
  • 网络Wave height
  1. 针对舰船对浪高实时测量的需要,提出了基于X波段导航雷达浪高实时测量的方案。

    In order to meet the warships needs of real-time wave height measurement , a method using X-band navigation radar to measure wave height is presented .

  2. Weibull形状参数是研究船舶疲劳强度的一项重要参数,它由船长和浪高两个因素决定。

    Weibull shape coefficient k that is decided by ship 's length and wave height is very important for studying ship 's fatigue strength .

  3. 那时浪高大约有5英尺,船头在上下颠簸。

    The waves were about five feet now , and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down .

  4. 第三章通过数值模拟的窄波束高频(HF)雷达的海面回波多普勒谱,反演了海面风场、浪高谱等海态参数,并详细介绍了反演的方法、步骤,给出了模拟结果。

    Chapter 3 obtains the retrieval of parameters of wind above sea surface and ocean wave spectra from simulated narrow beam HF radar backscatter , gives the simulate results .

  5. 组织回应全球性竞争的方式之一就是力图使自己变得“更纤细和更吝啬”:“规模削减”、“扁平化”的改革一浪高过一浪,TQM、JIT等新创意不断出现。

    Organizations make themselves " more slimly and more scant " to answer a world-wide competition by the innovation of whittling down people and adopting new originality such as TQM and JIT .

  6. 理论模型试算表明,当浪高为0.3m时,就达不到近海工程高分辩率地震勘探的要求。

    The theoretical model test showed that the demand of offshore high-resolution seismic exploration can 't be met when height of wave is greater than 0.3m .

  7. 现在社会上出书的热潮一浪高过一浪。

    There is now an increased upsurge of book-publishing in society .

  8. 近海海水深度和浪高的测量

    Survey of depth of sea water and height of wave

  9. 就像时装行业新的流行趋势一浪高过一浪。

    Like the fashion industry , a new fashion trend waves surging .

  10. 高频地波雷达浪高参数提取的一种新算法

    New Algorithm to Extract Ocean Wave Information from High Frequency Ground Wave Radar

  11. 北京楼市新概念的热浪是一浪高过一浪。

    Beijing property market is hot new concept is advancing wave upon wave .

  12. 欢呼声一浪高过一浪地向我们涌来。

    Wave upon wave of applause washed over us .

  13. 波高传感器的数学模型港内波高分布的数值计算渤海浪高极值的推算

    The Mathematical Model of Wave - Height Transducer

  14. 1960年5月22日,智利海域发生海啸,浪高25米。

    May 22 , 1960 , the Chilean sea tsunami waves of 25 meters .

  15. 1933年3月2日,日本三陆海域发生海啸,浪高29米。

    March 2 , 1933 , Japan Sanriku tsunami waters and the waves 29 meters .

  16. 尽管有丰富的资料,但浪高的观测常常很不理想。

    Despite an abundance of data , observations of wave height often leave much to be desired .

  17. 这时,所有拒绝为蒋介石撑腰的人都受到诋毁,非难之声一浪高过一浪,汇成了喧嚣一时的大合唱。

    The denunciation of all those who had refused to play Chiang 's game swelled to a mighty chorus .

  18. 1917年6月26日,萨摩亚群岛海域发生海啸,浪高26米。

    History of the tsunami on June 26 , 1917 , Samoa Islands waters tsunami waves of 26 meters .

  19. 马克思主义哲学具有科学的内涵,马克思主义(包括马克思主义哲学)的研究热潮在世界范围内一浪高过一浪。

    Marxism Philosophy has scientific intension and the studying on Marxism ( including Marxism Philosophy ) is more and more .

  20. 而且海面上风雨交加,浪潮汹涌——部分海面浪高达5-6米。

    In addition , the seas were stormy and the waves high - five to six metres in some places .

  21. 对海浪动态展示系统进行详细的设计与实现,并且在该系统中加入了基于浪高级别的航线安全评估模块。

    Do detailed design and implementation for the dynamic display system , and add airline safety assessment module in this system .

  22. 这个中心还一日五次播送最新的天气预报,详细报道预期的浪高信息。

    The center also broadcasts the latest weather report five times a day , giving details of the expected wave heights .

  23. 介绍了重庆浪高凯悦大酒店工程有粘结预应力扁梁的设计特点。

    The characteristic of design of bonded prestressed concrete flat beam of lang gao kai yue International Hotel in Chongqing is introduced .

  24. 随着膨胀,从南大洋的到来,一致认为巴厘岛浪高达12英尺高,从四月至十一月。

    With the swells coming from the Southern Ocean , Bali sees consistent waves up to12 ft high , from April to November .

  25. 结果表明,浪高时间序列存在混沌现象,混沌时间序列法可应用于海浪预报的研究。

    Results show that wave amplitude series have chaotic characteristic and chaos time series is feasible to be applied in wave forecast study .

  26. 当海浪澎湃而至,浪高会达到12英尺(3.7公尺),退落时的潮水高度约为其一半。

    When the surf surges in , 12 feet ( 3.7 meters ) of water lies below ; outgoing seas leave half that depth .

  27. 给出了中性层结时水面粗糙度、动力摩擦速度及阻力系数与风速和浪高的关系。

    Some relationships of roughness length , friction velocity and resistance coefficient with wind velocity and wave height in neutral stratification have been given .

  28. 随着我国宪政制度的发展与完善,要求宪法司法化的呼声一浪高过一浪。

    Along with the development and perfection of our national constitutional system , requesting the judicature of constitution in our country has become more attractive .

  29. 农民与地主矛盾日益加剧,农民反抗的浪潮一浪高过一浪。

    The contradictories between the peasants and the landlords intensified day by day , as a result the revolts of the peasants increased wave upon wave .

  30. 在并购浪潮席卷全球的背景下,中国企业的并购浪潮也是一浪高过一浪。

    In the context of mergers and acquisitions sweeping the globe , the wave of mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises is also a wave after wave .