
  • 网络Kip;kipp;LAK
  1. 这部电影的主创团队中有真实的著名物理学家基普·索恩KipThorne,有着坚实的理论基础,而这些理论知识确实有些深奥抽象。

    The famous physicist Kip Thorne is one creator of the team , and the production of this flim has a solid scientific theory foundation which is definitely obscure and abstract .

  2. 阿母斯与他兄弟基普自己酿的威士忌。

    Aames and his brother Kip make this fine whiskey themselves .

  3. 几个月前,我唯一的兄弟斯基普(Skip)死于一场家庭事故,此后我一直试图安慰我的父母,但却是徒劳。

    A few months earlier , my only sibling , Skip , had died in a household accident and I had spent all the time since futilely trying to comfort my parents .

  4. 妈,史基普组了一个滑板队。

    Mom , skip is putting together a skate team .

  5. 不要了,史基普,我还有事。

    I don 't think so , skip . I got plans .

  6. 英斯基普:你这么说是什么意思?

    INSKEEP : What do you mean by that ?

  7. 英斯基普:我想问问内塔尼亚胡总理所说的其他事情。

    INSKEEP : Let me ask about something else that Prime Minister Netanyahu said .

  8. 我正准备把斯基普从绝境中解救出来,突然

    I was about to rescue Skipper from an increasingly hopeless situation , when suddenly

  9. 英斯基普:以上是卡内基中东中心的主任莉娜·哈提卜。

    INSKEEP : Lina Khatib is the director of the Carnegie Middle East Center .

  10. 英斯基普:他说的是历史变革。

    INSKEEP : Historic change , he said .

  11. 他们越针对我,我就会为了基普更坚强。

    The more they 're against me , the more I 'll stand up for kip .

  12. 基普在我们来到镇上的时候病了,而我身无分文。

    Kip was sick when we got here , and I didn 't have a penny .

  13. 基普对正在勘探的地区有全面的了解,但他在引爆方面没有专长。

    Kip had extensive knowledge of the area under exploration , but he had no expertise in creating explosions .

  14. 从基普看大城市工业结构与布局的调整&以广州为例的分析

    The study of the adjustment of the industrial structure and distribution of big cities on the basic unit survey

  15. 斯努皮和斯基普抵达韦恩堡之前几个小时,托普一家就心情激动地在动物庇养站翘首以待。

    Hours before Snoopy and Skip were expected in Fort Wayne , the Topps were waiting excitedly at the humane shelter .

  16. 基普数据表明就业岗位密度的空间自相关性远高于居住人口密度的分布,即就业岗位具有更高的集聚性。

    Basic unit survey shows that spatial autocorrelation of employment posts density is far higher than that of density of inhabitation population .

  17. 地址:湖南风味餐馆的东边营业时间:早8点----晚10点价格:饺子每盘10000--20000基普(1.26—2.53美元);

    Twodoors to the east of Hunan Restaurant . Opendaily , 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. ; dumplings LAK 10000-20000 ( $ 1.26-2.53 ) ;

  18. 松下的基普•沃尔斯表示:“这款机器从5英尺(近2米)高掉到坚硬的表面上也同样适用。

    Kip Walls with Panasonic said , " This machine is rated for a five-foot ( almost 2 meters ) drop to a hard surface .

  19. 英斯基普:有没有使和平进程成为为以色列和阿拉伯世界的其他国家创造共同利益的方法?

    INSKEEP : Is there one way that the peace process actually is creating shared interests between Israel and the rest of the Arab world ? -

  20. 菜品每盘45000基普。万象市中心虽然万象市中心也有一些中国餐馆,他们也尝试做出正宗的中国菜。

    dishes up toLAK 45000 Downtown Vientiane There are a few Chinese restaurants dotted arounddowntown Vientiane , though most of their kitchens churn out half-heartedattempts at decent mainland food .

  21. 据悉,史基普机场的员工都与私人客户签有保密协议,因此对此事闭口不谈,而白宫发言人也拒绝就此事发表声明。

    Staff at the Jet Center at Schiphol , a terminal that deals exclusively with private jet passengers , were similarly tight-lipped , and a spokesman for Buckingham Palace declined to comment .

  22. (斯金纳走到基普森普雷兹旁,轻轻地把他搂在怀里。在地板门下,是高丽看到了吉普森普雷兹坐在那里,还有西娅。)

    SKINNER has crossed over to GIBSON PRAISE and gently lifts the boy into his arms . Inside the area beneath the trapdoor , SCULLY finds GIBSON PRAISE , sitting , and THEA .

  23. 英斯基普:一些阿拉伯国家对世界的看法开始和以色列的看法相符,或者是至少对该地区威胁的看法和以色列的看法相符,是这样吗?

    INSKEEP : So is it true that there are some Arab Nations that are beginning to see the world as Israel sees it or at least see the threats in the region as Israel sees them ?