
ɡōnɡ qiú ɡuān xi
  • relation between supply and demand
供求关系 [gōng qiú guān xì]
  • [relation between supply and demand] 存在于供给和需求之间的联系

  1. 应用复杂适应系统理论和Swarm软件平台,给出模拟真实市场经济供求关系的仿真实验模型。

    This paper gives an emulational and experimental model of simulating relation between supply and demand in real market economy via the application of complex adaptive system and Swarm software platform .

  2. 我国职业足球市场的供求关系

    Relation between supply and demand in the occupational football market of China

  3. 问题的核心是供求关系。

    The heart of the problem is supply and demand

  4. 价格受供求关系的影响。

    Prices change according to supply and demand .

  5. 稻谷生产要适应WTO、供求关系、生态环境与可持续发展原则,根据市场需求生产。

    Rice grain production has to fit in with WTO , demand and supply relation , ecological environment , continuous development , and the requirement of market .

  6. 若从供求关系的角度分析,东道国ESP系统特征决定东道国吸收外资能力的大小,包括对外资的需求规模和需求结构;

    The characteristics of host country 's ESP determines the ability to absorb the foreign capital including the scale and the structure of demand ;

  7. 随着矿产资源供求关系全球化布局的发展和我国即将加入WTO,地勘系统实施矿业开发“走出去”战略已是势在必行。

    With the globalization of supply and demand of mineral resources and China joining WTO , it is imperative to carry out " going abroad " the strategy of mining industry in geological prospecting system .

  8. 然而su表示,新的定价体制没有反映出实际上基于一个设定价格的供求关系这个设定价格导致了市场的无效。

    However , according to Mr Su , the new pricing system did not reflect supply and demand , being based , essentially , on a set price that had introduced market inefficiencies .

  9. 影响IPOs上市定位的因素包括市场环境、发行价、财务指标、股票供求关系、可操纵性、成长性预期等几个方面。

    Factors influencing on IPOs ′ pricing includes Market condition , issue price , financial ratios , stocks ′ supply and demand , maneuverability , growth anticipation and so on .

  10. 随着WTO后,中国保险市场更加放开,保险供求关系的根本性转变使团体保险直接面对全球化竞争。

    For the time of being an official member of WTO , the insurance market has opened to the world more . At the same time the radical change of the relation between insurance supply and demand has made group insurance face the global competition directly .

  11. 明确河南JY住宅集团有限公司在土地与资金资源的供求关系发生变化的条件下未来的发展战略。

    We identified clearly the future development strategy of Henan JY Group Ltd. Residential under the condition at the relationship between supply and demand changes of land and financial resources .

  12. 从研究分析电子显示器供求关系出发,预测有源矩阵液晶显示器(AMLCDs)的世界市场。

    According to the analysis and resource on supply and demand issues of electronic displays , forecasts for the active_matrix liquid_crystal display ( AMLCDs ) wordwide market .

  13. 股市供求关系研究

    A study of the supply and demand of the stock market

  14. 第二章从供求关系理论出发,对税务代理市场供求两个方面进行理论分析。

    The second part is to analyze the supply and demand theory .

  15. 土地供求关系混乱。

    The relationship of land supply and demand is confusion .

  16. 高等教育产业产品结构和供求关系

    The Product Mix and Supply-Demand Relation of Higher Education Industry

  17. 高等教育供求关系与卫生人力客观调控

    Healthcare manpower controlling with the supply and demand for the higher education

  18. 这是其实一个简单的供求关系。

    It 's simply a matter of supply and demand .

  19. 商品的价格随商品的供求关系围绕着价值上下波动。

    The price of commodity fluctuates with supply and demand of commodities .

  20. 乳品消费市场供求关系预测研究

    Study of Dairy Products Supply and Demand Forecast in China

  21. 内蒙古粮食中长期供求关系及对策选择研究

    Long - and Medium - term Provisionment Strategy Choice of Inner Mongolia

  22. 石油供求关系回顾与展望

    Overviews and Outlook of Relation of Oil Supply and Demand

  23. 独生子女与父母供求关系的经济学考察

    An Economic Examination on the Demand and Supply Between only Child and Parents

  24. 如果供求关系平衡的话,就能实现经济的稳定。

    Economic stability can be reached if demand and supply are in balance .

  25. 西方供求关系理论述评

    A Survey of the Supply-demand Theory in Western Economics

  26. 河北省人口增长与土地资源及粮食供求关系的研究

    Relationship between population increase and land resources and food supply in Hebei province

  27. 基于供求关系的网格经济模型及策略研究

    On Grid Computing Economic Model and the Strategies Based on Supply and Demand

  28. 体育产业完全商业化、市场化,以市场价值为取向,按照供求关系,价值规律运作,是体育经济的必然之路。

    Economy is based on market and the rules .

  29. 信息商品质量的供求关系分析

    Analysis of the Relation Between Quality Supply and Quality Demand of Information Commodity

  30. 试论高等教育的供求关系

    A Tentative Analysis of the Relation between supply and demand on higher education