
xū yào
  • need;require;want;demand;call for;involve;necessity;entail;requisition;have occasion to
需要 [xū yào]
  • (1) [need;want;require;demand]∶应该有,必须有;必要,有理由要

  • 儿童们需要牛奶

  • (2) [needs]∶对事物的欲望或要求

  • 经济上的需要

  • 从战争的需要出发

需要[xū yào]
  1. 这些孩子非常需要爱心和关怀。

    The children are in desperate need of love and attention .

  2. 我需要在停车收费器里投2英镑银币。

    I need £ 2 in silver for the parking meter .

  3. 斟酌一下她的言外之意,我觉得克莱尔需要钱。

    Reading between the lines , I think Clare needs money .

  4. 演奏这一段音乐需要有很高的技艺。

    It is a technically demanding piece of music to play .

  5. 选举失败后,这个党需要改组。

    After its election defeat , the party needs to regroup .

  6. 有了数字电视你就可以选择你所需要的摄像角度。

    With digital you can choose the camera angle you want .

  7. 我们需要对这一政策产生的效果作出评价。

    We need to evaluate how well the policy is working .

  8. 还有几件小事需要了结。

    There are still a few loose ends to tie up .

  9. 如果真是那样,我们就需要更多的员工了。

    If that is the case , we need more staff .

  10. 它和其他类型的设备一样,也需要定期检修。

    Like any other type of equipment it requires regular servicing .

  11. 他需要在坦诚与唐突之间找到折中的方法。

    He needed to find a mean between frankness and rudeness .

  12. 你需要200英镑作为你假日的最低开销。

    You 'll need £ 200 minimum for your holiday expenses .

  13. 我们需要了解事情发生的确切时间。

    We need to know the exact time the incident occurred .

  14. 我们需要拿出解决这一问题的协调一致的办法。

    We need to develop a coordinated approach to the problem .

  15. 我们需要时间对这个问题有个透彻的了解。

    We need time to inform ourselves thoroughly of the problem .

  16. 总统对于国家安全是不需要读入门书的。

    The President doesn 't need a primer on national security .

  17. 你需要一种弹性很大的布料。

    You need a material with plenty of stretch in it .

  18. 你需要放松肩部肌肉。

    You need to release the tension in these shoulder muscles .

  19. 我们怎样才最能满足后代子孙的需要?

    How can we best serve the needs of future generations ?

  20. 她老是对我的房间需要打扫的事指责个没完。

    She 's always on my case about cleaning my room .

  21. 如果真是那样,那我们就需要更多的员工了。

    If that is the case , we need more staff .

  22. 如果需要,冰箱里总有食物。

    There 's always food in the freezer if need be .

  23. 部长们应该更关怀家庭的需要。

    Ministers should be more attentive to the needs of families .

  24. “需要帮忙吗?”他和悦地说。

    ' Can I help you ? ' he asked pleasantly .

  25. 需要杀杀他的威风。

    He needed to be taken down a peg or two .

  26. 该系统已装配好,但需要一些细小调整。

    The system is set up but it needs some fine-tuning .

  27. 这个项目需要筹集800万英镑的资助。

    The project needs to raise £ 8 million in sponsorship .

  28. 这些课是针对高年级学生的需要开设的。

    The classes are keyed to the needs of advanced students .

  29. 他能直觉地感到读者需要什么。

    He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanted .

  30. 您要是需要什么,请尽管吩咐。

    If you need anything , I am at your service .