
  • 网络New Area;new being builded areas
  1. 本文着重介绍了新建区的规划特点、规划布局和规划工作的体会。

    The author proceeds to analyze the planning features , layout and experiences drawn from the planning work in the newly-built district .

  2. 在具体位置上,为了使得两部分保持紧密联系,选取了格里坪作为新建区地点,该区与原有铁路货运站由渡边支线连接,交通便利并且距离适中。

    In order to make the two parts to maintain close contact , select a the Gerry floor as the new District location . The area with the existing rail freight station connected by Watanabe Extension .

  3. 新建居民区好于老城居民区;

    Newly build residential areas are better than old residential areas .

  4. 因此,水景成为国内新建居住区不可或缺的景观元素。

    Therefore , new residential water features become essential landscape elements .

  5. 城郊新建开发区土壤环境特征垂直变化分析

    Vertical variation of soil environmental characteristics in suburban development zones

  6. 德国新建住区针对雨水管理的整合设计

    Integrated Design for Storm Water Management in Newly Built Residential District of Germany

  7. 老城与新建成区相比,不能只考虑经济效益。

    Old Town and New Town compared to not only consider economic benefits .

  8. 许多人住在新建住宅区内。

    Many people live in new housing developments .

  9. 新建开发区实行污染物排放总量控制的探讨

    The Discuss of Total Amount Control of Pollutants Discharged in New Constructed Developing Area

  10. 越南北方新建经济区情况与广西对策分析

    The Situation of Newly-Built Economic Zone of the Northern Vietnam and Guangxi 's Countermeasure

  11. 天津市新建居住区停车问题及对策研究

    Research on Parking Problem and Countermeasure for the New Urban Residential Area in Tianjin

  12. 新建开发区交通需求预测模型研究及应用

    Study and Application of Newly Building Predictive Model for Traffic Demands in Developing Area

  13. 介绍新建住宅区配电网规划的实用技术。

    This paper introduces a practicable technique of the distribution network plan for newly-built living quarters .

  14. 福州市新建居住区体育设施规划、建设、需求趋向

    Tendency of the plan construction and requirement of sports facility in the new residential areas in Fuzhou

  15. 重点探讨在历史文化名城中的新建居住区景观设计中,保持其城市历史,地方特色的重要性并对此提出一些设计原则与建议。

    Following the study on the design of residential area landscape in historical and cultural cities , the author proposes some principles and advice on how to keep their history and local characteristics .

  16. 不一会,我们就在一片新建住宅区和农田的模糊风景之中,以268英里时的速度呼啸而过,从太平洋海岸线驶向了上海的中心。

    Soon , we were screaming through a blur of new housing developments and farmland at 268 miles per hour as we made our way from the Pacific coast to the heart of Shanghai .

  17. 论文的根本目标在于为我国居住区停车指标体系的进一步研究和修订建立一套可供参考的思维方式及基础资料,以及为新建居住区的规划建设探索停车问题的解决之道。

    The basic aim of this paper is the effort of founding a set of reliable basic reference and thinking method for parking index system further studied , and searching for the method on solving parking problem in new urban residential area .

  18. 通过树立正确的整合目标,选择合适的整合运作模式和整合策略,对面临可持续发展困境的城市新建居住区实施整合,以期建立起居住区可持续发展的有效机制。

    Through setting up right integration goal by choosing appropriate integrating mode and methods . The newly built residential areas facing the dilemma of sustainable development can be integrated to set up an effective of sustainable development mechanism for the newly built residential areas .

  19. 随着我国国民经济的良性持续发展和城市的建设与发展,新建别墅区如雨后春笋般拔地而起,别墅以其返璞归真、亲近自然、追求人与自然和谐相处的理念日益受到人们的青睐。

    With the sustainable economic development and urban construction advancement , newly built villa gardens have been springing up and increasingly favored by people in light of the modern living concept of " simplicity , nature and pursuing the harmony between human and nature " .

  20. 在此基础上发展起来的我国城市新建居住区具有鲜明特征,主要体现在四个方面:房地产开发主导的建设模式、树形结构的居住空间组织模式、住房产权的逐步明晰及引入物业管理。

    The newly built residential areas characterize sharply in the following four aspects : the real estates oriented building mode , the " tree " type structure mode of the living space , the gradual perspicuity of the property rights , and the introduction of estate management .

  21. 我住在新建的住宅区,交通很方便。

    I live in a newly established residential area and the transportation is very convenient .

  22. 对新建矿工住宅区的贫困户来说,这个白雪蔼蔼的煤渣堆是不可或缺的。

    A snow-streaked slag heap looms large in the lives of poor villagers in the Xinjian Coal Miners'Village .

  23. 他父亲是乡下人,他们移居到了政府在郊外新建的住宅区。

    His Dad was from the countryside and they moved to a state house development in the outer suburbs .

  24. 新建的保护区环绕成一个马赛克式的稀树草原,覆盖有古老的沙丘,河边的森林以及沼泽森林。

    The new protected areas will encompass a mosaic of savannas covering ancient sand dunes , riverside forests , and swamp forests .

  25. 其次,论文研究采取实地调研和资料收集并重的方法,对天津市近几年新建的居住区进行实地调研。

    Secondly , the essay is devoted to a field research on newly-built residential area in Tianjin , as well as a collection of documents .

  26. 例如,如果在指向块头项时单击,快捷菜单将显示“新建版本信息区”和“删除版本信息区”命令。

    For example , if you click while pointing to a block header entry , the shortcut menu shows the New Version Block Info and Delete Version Block Info commands .

  27. 中国政府表示,作为扶贫工作的一部分,960多万居住在贫困地区的居民已被重新安置到约3.5万个新建的居民区。

    Chinese authorities say that more than 9.6 million residents living in inhospitable , poor areas have been relocated to around 35 thousand newly-built residential communities as part of poverty alleviation efforts .

  28. 南京邮电大学仙林校区图书馆是新建校园中心区的标志性建筑,但建筑功能所需要的体量与其所处的特殊环境产生矛盾。

    The Library on Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications is the landmark of the center district of the newly-built campus , but the volume for building functions runs contradictory to its specific circumstance .

  29. 在中国各地新建的商业区,空荡荡的大街上闪烁的交通灯发出悲凉的光。这些商业区拥有一个繁荣的商业中心所需的一切,但就是没有商家。

    There is something sad about the traffic lights blinking over empty boulevards in brand new ' business districts ' all over China places that have all the makings of a thriving commercial center except * well , actual businesses .

  30. 在新建的远郊住宅区之间还有空地可以盖房。

    There is room for infill between the new outer suburbs .