14. 并对国内外的商业银行贷款定价方法进行比较研究。

    Next , author carry out a comparative study of load pricing of domestic and foreign commercial banks .

  15. 国内商业银行在打包贷款的操作上虽然存在一些分歧,但在定性上是基本一致。

    Although they differ in the operation strategy of packing financing , domestic commercial banks basically share the same definition .

  16. 对建设银行及中国银行的中小企业贷款状况的研究、以及对国内商业银行中小企业贷款效率的实证分析验证了这一观点。

    The empirical analysis of the SME loans of the Construction Bank and Bank of China proves that the efficiency of the state-owned commercial banks is much higher than most small and medium-sized commercial banks .

  17. 对国内商业银行个人住房贷款风险及防范进行研究,目的是加深对个人住房贷款风险的认知,加强对个人住房贷款风险的防范。

    Study on risk and prevention of individual housing loans of domestic commercial banks , the aim is understood deeply about risk of individual housing loans , it is intensive on risk prevention of the domestic commercial bank individual housing loans .