
  • 网络Kina;PGK;Aegina
  1. 他的处世态度、情调、看法,与奥兰斯基伯爵那封信中流露的那些东西完全相同,只是稍显粗俗而已。

    But Beaufort understood every turn of her dialect , and spoke it fluently : his view of life , his tone , his attitude , were merely a coarser reflection of those revealed in Count Olenski 's letter .

  2. 如果她开始哼“哈瓦那基亚”那首歌。

    And if she starts humming " hava nagila " .

  3. 自由基在卡那霉素内耳中毒中的作用

    The effects of free radical on kanamycin ototoxicity in the inner ear

  4. 你看,高基先生,那有管理人,对吧?

    See , mr , gudge , there 's the custodian , right ?

  5. 我在教堂的旧杂货义卖上买了一批杂货,基中包括那只壶。

    I bought that jug as part of a job lot at the church jumble sale .

  6. 大部分的人以零买方式购入肉和杂货。我在教堂的旧杂货义卖上买了一批杂货,基中包括那只壶。

    Most people buy meat and grocery at retail . I bought that jug as part of a job lot at the church jumble sale .

  7. 卡波司基大兵已经变成那几位军官的专家了。

    Private Kapowski has become something of an expert on those fellows .

  8. 贝蒂展示了斯林基的精神,那就是根据生活的起伏变化,审时度势行事。

    Betty embodies the spirit of the Slinky , rolling through the years according to the way life pushes and pulls .