
  • 网络milk pudding;Custard pudding;Cream Caramel
  1. 复配稳定剂在牛奶布丁加工中的应用

    The Application of Stabilizer Blends in Milk Pudding Production

  2. 甜的、杏仁调味的牛奶布丁,用凝胶或玉米淀粉增稠;通常用模子做成。

    Sweet almond-flavored milk pudding thickened with gelatin or cornstarch ; usually molded .

  3. 挖起一勺牛奶布丁,感觉到的丢人岂止是一点点。

    spooning into a custardy pool of pudding felt more than a little bit disgraceful .

  4. 但是毒奶粉制成的食物,例如炭烧咖啡、奶茶、绿抹茶奶茶、木瓜牛奶,以及布丁粉、冰淇淋粉等,都会含有三聚氰胺。

    Nonetheless , foods made from toxic milk powder , such as charcoal roasted coffee , milky tea , milky green tea , papaya milk , and pudding powder , ice-cream powder , may contain melamine .

  5. 这种奇怪的多重味道让你感觉更像是在吃甜点:牛奶沙司、水果布丁、异或甚至是泡泡糖。

    This odd combination makes it taste more like a dessert : custard , fruit pudding or even bubblegum .