
gōng tǐ
  • donor;donator
供体[gōng tǐ]
  1. 以花生为DNA供体,以大豆为DNA受体。

    Peanut was used as DNA donor plant and soybean as DNA acceptor .

  2. 一氧化氮供体对弓形虫速殖子DNA含量的影响

    The Effect of Nitric Oxide Donor on the DNA Content in Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoite

  3. NO供体硝普钠损伤心肌细胞DNA的实验研究

    Experimental study of the damages of NO donor on DNA of cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes

  4. 为供体,宁春4号小麦为受体,采用花粉管通道法进行外源DNA导入。

    As donor and wheat as recipient .

  5. 无角道塞特、萨福克(白头)、特克塞尔的供体绵羊在品种间的超排效果上无显著差异(P>0.05);

    There was no difference in the effect of superovulation for Doll Dorset , White Suffolk and Texel ewes ;

  6. 维生素E对牛核移植供体细胞凋亡率的影响

    The Effect of Vitamin E On Apoptosis Rate of Bovine Donor Cell for Nuclear Transplantation

  7. 叶酸是机体内甲基供体,参与DNA合成,DNA甲基化等多个重要生理进程。

    Folic acid participates in DNA synthesis , DNA methylation and other important physiological processes as a methyl donor .

  8. C组,以16天胎鼠为供体移植组;用户群组在RBAC模型中的应用

    Application of User - Group in RBAC Model

  9. 同基因移植组SD(供体)鄄SD(受体);

    Isograft group : SD ( donor ) - SD ( recipient );

  10. NO供体SNP介导豚鼠离体回肠H1效应的体外研究

    NO Donor SNP Mediated H_1 Effect in Guinea Pig Ileum in Vitro

  11. 供体伤口引流管2~3d内拔除,住院时间4~5d。

    Drainage tubes of the donors were removed in 2 - 3 d.

  12. 转化当代和后代产生了许多变异个体,变异性状的遗传与转化当代外源DNA供体的亲缘关系有一定的相关性。

    To some degree , the inheritance and segregation of variant traits had a link with genetic relation between exogenous DNA donor and receipt .

  13. iDC通过与供体来源的可溶性抗原(solubleantigen,sAg)共孵育摄取供体抗原。

    Antigen-loaded DCs were collected after incubation with soluble antigen ( sAg ) derived from donor .

  14. H/R和NO供体SIN-1(3-morphilinosydnonimine)联合损伤引起神经元LDH漏出率显著高于单纯H/R组。

    Neuronal LDH leaking rate induced by H / R and NO-donor SIN-1 injury was higher than H / R injury alone .

  15. 目的探讨吞噬供体凋亡细胞的受者树突状细胞(DC)的功能及其在诱导同种异体小鼠心脏移植耐受中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of recipient dendritic cells ( DC ) loaded with donor-derived apoptotic cells on inducing murine cardiac allograft tolerance .

  16. 实验组为异基因心脏移植,供体为Wistar大鼠,受体为SD大鼠。对照组为同基因心脏移植,供体与受体均为SD大鼠。

    Methods Groups of Wistar rats underwent heterotopic heart transplantation from allogeneic SD or syngeneic Wistar rats .

  17. C-myc基因在供体小肠缺血再灌注损伤中的作用

    The role of C-myc gene in the ischemic reperfusion injury of donor intestine

  18. 移植骨髓后一年内不同时间分批活杀动物,借C分带染色识别Y染色体法追踪受体骨髓中供体型细胞所占比例。

    Recipient animals were sacrificed at various intervals wi-thin one year after bone marrow transplantation and donor type cells in recipient bonemarrow were identified by means of C-banding technique .

  19. Bcl-2,Bax和线粒体膜蛋白在一氧化氮供体诱导HL-60细胞凋亡中的改变

    Change of Bcl-2 , Bax Proteins and Mitochondrial Membrance Protein on Nitric Oxide Induced Apoptosis in HL-60 Cells

  20. 方法:分离培养水囊引产4~5个月龄胎儿来源的骨髓MSC和脐血CD34+造血干/祖细胞(HSC),作为供体细胞。

    Methods : Human bone marrow derived MSC and HSC were used as the donor .

  21. 结果只有50%的供体颊黏膜上皮适宜做APF的抗原片。

    Results Only approximately 50 % of the buccal mucosa was suitable for preparation of substrate .

  22. 单向混合淋巴细胞培养的MTT比色分析结果为导向毒细胞的定向杀伤功能和供体淋巴细胞胸腺注射的T细胞克隆衰减功能提供了细胞学证据。

    The results of MTT colorimetric assay after one way mixed lymphocytes co culture provided the cellular evidence in vitro .

  23. 采用花粉管通道法,在受体哈师5号授粉后,将经过辐照处理的供体DNA整体导入到哈师5号中,并对所得后代不断进行筛选和研究。

    With the pollen-tube pathway , the exogenous DNA that had been treated with radiation was introduced into Hashi 5 after its pollination and its descendants were selected and researched unceasingly .

  24. 目的探讨bcl-2基因对供体小肠缺血再灌注损伤的调控作用及机制。

    Objective To investigate the effect of the regulation of the bcl-2 gene on the ischemia reperfusion injury of donor intestine and the mechanism .

  25. 方法单人操作。以雄性Wistar大鼠为供体,Sprague-Dawley大鼠为受体。

    Methods We chose the Sprague-Dawley rat as the recipient and the Wistar rat as the donor .

  26. 利用脑死亡供体(Brain-deaddonor,BDD)器官进行移植可有效缓解器官来源短缺这一问题。

    Brain-dead donor ( BDD ) is the effective way to solve the problem .

  27. 方法:供体DC以humanIL-10基因修饰后,通过外周静脉输入受体体内,一周后行大鼠同种异体皮肤移植,根据实验分组观察受体移植皮肤存活情况。

    Methods The recipient was pretreated with donor human IL-10 modified DC or with unmodified DC , skin transplantation was performed and the survival time of skin allograft were observed .

  28. 结果表明克隆牛的微卫星DNA与核供体牛完全一致,而线粒体DNA则全部来源于卵母细胞。

    The results of the present study indicate that the microsatellite DNA of cloned cattle is consistent with the nuclear donor absolutely . However , their mtDNA is originated from corresponding oocytes completely .

  29. 结论有效的供体心脏保护措施和合适的CPB管理方法是心脏移植成功的关键。

    Conclusion Proper CPB management and effective donor heart protection are essential to guarantee the success of heart transplantation .

  30. 亲属肾供体SF-36健康调查分值高于一般中国人群。

    SF-36 score was higher than Chinese population .