
  • 网络Neogene;Neogene period;neocene
  1. 在我国,新生代玄武岩分布广泛,其中以新近纪(N)玄武岩最常见。

    Cenozoic basalts widely occur in China , of which the Neogene basalt is especially the most common one .

  2. 山东济阳拗陷古近纪和新近纪火山岩的K-Ar年龄

    K-Ar Dating of Paleogene and Neogene Volcanic Rocks in Jiyang Depression Basin , Shandong Province

  3. 基于迄今为止发现的包括大型和小型哺乳动物在内的动物群资料,中国的新近纪被划分为7个哺乳动物期和13个哺乳动物群单位(NMU)。

    Seven land mammal ages and thirteen mammal faunal units ( NMU ) are recognized for the Chinese Neogene based on updated large and small mammal faunas .

  4. 南海珠江口盆地LH-19-4-1井新近纪有孔虫生物地层研究

    The Neogene foraminiferal stratigraphy of the lh-19-4-1 bore hole , Pearl River mouth basin , South China Sea

  5. 早期下切作用主要发生在新近纪时期,下切深度大于2000m,平均下切速率为770m/Ma;

    It points out that the early incision stage occurred during the Neogene . In this period , the Minjiang upstream incised into a depth of at least 2000 m. The incision rate averaged 770 m / Ma .

  6. 台湾西南山麓带新近纪螃蟹化石之研究

    Studies on the Neogene crabs from south-western foot hills of Taiwan

  7. 柴达木盆地西部地区古近纪与新近纪沉积相

    Sedimentary facies of the Paleogene and Neogene in western Qaidam Basin

  8. 中国新近纪孢粉植物群的区域定位与环境响应

    Neogene pollen floras in China with regional orientation and environment response

  9. 苏北盆地晚白垩世&新近纪原型盆地分析

    Analysis of Northern Jiangsu Prototype Basin from Late Cretaceous to Neogene

  10. 土体新近纪构造结构面特征探讨

    Study on features of Neogene tectonic structure planes of soil mass

  11. 新近纪以来中国黄土高原的风尘记录

    Eolian record of the Chinese Loess Plateau since the Neogene

  12. 新近纪以来近东西向拉张,煤田构造的现代活动。

    Re-activity of coalfield structure by about E-W directional stretch since Neogene .

  13. 柴达木盆地古近纪&新近纪湖相叠层石与藻礁的沉积组合特征与意义

    Miocene Stromatolites Associated with Lacustrine Algal Reefs : Qaidam Basin , China

  14. 新近纪热沉降阶段。

    Neogene which is occupied by post-rift thermal subsidence .

  15. 昆明滇池盆地新近纪象类化石

    The Neogene elephant fossils in Dianchi Basin of Kunming

  16. 柴达木古近纪&新近纪盆地的形成演化

    Formation and evolution of Qaidam Paleogene and Neogene Basin

  17. 塔里木盆地西部地区新近纪地层及古地理特征

    Neogene Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography in the Western Tarim Basin

  18. 伊通盆地新近纪以来的反转构造特征

    Characteristics of inversion structures in Yitong Basin since Neogene

  19. 白垩纪是准噶尔盆地超压形成的开始期,新近纪得到进一步加强。

    The overpressure originated in the Cretaceous and was strengthened in the Neogene .

  20. 在南北两个沉降中心,新近纪以来沉积厚达2000余米的地层;

    The stratum thickness is about 2000m in the two bigger subsidence centers .

  21. 新近纪以来主要是已形成的油气藏重新调整和破坏时期。

    Since Neogene period , oil-gas reservoirs was readjusted and destroyed due to tectogenesis .

  22. 第2期为新近纪,源岩可能为石炭系,油气成熟度较低。

    The other in Neogene , with possible Carboniferous source rock and low maturity .

  23. 南京&仪征地区新近纪地层层序及时代讨论

    Stratigraphic sequence and age of the Neogene in the Nanjing-Yizheng area : a discussion

  24. 台湾岛以南海域新近纪的弧&陆碰撞造山作用

    Arc-continent collision orogeny in offshore Taiwan during Neogene

  25. 甘肃临夏盆地新近纪红粘土粒度组成的古环境意义①

    Paleoenvironment Significance of Grain-size Composition of Neogene Red Clay in Linxia Basin , Gansu Province

  26. 中国气藏主要形成、定型于新近纪以来的构造运动

    Gas pools in China have mainly been formed and finalized during tectonic movements since Neogene

  27. 新近纪以来中国构造演化特征与天然气田的分布格局

    Characteristics of tectonic evolution in China since Neogene and the distribution pattern of natural gas

  28. 地层学界近年来对新生代地层学名称使用的变化柴北缘新近纪磁性地层年代与沉积构造演化

    The Change of Using Stratigraphic Cenozoic Nomenclature in the Field of Stratigraphy in Recent Years

  29. 构造裂缝主要在三叠纪末、白垩纪末和新近纪末&早更新世末形成。

    The tectonic fractures mainly formed in the end of Triassic , Cretaceous and Neogene-Early Pleistocene .

  30. 内蒙古中部新近纪动物群的演替与生物年代(英文)

    Faunal succession and BIOCHRONOLOGY of the Miocene through Pliocene in Nei Mongol ( inner mongolia )