
zhǐ nán zhēn
  • compass;guide
指南针 [zhǐ nán zhēn]
  • (1) [compass]∶利用磁针制成的指示方向的仪器,磁针的一端总是指着南方

  • (2) [guide]∶比喻辩别方向的依据

指南针[zhǐ nán zhēn]
  1. 我们没有卫星导航系统,因此使用了传统的地图加指南针。

    We didn 't have satnav , so the traditional map and compass took over .

  2. 我们不得不依靠指南针和不错的运气找到这儿来。

    We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here .

  3. 在森林中没有指南针是容易迷失方向的。

    Without a compass , it is easy to lose one 's bearings in the woods .

  4. 其次,在包里带上地图、指南针和手电筒。

    Second , pack a map , a compass , and a flashlight in your bag .

  5. 到了营地,我们被分成几个小组,配备了一个帐篷、一些食物、一张地图和一个指南针。

    Arriving at the campsite , we were divided into groups and given a tent , some food , a map and a compass .

  6. 由于担心李先生生我们的气,我们进行下一个任务时非常努力——那就是用地图和指南针寻找一个秘密地点。

    Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us , we tried very hard on our next task --- using the map and compass to find a secret location .

  7. 带上你的地图和指南针。

    Take your map and compass with you .

  8. 敬告:这不是专业的导航设备,所以,如果你在户外,请使用真正的指南针或GPS。

    Disclaimer : This is not a real navigation device , use real compass or GPS when going outdoors .

  9. 通过智能手机的GPS、指南针和气压计,该应用能远程确定某人的位置。

    Taking advantage of a smart phone 's GPS , compass and barometer , the app can determine the location of a person remotely .

  10. 之后,结合安卓应用中GPS定位的理论和算法,设计和实现AndroidGPS测试仪程序和指南针程序。

    Android application of GPS positioning theory and algorithms , combined with design and to achieve Android GPS test procedures and compass program .

  11. 本系统采用专用的磁场传感器结合高速微控制器(MCU)的电子指南针能有效解决这些问题。

    Using a dedicated high-speed magnetic sensors with microcontroller ( MCU ) electronic compass can effectively solve these problems .

  12. GPS和指南针的资料将用来计算并显示方位、距离、高程(方向)的准确性有些米你衣领。

    The GPS and compass information will be used to calculate and display azimuth and elevation ( direction ) and the distance with an accuracy of some meters to your collar .

  13. 整个电路设计中包括有MCU最小系统设计,人机接口设计,系统电源设计,音频信号处理电路设计,频率合成电路设计及附加的指南针功能电路设计等。

    There are minimum MCU system , MMI blocks , system power supply block , audio processing block , frequency synthesized block and electronic compass .

  14. 在警方总部和让Judy遵循自己道德指南针有关的唯一的人是她自己。

    The only person in police headquarters interested in allowing Judy to follow her moral compass was Judy .

  15. 然后基于网络指南针搜索引擎运行过程中得到的数据,从多个角度分析了全球IPv6网络的发展,包括站点的分布、规模、类型等;

    Secondly using data from compass SE , it analyzes varies aspect of global IPv6 network increasing behavior , including IPv6 sites distribution , magnitude and dynamic change .

  16. 本文首先介绍了IPv6搜索引擎发展的国内外背景、网络指南针IPv6搜索引擎的主要技术特点和实现;

    Firstly this paper provided background of IPv6 search engine ( SE ) development , with the introduction of main technology character and developing process of compass IPv6 SE .

  17. 加速计,指南针,喇叭麦克风,iPad整体系统中加入了30个小应用。

    And the usual suspects : accelerometer , compass , speaker microphone , it 's got a 30 pin collector so plugs into whole equal system of iPod accessories .

  18. 第二次世界大战让德国失去了道德指南针,格拉斯、海因里希·伯尔(HeinrichBöll)和齐格飞·蓝茨(SiegfriedLenz)等作家拿出了它。

    World War II left Germany without a moral compass ; writers like Mr. Grass , Heinrich B ö ll and Siegfried Lenz provided it .

  19. 专家称2020年之前,将不会有任何新的有关卫星导航系统的发展,当然除了伽利略,Glonass和中国的指南针系统。

    Experts say that by2020 , there won 't be any new development of satellite navigation systems except GPS , Galileo , GLONASS and China 's Compass .

  20. SanctusStones有适合各行各业的“可佩戴的能量”,其作为视觉提示物和心灵的指南针引导着我们一生的旅程。

    Sanctus Stones range of Wearable Energies caters for all walks of life , and act as a visual reminder and compass for our mind by guiding us on our individual journeys .

  21. 第二次世界大战让德国失去了道德指南针,格拉斯、海因里希·伯尔(HeinrichB&246;ll)和齐格飞·蓝茨(SiegfriedLenz)等作家拿出了它。

    World War II left Germany without a moral compass ; writers like Mr. Grass , Heinrich B & # 246 ; ll and Siegfried Lenz provided it .

  22. VideoJug这段视频将教给你怎样在没有指南针的情况下轻松找到正确的方向。只要使用普通的指针式手表和恰当的生存技能就可以了。

    This VideoJug clip will explain how to easily find north without a compass , just using an ordinary analog wristwatch and these survival tips .

  23. 它叫Wayfinding,它有4个动态装置,像一个指南针。

    The piece is called Wayfinding , and it 's set up as a symbolic compass that has four kinetic sculptures .

  24. 基于磁感传感器SEN-S的电子指南针系统

    Electronic Compass Based on Magneto-Inductive Sensor SEN-S

  25. BabyCenter说,父母们列出最多的理由是,如今的世界是一个更加自由宽松的地方,他们想给孩子提供一个更强大的道德指南针,来引导孩子。

    Among the reasons cited most often by parents , BabyCenter says , is that'the world is a more free-wheeling place , and they want to give their kids a stronger moral compass to guide them . '

  26. 在北极为什么不需要指南针?

    Because the compass donn 't face to south at there .

  27. 指南针上的磁针显示我们处在朝南的位置

    The needle of the compass shows that we are facing south

  28. 看到指南针我一直在想“水手”

    And with the compass I kept thinking " sailor . "

  29. 识别地图上指南针的特征。

    Recognizing the distinguishing features of a map 's compass rose .

  30. 他们有道德的指南针,他们都是有道德的人。

    They had a moral compass ; they were ethical people .