
  • 网络orogeny;orogenics;orogenesis
  1. 它们在高亚洲隆升和年青造山作用(Mountian-building)方面具有独特的动力学作用。

    They have played a special dynamic role in the uplift and young orogeny of High Asia .

  2. 造山作用的两大类型与成因差异

    Two types of orogeny and their differences of origin

  3. 所得PTl轨迹显示造山作用的递进演变过程。

    The PTl trace indicates the gradual evolution process of orogenesis .

  4. 三叠纪为板内造山作用阶段,济阳坳陷曾为五条NW向的以逆冲断层为主的压性构造带占据,早&中侏罗世造山作用结束;

    The intraplate thrust orogenic phase ( from the Triassic to Middle Jurassic ): represented by the development of five NW striking compressive belts , which were mainly reverse faults .

  5. 韧性变形可分为3个阶段:D1与前泛非期的构造事件有关,D2相应于区域性麻粒岩相变质作用,D3则可能反映泛非期造山作用后期的伸展作用。

    Three generations of ductile deformation were identified , in which the D 1 is related to the event before Pan-African age , D 2 corresponds to the regional granulite peak metamorphism , whereas D 3 reflects ductile extension in late Pan-African orogenic period .

  6. 喜马拉雅期发生陆内造山作用(65~15Ma),岛弧碰撞造山带出现逆冲-推覆和大规模走滑平移,伴随喜马拉雅期花岗岩的侵位和拉分盆地的形成。

    During the Himalayan ( 65-15 Ma ) intra-continental orogenic movement a large-scale strike-slip thrusting induced the intrusion of granites and development of pull-apart basins .

  7. 不同产状角闪石矿物化学成分的差异和温压估算结果显示,榴辉岩类捕虏体经历了一个顺时针的P-T演化轨迹,进而反映了中生代早期华北克拉通东部造山作用的存在。

    Mineral chemistry and P-T estimation results of the amphiboles of different occurrences indicate that the eclogite xenoliths were subjected to a clockwise P-T evolutional path , implying that an orogenic event happened in the eastern part of the North China Craton in the early Mesozoic .

  8. 楚雄前陆盆地的充填层序与造山作用

    Infilling sequences and orogenesis in the Chuxiong foreland basin , yunnan

  9. 西太平洋板内造山作用模式中的大地构造相

    Tectonic facies in a West Pacific model of intra - plate orogenesis

  10. 西昆仑加里东期造山作用初探

    Discussion of orogenics of the Western Kunlun Mountains during the Caledonian orogeny

  11. 中甸弧碰撞造山作用和岩浆成矿系统

    Collision Orogenic Process and Magmatic Metallogenic System in Zhongdian Arc

  12. 论全球性中-新生代陆内造山作用与造山带

    On global Meso Cenozoic intracontinental orogenesis and orogenic belts

  13. 东特提斯板块会聚边缘与岛弧造山作用

    Plate convergent margins and island-arc orogenesis in Eastern Tethys

  14. 以盆地资料分析探讨湖南的造山作用

    Probe the orogenesis from study sedimentary basins in Hunan

  15. 安第斯山型造山作用太平洋海山成矿系统与成矿作用过程

    Andean orogenesis Ferromanganese metallogenic system and ore-forming processes of seamounts in the Pacific

  16. 浙皖赣相邻区加里东期陆内造山作用

    On Intracontinental Orogenesis of Zhejiang - Anhui - Jiangxi Area During Caledonian Period

  17. 华南陆域内古特提斯形迹、二叠纪造山作用和互换构造域的东延

    PaleoTethys in South china , permian orogeny and the eastwards extension of interchange domain

  18. 台湾岛以南海域新近纪的弧&陆碰撞造山作用

    Arc-continent collision orogeny in offshore Taiwan during Neogene

  19. 西昆仑东南构造样式及其对增生弧造山作用的意义

    Structural styles of the southeastern West Kunlun Mountains and their implication to growing-arc orogenesis

  20. 板块和软流圈之间不同的相对运动机制是形成不同类型造山作用的主要原因。

    The orogenic types were controlled by the relative motion mechanism between lithosphere and asthenosphere .

  21. 板块构造活动,特别是陆内造山作用是热液金成矿作用的原动力。

    Original dynamical power was resulted from plate tectonic activities , especially from intracontinental orogenesis .

  22. 前陆盆地的终结标志着碰撞造山作用的结束。

    The end of the sedimentation of the foreland basin indicates completion of the collisional orogeny .

  23. 喜马拉雅碰撞造山作用与(超)大型矿集区的形成:科学问题与思考

    Himalayan collision orogenesis and formation of the large enriched mineral district : scientific problems and thinking

  24. 扬子地块西缘新生代造山作用与前陆盆地构造演化

    The Cenozoic orogenesis and tectonic evolution of the foreland basin in the western margin of YANGTZE MASSIF

  25. 塔里木盆地自二叠纪以来,历经盆地扩张和盆地俯冲以及陆内造山作用的过程。

    Since the Permian , the Tarim Basin had undergone basinal extension , subduction and intro-continental orogeny .

  26. 造山作用与沉积响应

    Orogeny and sedimentary response

  27. 华北陆块北缘西段狼山-渣尔泰山裂陷槽西延的地质依据及其意义华北地块南缘向北的薄皮推覆构造及北秦岭加里东造山作用

    Northward thin-skinned nappe structure in the southern margin of North China landmass and Caledonian orogeny in northern Qinling

  28. 对不同类型造山作用与造山带的深入剖析,在现代地学研究中占有重要的位置。

    The profound study of different types of orogenesis and orogenic belts occupies an important position in modern geosciences .

  29. 板块学说发展史上存在着造山作用的仰冲和俯冲两种成因观点。

    There are two original viewpoints , obduction and subduction , in the development history of plate tectonics theory .

  30. 铀在成矿区内的重新分布,最可能是由于造山作用及伴随的泾熔作用。

    Subsequent redistribution of uranium in provinces formed at that time most probably resulted from orogenic processes and associated anatexis .