
  • 网络Jing'an District;jingan district;jing an district
  1. 上海市静安区老年人健康期望寿命及影响因素

    Healthy life expectancy and its influencing factors of elderly people in Jing'an district Shanghai

  2. 上海静安区饮食服务行业从业人员卫生法规及卫生知识调查

    Knowledge Rates of Laws and Regulations on Food Hygiene among Employees of Catering Trade in Jing'an District , Shanghai

  3. 城市区县级政务GIS综合平台的构建与应用&以上海市静安区为例

    Construction and application of integrated government GIS platform at county level & A case in Jing an county of Shanghai

  4. 上海市静安区社区居民高血压患病及其危险因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression on the Risk Factors and Prevalence of Hypertension Among Residents in Jing ' an District , Shanghai

  5. 两家公司说,它们将与上海市静安区房地产开发经营公司(JinganDistrictLandDevelopment)合资,开发上海中心地段的四块地皮。

    The two companies said they would form a joint venture with Shanghai Jingan District Land Development to develop four sites in central Shanghai .

  6. 本文以静安区电子政务GIS综合平台&数据交换与集成系统为例,对电子政务信息模型以及空间信息、业务统计信息、空间信息与业务统计信息的网络集成进行了详细的探讨。

    As an example of information system for data exchange and integration in Jing'an Government GIS , data model of e-government and integration of spatial information , business statistical information and the both are discussed in detail .

  7. 本文以上海市静安区为例,重点从总体结构设计、数据组织与数据模型、实现技术三个关键问题入手,对城市区县级政务GIS综合平台的建设模式进行探讨。

    Take Jing an county of Shanghai for example , this paper gives a preliminary study on government GIS at county level from the following three key aspects : general structure design , data resources organization and data model , and realization technology .

  8. 城市化阶段和大城市地区不同区域人口空间变动&以上海静安区、浦东新区和南汇区为例

    Spatial Demographic Changes within Metropolitan Area during Different Phases of Urbanization

  9. 静安区内的上海美术电影制片厂是中国最重要的生产基地。

    Shanghai Animation Film Studio is the animation industry base of China .

  10. 上海市静安区学生肥胖危险因素分析

    Risk Factors of Student Obesity in Jing ' an District of Shanghai

  11. 上海静安区多名官员因高楼大火案被免职。

    Officials sacked for deadly high-rise fire in Shanghai .

  12. 上海市静安区125号地块规划设计

    An Old City Area Reconstruction Project of Shanghai No.125 Plot in Jing An District

  13. 上海市静安区341名60~70岁老人口腔健康问卷调查

    An Oral Health Survey of 341 Old People

  14. 目的探索符合上海市静安区特点的、具有可操作性的楼宇高血压管理模式。

    Objective To explore the adaptive and feasible hypertension management mode in buildings of Jingan district .

  15. 本文报告的是对上海静安区、安徽巢湖市及江西武宁县的502位调查对象进行的横断面调查分析结果。

    This article is about the cross-sectional investigation on 502 subjects in Anhui , Jiangxi and Shanghai .

  16. 静安区政府给人们营造的印象是,高档餐饮场所积极要求加入该午餐工程。

    The Jing'an government gives the impression that high-end eateries are clamouring to be included in the lunch programme .

  17. 上海市静安区涂阳肺结核患者治疗结果的影响因素研究

    Analysis on Factors Influencing Treatment Outcome of Smear-positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Jing ′ an District , Shanghai City

  18. 鉴于午餐工程极受欢迎,静安区目前已开始在某些地方增加下午茶。

    Given the popularity of the lunch scheme , Jing'an has now started including afternoon tea in some venues .

  19. 对静安区南部地区在建设过程中如何取得保护和发展进行了全面的论述。

    A comprehensive description is made how to protect and develop the southern area of Jingan District during its construction .

  20. 文章总结了我国2000年预防保健战略目标的实施状况。借鉴上海市静安区健康城市建设经验,学习美国健康目标,联合国千年峰会和WHO健康城市的目标与指标。

    This paper studied the implementation of the ' Health objectives on Prevention and Promotion by the year 2000 in China .

  21. 描述了系统在静安区综合平台上具体运行情况。

    It mainly describes the running condition of system on GIS platform in the Information Center of Jing ' an district .

  22. 通过对上海市静安区南京西路街道地区的案例,研究了大都市核心区的社会空间隔离。

    The paper demonstrates the case of Nanjing Xilu Street areas to study the socio-spatial segregation in nuclei areas of Metropolis Shanghai .

  23. 上海市静安区社区卫生服务综合改革基于这样的背景下,于2006年开始启动并实践。

    The general reform of community health service in Jing An District , in this background , started its practices in 2006 .

  24. 第六章是地理信息交换共享系统应用&静安区地理信息交换共享系统。

    Chapter 6 is " the application of geographic information exchange and share system-Jing ' an geographic information exchange and share system " .

  25. 方法对上海市静安区约10万人群的社区进行连续3年的心脑血管病监测,进行统计分析。

    Methods Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases were surveiled in a 100 000 population community in Shanghai Jing'an District for a successive three year period .

  26. 第二部分根据对上海崇明县和静安区历史教师的问卷调查,来分析中学历史教师进行科研活动的目的、对象、形式和困难;

    The second part analyses some questionnaires about the aims , the object , the forms and the difficulties of the history teachers ' research in Shanghai .

  27. 上海静安区劳动与社会保障局的葛副局长表示,大约17名餐厅员工申请仲裁。

    Some 17 employees of the restaurant have applied for arbitration , said a deputy chief of Jing ` an District Labor and Social Security Bureau surnamed Ge .

  28. 本文首先介绍了静安区土地利用的基本情况以及发展方向,分析目前静安区土地利用管理中存在的问题。

    The article firstly introduces the situation and direction of development of land utilization in Jing ' an District , analyzing the existing problems of land utilization and management .

  29. 随着“11.15”上海静安区高层住房失火时间的发生,建筑施工中的施工安全问题越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the " 11.15 " Shanghai Jing'an District , the occurrence of high-rise housing fire time , the construction safety about construction issues are paid more and more attention .

  30. 在城市道路的不断完善和各类城市建筑的纷纷兴建中,静安区以自东向西的发展方向、南商北工的发展格局完成了由农业用地向城市用地的转变。

    In the constant improvement of urban roads and urban buildings constructing from east to west , Jing ' an District finally completed the transition from agricultural land to urban land .