
  • 网络The Arctic Council
  1. audla先生希望想成为作为一个政府间合作组织的北极理事会观察员的国家在北极熊的贸易问题上不投加拿大、挪威和丹麦的反对票。

    Mr audla hopes that countries which want to become observers at the Arctic Council , an intergovernmental body , will be reluctant to vote against Canada , Norway and Denmark on the issue .

  2. 事实上,他与北极理事会的研究员同事现今正在作核算;

    In fact , he and fellow researchers from the Arctic Council are doing some sums at the moment ;

  3. 周三宣布上述决定之前,在瑞典北部的基律纳(Kiruna),北极理事会成员国的八名部长级官员从周二开始讨论,直至深夜,其中包括美国国务卿克里(JohnKerry)。

    The decision Wednesday came after late-night discussions that began Tuesday in Kiruna , northern Sweden , between eight ministers of the Arctic Council 's member states , including Secretary of State John Kerry .

  4. 近来,由于外界认为冰层消融将为更多资源开发扫清道路,开放贸易路线,北极理事会因此名声大振。

    More recently , it has gained prominence amid expectations that melting ice will clear the way for more resource development and free up trade routes .

  5. 为纪念北极理事会成立25周年,理事会八成员国外交部长通过了他们为该地区制定的第一个十年战略计划。

    Foreign ministers of the eight-member Arctic Council have adopted their first 10-year strategic plan for the region , to mark the Council 's 25th anniversary .

  6. 北极理事会最后宣布决定时提到了商业在北极的开发中扮演的核心角色,这凸显了该地区对商业的兴趣已经越来越浓厚。

    Underscoring the increased business interest in the region , the council 's final declaration talked of ' the central role of business in the development of the Arctic . '

  7. 北极理事会召集了北极有领土的国家,将于周三在挪威北部特罗姆瑟召开会议,讨论北极冰融化的影响。

    The Arctic Council , grouping nations with territory in the Arctic , is due to meet in Tromsoe , north Norway , Wednesday to debate the impact of melting ice in the north .

  8. 最后,以中国成为北极理事会永久观察员为契机探讨我国加入北极理事会的现实意义,以及面对北极地区环境的剧烈变化我国应当采取的态度。

    Finally , this article analyst the significance of China has become the permanent observer of the Arctic Council , and the attitude of our country should be taken in face of dramatic changes in the Arctic environment .

  9. 作为北极政策协调机构的北极理事会于1996年成立,多年以来,北极理事会被看做一个科学家们科研交流的平台。

    Founded in 1996 as a body to coordinate Arctic policy , the council was for many years seen as a platform for scientists to swap research .

  10. 迄今为止,尽管加拿大与俄罗斯跃跃欲试,该地区几乎没出现领土争端。北极各国协商议事的北极理事会发挥了不错的作用。

    So far , despite some posturing by Canada and Russia , there are few territorial disputes in the region and the Arctic Council , the club of Arctic nations , has functioned reasonably well .

  11. 在选择软法治理模式之后,我们需要借助一定的国际组织加强国际合作,目前管理北极事务最权威的组织就是北极理事会。

    After selecting soft law model , we need the help of some international organizations to strengthen international cooperation , currently , the Arctic Council is the most authoritative organization managing Arctic affairs .

  12. 这份报告由北极检测与评估规划小组发布,该小组隶属由八个国家组成的北极理事会。

    The report was released by the Arctic Monitoring and Program , the scientific arm of the 8-nation Arctic Council .