
zhǐ dǎo xìng jì huà
  • guidance plans;guiding plan
指导性计划[zhǐ dǎo xìng jì huà]
  1. 在推行社会主义市场经济条件下,铁路运输也必需引入市场经济,具体表现形式为:指令性计划、指导性计划和市场调节内部的计划性和市场性的有机结合。

    Under socialist market economy , railway transport also needs to enter the market , which means ' the organic combination of instructive plan , guiding plan , market-adjusted plan , and market .

  2. 用活经济杠杆,把指导性计划落到实处

    Utilizing Economic Levers Flexibly to Carry out Directive Plan

  3. 社会主义市场经济中的指导性计划调控

    On the indirect planning regulation in socialist market economy

  4. 指导性计划经济的简化模型

    A Simplified Model of Guiding Planned Economy

  5. 从1985年起,外经贸部不再编制、下达外贸收购计划和调拨计划,注意发挥市场调节的作用,扩大指导性计划的范围,缩小指令性性计划。

    Since 1985 , the Ministry of Foreign Trade was no longer made acquisition plan and allocation of plan , expanded the scope of the guidance scheme , and reduced the mandatory scheme .

  6. 本文认为,社会主义市场经济的发展,要求国家对经济活动的管理,由指令性计划为主的直接控制更多地转向以指导性计划为主的间接调控。

    AbstractThis paper argues that , socialist market economic developemnt demands that the government 's direct economic management , as the main measure is direct plan , should be transferred into indirect regulation , which mainstay is indirect plan .

  7. 这一时期,大学生分配也经历了从指导性计划分配到一定范围内的‘双向选择’的转变。

    During this period , the job allocation of college students also changed , from " allocation under guidance in a planned way " to "' two - way selection between employers and employees ' within a certain limit " .

  8. 修改后的STCW公约与实施指导性教学计划的探讨

    A Study of the Revised STCW Convention and the Implementation of the Directory Teaching Plan

  9. 学分制指导性培养计划制定中几个关键问题的探讨

    Some Discussions on Several Key Problems in Making the Guiding Credit System - based Training Plan

  10. 教学设计最直接的功能是为教师实施教学提供一个指导性的计划。

    The basic function of teaching plan is to provide a guidance plan directly for teachers to fulfill their teaching tasks .

  11. 指导性经济计划和产业政策在战后日本经济的恢复和高速增长中发挥了重要的作用。

    Instructional economic plans and industrial policies played an important role in the process of Japan 's economic recovery and high speed growth after the war .

  12. 高职院校实施学分制,要根据学生志趣特点、职业规划和从业切入点的不同,设计出合理的具有弹性的指导性教学计划和课程体系;

    Flexible and directive curriculum and course system should be designed reasonably on the base of students ' interest , career plan and employment situation if credit hour system is adopted in vocational colleges .

  13. 第四部分,创造性思维教学评价,介绍了评价的客观性、发展性、指导性与计划性原则、评价类型及观察法、测验法、调查法等评价方法,最后以评价应注意的事项作结。

    Part Four has introduced teaching and learning assessment of creative thinking , focusing on an objective , developmental , instructive , and planning-centered principle , assessment types , such assessment methods as observation , measurement , and investigation as well as specifications and directions in the assessment .

  14. 摘要学分制相对学年制而言,有其诸多的优越性,如自主选课给学生提供有利于自主学习和个性发展的自由空间,学习时限的灵活性、培养过程的指导性和培养计划的开放性等。

    The credit system , compared with the academic year system , has quite a lot of advantages , for instance , choosing classes freely gives students more opportunities to develop diameter , unlimitness of time for study , guide the process and the opening of plan .