
  • Celery;parsley;FRESH CELERY
  1. 高湿度冰箱对青菜和西芹的保鲜效果

    Effects of high-humidity refrigerator on quality of fresh Tai-tsai and celery

  2. 西芹热风干燥动力学研究

    Study on the Dynamics of Drying of West Celery with Heated Wind

  3. 肉豆蔻、西芹和苹果酒都能很好地突出这些豆子的味道。

    Nutmeg , parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well .

  4. 随着氮肥用量的适量增加,西芹产量明显提高,但对人体有害的成分NO3-N含量也随之增加;

    The yields increase with the increasing of Nitrogen , but meanwhile , harmful NO3-N also increase .

  5. 研究了2种配方的S506生物肥对西芹生长、产量和品质的影响。

    Effects of S506 bio-fertilizer on the growth and quality of parsley were studied .

  6. 西芹叶少量,剁碎•将烤箱的热风加热到220C,煤气开到7档200C。

    Parsley leaves a small handful , chopped • Heat the oven to 220C / fan 200C / gas 7 .

  7. 利用TRIME-T3型TDR仪土壤含水量测量系统和WM-1型负压计系统现场监测了强烈灌溉条件下整个作物生长期西芹大棚土壤水分、土壤负压(基质势)的动态变化;

    Moisture content and matric potential of soils under intense irrigation in celery greenhouse in Dianchi catchment were monitored by using TDR ( TRIME-T3 ) and WM-1 tensiometer during the growth period of celery .

  8. 去年冬季,米勒先生推出了令人惊艳的黑松露主题菜单,搭配精选的库克香槟(KrugChampagnes),头盘为烤扇贝配西芹黑松露意大利调味饭(risotto)浇帕马森芝士泡沫汁;

    This past winter , Mr. Mille 's stunning black-truffle-themed menu , served with a selection of Krug Champagnes , began with grilled scallops and celery-and-black-truffle " risotto " in a Parmesan foam ;

  9. 较好的干燥工艺条件是:西芹薄片在90℃热水中烫漂3min,干燥风温80℃、风量0.021m3/s(1.34m/s),物料为薄而双层。

    The better drying processes conditions : precooking with 3 minuets in the 90 ℃ water , 80 ℃ drying wind , 0.021 cubic meters per second wind rate , the thin and double layers material .

  10. 点缀有柠檬片的整条鲑鱼;用西芹做点缀的土豆。

    A whole salmon garnished with lemon slices ; parsley-garnished potatoes .

  11. 锌肥对日光温室西芹硝酸盐及营养品质研究

    Effects of Zn levels on nitrate uptake and nutritional quality of celery

  12. 撒上西芹叶,搭配硬皮面包食用。

    Sprinkle with the parsley and serve with crusty bread .

  13. 不同保鲜剂和包装材料对鲜切西芹保鲜效果研究

    Study on Different Preservation and Packaging Material of Fresh-cut Celery

  14. 收获西芹需要做什么呢?

    So , what do we need to harvest parsley ?

  15. 设施栽培增施二氧化碳对西芹影响研究

    Effect of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Western Celery in Greenhouse

  16. 不同种植密度及施肥水平对西芹产量形成的影响

    Study on effects of density and fertilization on celery cultivation

  17. 加入香叶及所有蔬菜(西芹除外),煮至材料软透。

    Add bay leaf and vegetables expect celery . Simmer until soft .

  18. 3.将两杯水煮沸,加入西芹和丁香。

    Step 3 Boil two cups water and add parsley and cloves .

  19. 不同水肥耦合对西芹收获期土壤硝酸盐累积的影响

    Effects of Water-Fertilizer Coupling on Accumulation of Soil Nitrate in Celery Harvest Period

  20. 氯氰菊酯在大棚西芹上的降解残留研究

    Degradation of Cypermethrin in Celery Cultivated in the Greenhouse

  21. 从西芹中提取黄酮类物质的初步研究

    The Prime Research on Extraction of Flavonoids from Celery

  22. 将西芹、黄梨、蕃茄和柠檬搅成汁。

    Blend the celery , pineapple , tomato and lemon into a sauce .

  23. 她把西红柿、大蒜和西芹做的馅料分层加进茄子的切片中。

    She layered the aubergine slices with tomatoes , garlic , and parsley .

  24. 咀嚼新鲜的西芹,可以快速清新口气。

    Chew on fresh parsley for a quick freshen-up .

  25. 樱桃、波罗、及西芹于降低尿酸方面特别有效。

    Cherry , pineapple and celery is very effective in lowering uric acid .

  26. 感谢收看“怎样收获西芹”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Harvest Parsley .

  27. 西芹病毒病病原及防治技术的初步研究

    Virus diseases and its control techniques on western celery

  28. 同时放入红萝卜及西芹再炒3分钟。

    Add also the carrots and celery , saute for 3 more minutes .

  29. 高丽菜、西芹、蕃茄、节瓜、红萝卜。以迷迭香等香草提味。

    Cabbage , celery , tomato , zucchini , and carrot cooked with rosemary .

  30. 以滇池流域典型农业废物蔬菜(西芹)和花卉废物(石竹)为原料,进行了2种配比的蔬菜废物和花卉废物联合堆肥的中试研究。

    Co-composting of different mixture made of vegetable waste and flower waste were studied .