
xū yào liànɡ
  • requirement;quantity of demand
  1. 我需要量一下血压。

    I need to have my blood pressure taken .

  2. 少年运动员维生素B1、B2、C需要量的初步研究

    A primary study of vitamin b_1 , b_2 and C requirements for Juvenile Athletes

  3. 老年人维生素C需要量的探讨

    Daily vitamin C requirement of the elderly

  4. 试验采用氮平衡试验研究产蛋高峰期罗曼公、母鸡的氮维持需要量(Nm),并分析公、母鸡氮代谢的变化规律。

    The nitrogen requirement for maintenance ( Nm ) was determined by nitrogen balance .

  5. 甲状腺协会支持了世界卫生组织所建议的孕妇或哺乳期妇女每日250?g的需要量。

    The Thyroid Association backs the World Health Organization 's recommendation of250 ? g daily for all pregnant or lactating women .

  6. 这种方法把n个状态的n阶滤波器压缩成用n/2个状态来描述,从而减少了设计过程中的内存需要量。

    Only n / 2 states are needed to describe n-state filters in the design , so that many storages can be saved .

  7. 根据患儿体重分类和烧伤面积计算24h液体需要量,输液泵均匀控制输液速度并根据每小时尿量进行调整。

    The infusion rate was adjusted with a pump infusion according to urine output per hour .

  8. 维生素E主要在肝代谢,其生理需要量为10mg/d,是体内重要的抗氧化剂,能抑制血小板聚集、防治DNA损伤、增强机体免疫并维持正常的生殖功能。

    Recommended dietary allowance of vitamin E is 10 mg / d. As an important antioxidant , vitamin E can inhibit aggregation of blood platelet , prevent DNA damage and enhance immune function .

  9. 高光呼吸低光效的C3作物,要比低光呼吸高光效的C4作物对CO2需要量高得多。

    Comparing with C4 crops , C3 crops need more CO2 because of their high light respiration rate and low photosynthesis rate .

  10. 为了解煤矿井下工人维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C(以下简称VB1、VB2、VC)的需要量,用饱和试验法对工人该三种维生素的需要量进行了初步调查;

    The saturation experiment was used to investigate the demand of vitamine B 1 , B 2 , C of coal miners .

  11. 方法采用国外急危重病人家属需要量表,对我院100名ICU病人家属进行调查。结果病人家属对限制陪护制度的认同与病人的病情转归及医护质量有关。

    Method Molter Family Need Scale for Emergent and Severe Patients questionnaire was used to investigate the perception of limitation of patients'accompany for100 family members in ICU .

  12. 干血痕的最小检出需要量为0.125μl血液量的血痕。

    The mininum amount for dectection is 0.125 μ lblood or blood stain .

  13. 结果表明:0.15mg/kg的硒添加量已基本满足瘦肉型母猪的需要量;

    The results showed that the addition of 0.15mg/kg Se in diet could meet the requirement of lean-type sow .

  14. 两组病人气管插管前均按10ml·kg~(-1)输入乳酸林格氏液补充生理需要量。

    Both groups were received basic liquid requirement using Lactated Ringer 's solution ( 10ml / kg ) before intubation .

  15. 10~20kg长×荣二元杂交猪氨基酸需要量的研究

    Research on Amino Acids Requirements of 10 ~ 20kg Landrance × Rongchang Crossbred Piglets

  16. 方法:参考国外危急重病人家属需要量表,对杭州市两家三甲医院100名ICU病人家属进行调查。

    Methods : One hundred family member of patients in ICU were surveyed using Molter family need scale for emergent and severe patients in two high - ranking hospitals in Hang Zhou .

  17. 方法选取Molter急危重病人家庭需要量表中部分内容,对50例ICU患者直系家属进行测评。

    Methods 50 lineal relative of ICU patients were assessed by some content selected from Molter Scale of ICU patients ' families .

  18. 并提出,采用即时O3需要量(X)作为控制参数更利于O3利用效率的提高。

    Meanwhile , it is pointed out that the use of " real-time O3 demand ( X )" as the control parameter more benefits the improvement of the efficiency of utilization of O3 .

  19. 方法:随机制取562名11~19岁汉族青少年的石膏模型,应用牙科美学指数(DAI)确定正畸治疗的需要量。

    Methods : The study models of 562 persons aged from 11 to 19 years old were made randomly . The need of orthodontic treatment was assessed using the Index of Dental Aesthetic ( DAI ) .

  20. 预计到2000年,胶鞋行业对S-SBR的需要量将达2&2.5万t/a,轮胎行业将达6.5万t/a。

    Estimates of S-SBR consumption is forecast to be 20 000-25 000 t / a and 65 000 t / a in shoe and tire sector , respectively .

  21. 结果表明:断奶仔猪(5~20kg体重)日粮蛋白质需要量受品种、性别、饲养水平、饲粮类型和日粮能量浓度等因素影响,应视情况而定。

    The result showed that variety , gender , feeding level , diet type and energy concentration and so on can affect dietary protein requirement in piglet .

  22. 因此认为,7~22kg仔猪钙需要量为0.74%。

    It was concluded that dietary calcium requirement of swine from 7 to 22 kg bodyweight was 0.74 % .

  23. 平均每头鹿每天对消化能和可消化蛋白质的需要量分别为36~37MJ和366~382g。

    The daily requirements of digestible energy and digestible crude protein per deer were 36 ~ 37 MJ and 366 ~ 382g respectively during the antler growth period for five years old sika deer .

  24. 特种经济动物营养需要量与饲料评定

    Advance in Special Economic Animal Nutrition and Feed Evaluation in China

  25. 硫在反刍动物营养中的作用及其需要量的研究

    Studies on the Function and Requirements of Sulphur of Ruminant Nutrition

  26. 关于中国水产养殖动物对营养物质需要量的研究

    A review : nutrient requirement of aquatic animals cultivated in China

  27. 早期断奶仔猪的能量、蛋白和赖氨酸需要量研究

    Studies of energy , protein and lysine requirements of early-weaned piglets

  28. 0~6周龄蛋雏鸡钙需要量的研究

    Study of optimum calcium requirement of 0 ~ 6 week pullets

  29. 成年犬钙磷需要量研究

    Study on the Calcium and Phosphorous Requirements of Adult Beagle Dogs

  30. 生长犊牛蛋白质需要量及其代谢规律研究

    Study on Protein Requirement and Metabolic Rule of Growing Beef Cattle