
zào shān yùn dònɡ
  • orogeny;orogenic movement
造山运动 [zào shān yùn dòng]
  • [orogeny] 山岳形成的过程,尤指由地壳褶皱作用所引起的;又指在时间和空间上紧密联系的连续造山运动

  1. 喜马拉雅山的造山运动。

    The Himalayan orogenic movement ;

  2. 印支期地壳以南北向挤压作用为主,是一次强烈褶皱造山运动,并伴随有强烈的岩浆活动。

    Indosinian movement was a strong pressed folding orogenic movement in company with magma activity , which was dominated by N-S direction compression .

  3. 深部硬岩岩爆预测的FDA模型及其应用非造山运动深成岩体

    Fisher discriminant analysis model of rock burst prediction and its application in deep hard rock engineering

  4. 在华力西期造山运动(M1)中,古生代岩石受到了低级变质作用(绿泥石带)。

    Paleozoic rocks were affected by low-grade metamorphism ( chlorite zone ) during Variscan orogeny ( M1 ) .

  5. 这一构造系统形成于前震旦纪,可能与格林威尔(Grenville)造山运动相当。

    This structural system was formed in the pre - Sinian , probably related to the Grenville orogenic event .

  6. 中新世,燕山造山运动减弱,导致马更些湾和阿卡帕克(Akpak)阶海侵沉积,该时期为扩散被动大陆边缘盆地。

    Middle Miocene , Yanshan orogeny weakened , resulting in the Mackenzie Bay and Acre Parker ( Akpak ), order transgressive deposition , and the period for the diffusion of a passive continental margin basins .

  7. 造山运动对变质流体及深部有机质演化的控制

    Control of orogeny on metamorphic fluid and deep organic matter evolution

  8. 造山运动是地壳演化活动阶段的反映。

    Orogeny stands for mobile stages in the evolution of the crust .

  9. 这个时期是全面的上升和造山运动。

    The period was one of general emergence and orogeny .

  10. 中生代时期大别山的造山运动和造山带构造

    Orogeny and orogen structure of Dabie Mountain in Mesozoic

  11. 竞时自动计圈及计时系统研究设计论造山运动的时间特征

    The Development of Automatic Circle - counting and Timing System Used in Sports

  12. 论造山运动的时间特征双机绕线转子三相异步电动机及其串级调速系统

    Double-Winding Rotor 3-Phase Asynchronous Motor And Cascade Timing System

  13. 论造山运动的时间特征

    Logic and Movement ON TIMING OF OROGENY

  14. 后期造山运动形成的反逆冲滑覆聚矿构造为成矿提供了有利聚集空间;

    The reverse thrusting structure formed in the orogeny provides the ore - hosting space .

  15. 大陆褶皱造山运动的星地碰撞成因

    Continental Folding Orogenesis from the Perspective of Collision Dynamics of a Celestial Body with the Earth

  16. 中国新生代准造山运动

    Cenozoic Para-Orogenic Movement in China

  17. 涂铁改性火山岩去除矿井水中铁锰离子试验非造山运动深成岩体

    Experiment on Removal of Iron and Manganese Ion from Mine Water with Iron Coated Modified Volcanic Rock

  18. 第一亚旋回末期的造山运动称为喜山运动。

    The first , covering the time from late Cretaceous toPaleogene , is called the Himalayan Movement .

  19. 其后叠加了3次轻微的继承性造山运动,形成现代褶皱形态。

    Then it was overlapped by three times of slight inherited folding to form the modern fold morphology .

  20. 该区经历了多期造山运动和岩浆热事件,遭受了多期的抬升、走滑和变形作用。

    The area has undergone multi-phased tectonic events including deformation , magmatism , tectonic uplift and strike-slip movement .

  21. 牙形石的绝灭由集群绝灭,气候干燥炎热、造山运动强烈等因素造成。

    The extinction of conodont results from the colony extinction , dry and hot weather , and moutain-making movements etc.

  22. 与造山运动共生的许多超基性岩体沿着走向断层出露,表现出假的整合关系。

    Many ultrabasic bodies in the orogenic association occur along strike faults , which gives a simulated concordant relationship .

  23. 它们与全球性的格林威尔造山运动属同一事件范畴,但具有明显的穿时性。

    They had the characteristics of diachronism , but still belong to the same event scope of global Grenville orogeny .

  24. 基底与盖层之间的高角度不整合界面,系武陵造山运动的记录。武陵运动与华北地台的吕梁运动相当。

    The unconformity between the basement and the cover is the record of Wuling orogeny equal to Luliang orogeny of Huabei platform .

  25. 造山运动发展阶段性主要表现为主逆冲断裂带的转换和变形速率的变化。

    The stage-by-stage development of orogeny is mainly marked by the transformation of the main thrust zone and change of the deformation rate .

  26. 然后一个板块潜到下面,在上面的那个板块的边缘起皱了,在此起皱的时候就有了造山运动。

    Then one dives under and the very edge of the plate riding on top is rumpled , mountains building by this rumpling .

  27. 造山运动末期,发育浅层次韧脆性开阔褶皱、区域性同斜倒转褶皱及逆冲断层。

    In the ending stage of orogeny , upper level ductile - brittle broad fold , regional homoclinal - overturned fold and brittle obduction occured .

  28. 中国的金矿成矿作用主要发生在这四次造山运动的晚期,特别燕山运动的晚期。

    Gold deposits in China were formed in the late period of the four orogenic movements , especially in the late period of Yanshanian Orogeny .

  29. 伏牛山花岗岩地貌景观表现出与造山运动的亲缘关系和构造发展阶段的专属性,显示出构造花岗岩带地貌景观的多样性特征。

    We can conclude that Funiushan granite landscapes show their relationships with orogeny and specificity in tectonic development and the tectonic granite belt landscapes have diversity .

  30. 广西泥盆纪沉积盆地大地构造演化大致经历了3个主要阶段:1.加里东造山运动与盆地基地的形成阶段。

    The tectonic evolution of Guangxi 's sedimentary basins had approximately gone through three major phases : 1 . Caledonian orogeny and basins ' base formation phase .