
  • 网络Chinatown;Kreta Ayer;China town
  1. 在牛车水,你可以购物和买到好吃的传统食物。

    You can shop and get good traditional food in Chinatown .

  2. 在牛车水,有些旧店已经被拆除。

    Some old shops in Chinatown have been torn down .

  3. 早期到新加坡来的华人移民都在牛车水附近建立家园。

    Early Chinese immigrants to Singapore built homes around Chinatown .

  4. 如果没去看过牛车水,那就不算真正到过新加坡。

    A visit to Singapore is incomplete without a look at Chinatown .

  5. 在牛车水的灯饰为农历新年带来欢乐。

    Lights in Chinatown brings cheer for the Chinese New Year season .

  6. 不要以为牛车水一切的事物都只属于华人。

    Do not expect everything in Chinatown to be solely Chinese in nature .

  7. 一座新的大佛寺不久将在牛车水中心地带落成。

    A big new Buddhist temple will soon be erected in the heart of Chinatown .

  8. 虽然牛车水大多数的居民是华人,在这里还是可以看到文化融合在一起。

    Although residents are mostly chinese , a blend of cultures can still be seen in chinatown .

  9. 在他们心中,永远挥不去牛车水纸袋既可悲又难堪的错误阴影。

    They can never get rid of the erroneous image of the embarrassment associated with the paper bag .

  10. 与我们一同发掘干榜戈南、印度和牛车水的魅力。别错过了这些仍然富有道地色彩的文化聚集地!

    Discover the charms of Kampong Glam , Little India & Chinatown . Don 't miss these cultural enclaves where Singapore 's indigenous culture and heritage still thrives !