
  • 网络The Palace Museum;Beijing Palace Museum
  1. 北京故宫博物院(又称紫禁城)23日发布报告称,故宫计划追索流散文物。“流散文物追索”可以用表示。Retrieve表示找回,重新获得,比如追讨官员赃款(),找到遗体()。文物可以用culturalrelics/historicalartifacts表示。

    The Palace Museum , also known as The Forbidden City in Beijing plans to retrieve its lost cultural relics , the museum said in a report on Tuesday .

  2. 尼克松一行参观北京故宫博物院。

    Nixon and his party visited the Palace Museum in Beijing .

  3. 然而,为了庆祝元宵节,北京故宫博物院开始在夜间也对公众开放——不过只开放了两个晚上。

    However , to celebrate the Lantern Festival , Beijing 's Palace Museum opened its door to the public after dark —— for two nights only .

  4. 在下周苏富比的拍卖目录介绍中,瓷器专家康蕊君(ReginaKrahl)写道,苏富比前董事长朱汤生(JulianThompson)曾表示北京故宫博物院收藏的两只明成化斗彩鸡缸杯是后朝仿品。

    In a Sotheby 's catalog essay about next week 's chicken-cup sale , ceramics expert Regina Krahl wrote that former Sotheby 's Chairman Julian Thompson contested that the two examples at the Palace Museum in Beijing are fakes .

  5. 此瓿现藏于北京故宫博物院。

    Now the vase is in the Palace Museum .

  6. 北京故宫博物院馆藏珍品。

    Beijing Palace Museum collection treasures .

  7. 北京故宫博物院近日正式宣布成立北京故宫文物保护基金会及北京故宫文化促进会。

    The Beijing Palace Museum Cultural Relics Protection Foundation and Beijing Palace Museum Culture Promotion Association were established recently .

  8. 今年7月起,北京故宫博物院将试行扩大网络售票规模。

    The Palace Museum in Beijing will expand the online sale of tickets on a trial basis starting in July .

  9. 北京故宫博物院曾经是明朝(1368-1644)和清朝(1644-1911)的帝王住宅。

    The Palace Museum served as imperial residence for the Ming ( 1368-1644 ) and Qing ( 1644-1911 ) dynasties .

  10. 北京故宫博物院地下文物库是目前世界上面积最大的地下恒温恒湿收藏库。

    The Palace Museums ' underground treasury in Beijing is presently the largest one of its kind in the world .

  11. 北京故宫博物院正在考虑用网上购票系统取代传统景点窗口购票的方式

    The Palace Museum in Beijing is considering having all its visitors book online instead of buying tickets at the gates .

  12. 中国的安防技术大致起源于上世纪60年代初,最初应用于北京故宫博物院。

    The security technology generally originated in the early 60s of last century in China , it is initial used in the Beijing Palace Museum .

  13. 北京故宫博物院计划未来三年拆除紫禁城内的所有违章建筑,以保存古建筑。

    The Palace Museum in Beijing plans to dismantle all illegal buildings in the Forbidden City over the next three years , to preserve ancient buildings .

  14. 由北京故宫博物院重新购藏的《十咏图》是一幅流传有绪的11世纪作品。

    The Palace Museum in Beijing recently bought back Ten Songs ( Shi yong tu ), a work that has been in circulation since the 11th century .

  15. 《骷髅幻戏图》是南宋画家李嵩创作的风俗画中的一件传世作品,现藏北京故宫博物院。

    " Skeleton Puppets ", one of the famous genre paintings created by Li Song from the Southern Song Dynasty , which is now collected in the Beijing Palace Museum .

  16. 北京故宫博物院新的营销活动引起了社会媒体的广泛舆论。它把中国古代帝王和其它历史人物的画像设计出了当今新潮的姿势,打破传统的严肃观念,创造了古灵精怪的人物形态特色。

    Beijing 's Palace Museum has stirred discord among the social media masses with its new marketing campaign featuring whimsical portraits of Chinese emperors and other historical figures striking modern-day poses .

  17. 北京故宫博物院的坤宁宫是清朝皇帝大婚时的洞房,因此室内设计完全按照满族的传统习俗来进行。

    The Kunning Hall in the Palace Museum in Beijing is the section of the court used by the Qing emperors for wedding chambers and the interior decoration was arranged according to Manchu customs .

  18. 北京故宫博物院(又称紫禁城)日前启动一项大规模修缮工程,修缮区域为西华门内第一历史档案馆以北一段233米的城墙。

    The Palace Museum in Beijing , also known as the Forbidden City , began a sweeping renovation of a 233-meter-long section of the walls north of the First Historical Archives inside the Xihua Gate .

  19. 1999年获中国美术家协会、中央美术学院及北京故宫博物院选为「二十世纪中国画坛上最具代表性与影响力的99位中国艺术家」之一。

    In1999 , he was selected as one of99 most accomplished and influential artists in China in the20th century by Chinese Academy of Art , the Artist Association of China and the National Palace Museum .

  20. 2007年应邀在北京故宫博物院举办“宇宙心印&刘国松绘画一甲子”展与“国际论坛”。

    In2007 , he was invited to hold an exhibition named " Universal in the Mind & 60 Years of Painting by Liu Guosong " and an " international forum " in the Palace Museum in Beijing .

  21. 在榜单中,包括北京故宫博物院、海南南山旅游区、云南丽江古城在内的部分景区因管理得力、秩序平稳而受到表扬。

    In the ranking , some attractions , including the Palace Museum in Beijing , the Nanshan Tourism Zone in Hainan and the ancient town of Lijiang in Yunnan , were praised for their management and smooth operation .

  22. 北京故宫博物院周五宣布,故宫内与皇帝生活联系最为紧密的建筑之一将采用传统建筑工艺进行大修。

    One of the buildings at Beijing 's Palace Museum , or Forbidden City , most closely associated with imperial life is to undergo a major renovation based on traditional construction techniques , the museum announced on Friday .

  23. 文献记载以及北京故宫博物院所收藏的潞绸实物可以说明,潞绸是明清两代的皇室贡品,主要产于山西省东南部地区的长治县、高平市两地。

    Based on a large number of records of literature works and Lu silk in the Palace Museum , Lu silk is the major royal tribute thriving in Ming and Qing Dynasties and basically originates in Changzhi county and Gaoping city in southeast of Shanxi province .

  24. 这是北京的故宫博物院。

    This is the Palace Museum in Beijing .

  25. 新一季聚焦中国文物的电视节目在位于北京的故宫博物院举行启动仪式。

    A new season of a TV show focusing on Chinese cultural relics has been launched at the Palace Museum in Beijing .

  26. 现在,紫禁城的藏品被一分为二,分别保存在北京和台北的故宫博物院内。

    Today , the collections from the Forbidden City are kept separately in Beijing and Taipei .

  27. 北京标志性建筑故宫博物院(又称紫禁城)的陶瓷馆在经过两年的准备后重新向公众开放。

    The Ceramics Gallery at Beijing 's iconic Palace Museum , also known as the Forbidden City , has reopened to the public after two years of preparation .

  28. 根据北京新闻报道,北京故宫博物院(也叫作紫禁城)计划将允许游客夜游。

    The Palace Museum ( also known as Forbidden City ) in Beijing might allow visitors access for night viewing , Beijing News reports .