
  • 网络Westpac Bank;Westpac Banking;Westpac Banking Corporation;Westpac Banking Corp
  1. 银行家表示,投资者普遍预期,澳洲西太平洋银行(westpacbank)和澳新银行(anzbank)可能率先发行武士债券。

    The first bonds likely to be issued were widely expected to be from Australian banks Westpac banking and ANZ banking group , bankers said .

  2. 西太平洋银行经济学家休•麦凯(HuwMcKay)补充说:如今,对于当前周期中已经出现的两次降息,中国消费者回应都很积极。

    Westpac economist Huw McKay added : Chinese consumers have now responded positively to both of the interest rate cuts delivered so far in the current cycle .

  3. 西太平洋银行(Westpac)声称,消费信心改善是一种初步迹象,表明消费者已注意到中国央行(PBoC)的宽松举措,并正从全球油价暴跌导致的能源价格降低中受益。

    The Aussie bank argues the uptick is a tentative sign that consumers have registered easing measures undertaken by the People 's Bank of China , as well as benefiting from lower energy prices due to the global oil price rout .

  4. 根据协议,西太平洋银行将有一段专门的时间进行尽职调查。

    The agreement would give Westpac a period of exclusivity to conduct due diligence .

  5. 此外,澳大利亚最大的银行之一--西太平洋银行--也自愿签署了实验协议。

    One of the Australia 's biggest banks , Westpac , has also signed on voluntarily .

  6. 而在澳洲的四大银行中,西太平洋银行和联邦银行集团联手进入榜单。

    Among the big four Australian banks Westpac ( WBK ) and Commonwealth Bank Group are on this list .

  7. 检查官表示,她在一年之内把这些钱从澳洲西太平洋银行取出,却未通知任何机构这一失误。

    Prosecutors say she withdrew the money from Westpac bank within a year and did not notify authorities of the error .

  8. 西太平洋银行在一份附带声明中表示,该指数结果与第四季度制造业活动性明显萎缩一致。

    Westpac said in a statement attached to the index results in the fourth quarter of manufacturing activity shrunk significantly in line .

  9. 到西太平洋银行就职后,她立即对圣乔治发起了收购&股东们将在本月就此交易进行投票。

    When she arrived at Westpac she promptly bid for St George , a deal that shareholders will vote on this month .

  10. 排在榜单第八至十位的分别为:澳大利亚西太平洋银行总裁盖尔•凯莉、歌手碧昂斯•诺尔斯、脱口秀节目主持人艾伦•德杰尼勒斯。

    Gail Kelly , chief executive of Australia 's Westpac Banking Corp , was in eighth place , followed by singer Beyonce Knowles . Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres rounded out the top 10 .

  11. 悉尼法院调查得知,李佳欣是一名化工专业的留学生,5年前来到澳大利亚。2012年8月,她在西太平洋银行开了一个账户,该银行错误的给她开通了无限透支额度。

    The court in Sydney heard that Ms Lee , a chemical engineering student who has lived in Australia for five years , had opened a Westpac bank account in August 2012 and had mistakenly been given an unlimited overdraft .

  12. 包括内阁总理部门、财政金融部门、劳动部、维多利亚警方、澳大利亚邮政、西太平洋银行、交通事故委员会和维多利亚运输署在内的许多政府机构也会参与到这项试点计划中来。

    Major government organizations will take part in the trial , including the Department of Premier and Cabinet , Department of Treasury and Finance , WorkSafe , Victoria Police , Australia Post , Westpac , the Transport Accident Commission and VicRoads .