
zào zhǐ shù
  • papermaking technology
造纸术[zào zhǐ shù]
  1. 造纸术很久以前从中国传入欧洲。

    Paper-making technique was introduced into Europe from China long ago .

  2. 追溯世界范围内造纸术的发展与传播。

    Trace the development and spread of papermaking throughout the world .

  3. 造纸术起源于中国。

    The invention of the papermaking is referred to china .

  4. 早在1800年前我国就发明了造纸术。

    The art of paper-making was discovered as early as1800 years ago .

  5. 造纸术和印刷术是图书馆发展史上的第一次飞跃;

    Techniques of papar-making and printing were the first leap in library development .

  6. 造纸术的发明是一个渐进过程,不是一种突发现象。

    The invention of papermaking is a progressive process , not an abrupt phenomenon .

  7. 从造纸术摇篮到造纸工业现代化(英文)

    From the Cradle of the Art of Papermaking to a Modernized Paper Industry ;

  8. 造纸术开始于中国,随后传入北非和欧洲。

    Papermaking began in China and from here it spread to North Africa and Europe .

  9. 造纸术是中国古代“四大发明”之一。

    Papermaking is considered to be one of the four great inventions of anaent China .

  10. 难堪的中国造纸术

    Embarrassed Chinese Papermaking Technique

  11. 钱存训继续描述了造纸术与印刷术在日本的类似发展史。

    Tsien goes on to describe the analogous history of the development of paper and printing in Japan .

  12. 剪纸是中国的传统艺术,它从整个漫长的造纸术历史中逐渐发展而来。

    Paper cutting is a traditional art in China which has gradually developed throughout the long history of paper .

  13. 计算机与网络是继造纸术和印刷术发明以来,人类关于信息存储与传播的又一个伟大创造。

    Computer and Internet are another creations about information storage and dissemination since the invention of paper-making and printing .

  14. 但从中国大多数厕纸之薄来看,你怎么也不会想到这是发明造纸术的国度。

    But judging by the flimsiness of ( much of ) Chinese toilet paper , you 'd never think so .

  15. 中国古代造纸术与印刷术的发明,为世界科技传播奠定了坚实的基础。

    The invention of china ancient art of papermaking and printing laid solid foundations for spread of world 's science and technology .

  16. 造纸术是中国古代的四大发明之一,是人类文明史上的重要成果。

    Paper making is one of the four great inventions of China and important achievement in the human civilization history as well .

  17. 造纸术可以追溯到大约公元105年的中国,被认为是中国古代四大发明之一。

    Papermaking has traditionally been traced to China about 105 AD and is considered one of the country 's four great inventions .

  18. 造纸术、高型家具的推广应用,为楷书的发展提供了必要的物质技术支持。

    For instance , the popularization of paper making technology and high-model furniture provides the material technology for the formation of Kaishu .

  19. 蔡伦,是中国古代造纸术的发明者、享誉世界的科技文化名人。

    Cai Lun was the inventor of papermaking in ancient China and a famous person of science and technology culture in the world .

  20. 杰出的太监名单中还包括蔡伦(60-121),作为造纸术的发明者备受尊敬。

    The list of luminary eunuchs also includes Cai Lun ( 60-121 ), who is revered in China as the inventor of paper .

  21. 他发明的造纸术作为中国“四大发明”之一,影响了世界的文明进程。

    The paper making he invented was one of the " four great inventions of China " and affected the course of world civilization .

  22. 出版业的发展离不开技术的进步,造纸术、印刷术、激光照排技术都曾经对出版业产生了深远的影响。

    Publishing can not develop without technological progress . Papermaking , printing and the laser photo typesetting technologies had profound effect on the publishing .

  23. 本文论述了自汉代发明造纸术以来,我国造纸业的分布及其变迁。

    Papermaking technique was invented in the Han Dynasty (" Caihou Paper " was made in105 A.D. ) and originated in the Huanghe River basin .

  24. 中国的造纸术于隋末唐初传到朝鲜和日本,后来又传到阿拉伯地区和其他国家。

    The technology spread to Korea and . lapan in the late Sui and early Tang Dy-nasties , and later to Arabia and other countries .

  25. 因此,我们有理由认为西汉时期就发明了造纸术,而东汉的蔡伦改进了这一技术。

    So it is reasonable to believe that paper was invented in the Western Han and was improved by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han .

  26. 造纸术(公元105年)造纸术可以追溯到大约公元105年的中国,被认为是中国古代四大发明之一。

    Paper ( 105 AD ) Papermaking has traditionally been traced to China about 105 AD and is considered one of the country 's four great inventions .

  27. 中国纸业上市公司经营绩效分化的实证研究&以沪市造纸业上市公司为例从造纸术摇篮到造纸工业现代化(英文)

    Empirical Analysis on Performance Differentiation of Listed Companies in Pulp and Paper Industry of China From the Cradle of the Art of Papermaking to a Modernized Paper Industry ;

  28. 剪纸艺术最早可追溯到南北时期,与中国的造纸术同时出现,至今仍兴盛于中国大江南北。

    The art of paper-cut may be traced back to a period as early as the tine of discovery of Chinese paper making and is still prosperous across across China .

  29. 印刷术是中国古代的重要发明之一,和造纸术一样,对于促进文化的发展有着深远的影响。

    Printing is one of the important inventions in ancient China , and as same as the papermaking , that having a profound impact to promote the development of culture .

  30. 在造纸术发明以前,人们把字刻写在龟甲、兽骨、竹片、木片和绢帛上。

    Before the papermaking technology was invented , peo-ple caNed or wrote Chinese characters on tortoise shells , animal bones , bamboo slices , wooden plates , and thin tough silks .