
  • 网络Toshimi Kitazawa
  1. 我想认真研判一下(最近一次穿越行动)是否是针对我国的,然后考虑如何回应,北泽俊美表示。

    I want to look carefully into whether [ the most recent passage ] was directed against our nation and then consider how to respond , Mr Kitazawa said .

  2. 北泽俊美承认,上述中国战舰(包括潜艇、驱逐舰和护卫舰)始终在公海范围内。但他表示,这一行动的空前性质,意味着需要进行更多调查。

    Mr Kitazawa acknowledged that the Chinese vessels , which included submarines , destroyers and frigates , had remained within international waters but said the unprecedented nature of the action needed more investigation .