
  • 网络History of Singapore
  1. 特征规划指引下的新加坡历史街区保护策略

    Identity Plan and Its Guidance on Historic Districts Preservation Strategy in Singapore

  2. 新加坡历史博物馆主要收藏新加坡的社会、经济、宪法和社区的历史。

    The museum 's collection is broadly divided into the social , economics , constitutional history and community history of singapore .

  3. 去新加坡历史博物馆看看,由于历史短,博物馆未免显得有些空落。

    Visit the Singapore History Museum and you can see the country 's short history makes the halls appear rather too roomy for the exhibits .

  4. 在新加坡历史和社会发展的进程中,语言问题一直是一个非常敏感的政治问题,关系到把多元民族统一为一种国家意识的建国大事。

    Language has been an issue of great sensitivity in the development of history and society in Singapore , serving to unite the four ethnic groups as one .

  5. 问一问新加坡的历史有多长,标准答案是百多年。

    How long is our history ? The " standard answer " is more than 100 years .

  6. 新加坡英语的历史背景及其特点

    The Historical Background and Linguistic Features of Singapore English

  7. 儒家文化在新加坡的传承历史被人为地终止,李光耀在这个问题上恐怕是难辞其咎。

    Historical tradition of Confucian culture in Singapore was artificially terminated , Lee Kuan Yew on this issue may be to be blamed .

  8. 太远的古希腊罗马不提,太久的三皇五帝也不说,就讲讲新加坡自己的历史吧。

    I am not suggesting knowledge about ancient Greece or Rome or the legendary three emperors and Five Sovereigns in china-just our own history is enough to make many stumble .

  9. 新加坡产业结构的历史发展及其启示

    Industrial structure of Singapore : historical development and revelations therefrom

  10. TERT-TRAIL构建成功。对新加坡华文文学历史轨迹的思考

    TERT - TRAIL . Thoughts on the historical trail of Singaporean literary works in Chinese language

  11. 中国人移居新加坡有着悠久的历史,至少从明朝开始就已经有了中国人居住在新加坡的明确历史记载。

    Singapore has a long history of the Chinese people to emigrate . At least from the Ming Dynasty , China has a clear historical record of people living in Singapore .

  12. 作为跨民族间的交际语,新加坡英语充分体现了其浓厚的地方语言特色和文化特点。本文主要论述了新加坡英语产生的历史背景及其语言特点。

    This paper presents the historical background of Singapore English , and also describes its distinctive regional and cultural features .