
  • 网络static Web page;static page;Static webpage
  1. 一般来说,互联网中信息的主要发布形式为静态网页,每个静态网页都含有一定数量的静态超链接,指向其他的静态网页。

    Generally , information in the Web is mainly published via static Web pages , and each static page contains a number of outgoing URLs pointing to other static pages .

  2. Web服务的出现使得网络从一个静态网页的提供者转变为一个可交互的、自动的和智能服务的提供者。

    The Web Service paradigm is transforming the Web from a provider of static pages to a provider of interactive , automated and intelligent services that interact via the Internet .

  3. 由于技术原因,传统的搜索引擎只能发现静态网页内容,而无法获取Web数据库中的信息。

    Limited by technology supports , most mainstream search engines can only return the surface of static webs , but can not directly acquire information from web database .

  4. 这些公司的区别可以归结为:微软专注于今天的Web,而他的对手专注于明天的。Internet正在成长,从读取静态网页到读取包含应用程序的页面。

    Here 's what the difference between the companies boils down to : Microsoft is focusing on today 's Web , and the rivals are focusing on tomorrow 's.

  5. 一般来说,SurfaceWeb是指那些有固定的超链接地址,能被传统搜索引擎索引或者通过其他页面访问到的静态网页的集合。

    Generally , the surface web is composed by static web pages which has steady hyperlink address and can be indexed by traditional search engine or visited from links in other pages .

  6. JavaScript是一种嵌入式脚本语言,在HTML文档中应用可以实现静态网页的动态交互效果。

    JavaScript , as a kind of the embeded script language , may implement the dynamic interactive effect in static HTML homepage .

  7. Java编写的简单Web应用可发布为一个WAR文件,里面包含编译好的类、JSP和XML文件、静态网页及其他资源。

    Simple web application written in Java can be distributed as a single WAR file containing compiled classes , JSP and XML files , static web pages and other resources .

  8. 本系统借助Web应用程序,可以使用户和管理员通过浏览器软件连接管理员数据库并完成操作,并将原有静态网页的形式升级到动态更新数据的形式。

    In enrollment management information system users and administrators , via web application programs and browser software , could have an access to the administrator system database to accept data , which updates the existing form of static pages to dynamic updating data .

  9. Web开发在过去的几年中有了很大的进展,我们已经远超了把静态网页链接在一起的做法,这种做法会引起浏览器的刷新,并且要等待页面的加载。

    Also available in   Chinese   Russian   Japanese   Vietnamese Web development has evolved considerably in the past few years . We 're beyond the static web pages linked together , which caused browser refreshing and waiting for pages to load .

  10. 采用发布代理和消息中间件,能实现对于多个站点基于模板的静态网页发布。

    It can manage multi-web pages through release agent and message middleware .

  11. 静态网页结构模式相似性判断研究

    A Research into the Judgments of Structural Model Resemblance of Static Network Pages

  12. 现有的网上教学系统的在线学习部分大都采用静态网页实现,可维护性很差,本文利用ASP。

    Online studying in the existed online teaching systems is implemented by the static homepage , with bad maintainability .

  13. 许多企业也逐渐发现,社交媒体服务的用途不仅是可以作为静态网页的替代品。

    Companies are also finding that social media services can provide more than just an alternative to a static web page .

  14. 传统的搜索引擎正是利用这些静态网页中的超链接来收集、索引和显示用户所感兴趣的网页和信息。

    The traditional search engines just make use of these outgoing URLs to collect , index and show the pages and information .

  15. 网页内容的不断更新往往使得采用静态网页制作技术设计的网站难以维护。

    It is difficult to maintain the network centre designed by using static network pape wrought technique with the continuous renewal of network page content .

  16. HTML是一个简单的网页编辑语言,但是他只能创建静态的网页。

    HTML is the simplest language for writing Web pages , but it allows you to create only static Web pages .

  17. Web技术已经从一种仅仅提供静态HTML网页内容的站点技术发展成为一种在全球范围内进行创造、进行协作和商业活动的系统工具。

    Formerly , Web was a technology only supporting static HTML page , but now it is a tool top resent global information resource , carry out cooperation and business activities .

  18. 注:如果你选择了一个静态的网页作为你的首页(请看看下面的),这个标签会应用到你的“文章页面”。

    Note : If you select a static Page as your frontpage ( see below ), this tag will be applied to your " posts page " .

  19. 静态的网页(从下面选择)–选中这个单选按钮,这样“静态的”网页显示为你的博客首页。

    A static page ( select below ) - Check this radio button to cause a " static " Page to be displayed as your blog 's front page .

  20. 控件是以编程方式添加或从web部件目录中添加的控件,而静态控件是在网页的标记中声明的。

    Controls are those that are added programmatically , or from a web parts catalog , as opposed to static controls that are declared in the markup of a web page .

  21. 动态与静态相互结合的网页设计方法

    Web page design method based on the combination of dynamic and static technologies

  22. 已有的恶意网页检测方法通常可以分为静态检测(基于网页内容或网址)和动态检测(基于浏览网页引发的行为),以及两者混合的方法。

    Detections techniques are usually classified into static detection ( based on page content or URL ), dynamic detection ( based on browsing behavior ), and a combination of both .