
xū qiú lǐ lùn
  • demand theory
  1. 首先,通过对粮食机械行业的营销状况进行了分析,并阐明了需求理论、SWOT理论和10P理论。

    , Ltd. Firstly , the paper analyzes the current marketing situation faced by grain machinery industry and describes the demand theory , SWOT theory and 10P theory .

  2. 然后分析了货币需求理论的演变,并分析了其局限性;

    Secondly , the evolvement and the limitation of money demand theory ;

  3. 正如马斯洛(Maslow)的需求理论,人的需求由低到高分别为:生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、自尊需求和自我实现需求。

    From the needs theory of Maslow , human needs can be distinguished from down to up as physiological needs , security needs , communication needs , self-respect needs , and self-realization needs .

  4. 从需求理论到供给理论及其启示

    From Theory of Demand to Theory of Supply and The Implications

  5. 第一节简要介绍经典的货币需求理论。

    A relatively valid Money Demand Function was not set up .

  6. 西方货币需求理论的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Theories of Money Demand in Western Countries

  7. 需求理论对新课程理念下化学教学的启示

    The revelation of chemical teaching in new courses by requirement theory

  8. 第二章对货币需求理论的发展进行回顾;

    The second chapter states development of theory of demand for money ;

  9. 医疗供方诱导需求理论及其在我国的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Physician - induced Demand in China

  10. 多产品竞争环境下的需求理论和竞争策略设计

    Demand Theory and Competition Policy Design in Multi-products Competition Markets

  11. 对凯恩斯有效需求理论的制度修正&兼谈我国当前有效需求不足及治理

    The System Revising to Keynes ' Valid Requirement Theory

  12. 需求理论是马克思主义唯物史观的重要内容。

    The theory of requirement is an important part of Marxism historical view .

  13. 马斯洛需求理论在基层公务员管理中的运用

    On the Application of Maslow 's Theory Needs at the Grass-roots Civil Management

  14. 保险需求理论在保险学研究中占有重要的地位,而人身保险需求理论更是保险学中的一个重要课题。

    Life insurance demand is a very important subject in insurance theory study .

  15. 马斯洛需求理论与房地产营销

    Maslow 's Demand Theory and Real Estate Marketing

  16. 对会计信息供给与需求理论的探讨

    Probe to the Supply Demand Theory of Accounting

  17. 货币需求理论的演变定位于宏观经济的发展。

    In this thesis I discussed the theory of evolvement of the currency demand .

  18. 对马歇尔需求理论的修正

    Correction of Alfred Marshall Theory of Demand

  19. 综合职业需求理论模型的构建

    The Establishment of Comprehensive Theory Career Need

  20. 第二个理论基础是社会交换理论、需求理论以及互惠准则。

    The second theoretical basis is society exchange theory , demand theory and reciprocity criteria .

  21. 从需求理论看我国住房市场价格的状况分析

    Analysis on Current Situation of China 's Real Estate Price Market from Perspective of Demand Theory

  22. 保险需求理论的演进

    The Advancement of Insurance Demand Theory

  23. 上市公司治理特征对审计定价影响的基础理论主要有:委托代理理论、信号需求理论及冲突理论。

    The foundation theory mainly has the principal-agent theory , signal demand theory and conflict theory .

  24. 本文从需求理论出发,探索了消费者对于食物和食用菌的需求。

    From the demand theory , this article explores the consumer for food and mushroom demand .

  25. 运用经济学供给和需求理论浅析北京市体育专业人才的培养

    Analysis to the Cultivation of Beijing P.E. Special Talents with the Theory of Economic Supplies and Demands

  26. 谈层次需求理论对提高高校教学质量的启示

    A talk on the inspiration of leveled demand theory to improve the teaching quality in higher school

  27. 马斯洛需求理论,针对不同层次的员工采用不同的激励措施。

    Based on Maslow 's theory , this paper adopts different incentive measures to personnel in different hierarchies .

  28. 金融均衡论&用供给与需求理论诠释金融适度问题

    Financial Equilibrium & Using the Theory of Supply and Demand to Explain the Problems about Moderate Amount Financial Assets

  29. 首先,论文对顾客的定义进行界定,并且根据马洛斯的需求理论[2-3]对顾客群体的需求进行分析;

    Firstly , the author defined customer and analyzed customer group demands according to Maslow 's Hierarchy of needs theory .

  30. 本研究观察历年来台湾地区对外投资的趋势及台湾地区劳动供需的演变,根据劳动需求理论,同时考虑影响劳动需求的其它因素,建立一实证模型。

    According to labor demand theory and other factors that influence labor demand to establish a framework for empirical analysis .