
zhōng xué shēng
  • middle school student;senior
中学生 [zhōng xué shēng]
  • [student] 在中学读书的学生

中学生[zhōng xué shēng]
  1. 在最近的一次美术作业中,一个中学生描绘了一个负担过重的孩子因为在一次数学考试中得了A而不是A+而被责骂的情景。

    In a recent art assignments , a middle school student depicted an overburdened child who was being scolded for earning an A , rather than an A + , on a math exam .

  2. Mary是一个中学生。&她的确是一个中学生。

    Mary is a Middle school student , & so she is .

  3. 故事围绕着一群辍学的中学生展开。

    The story is built around a group of high school dropouts .

  4. 5,000多名中学生因为作弊被开除。

    More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating .

  5. 中学生必须学代数与几何。

    Middle school students have to learn both algebra and geometry .

  6. 这本书的对象是中学生。

    This book is intended for middle school students .

  7. 对中学生来说学习一些性常识是对的。

    It 's only right for middle school students to learn something about the facts of life .

  8. 小学生、中学生以至大学生都来看这个展览。

    Elementary school students , middle school students and even college students came to see the exhibition .

  9. 去年蠃得国际数学奥林匹克竞赛的美国队队员几乎都以中学生身份参加了MathCounts项目,罗教授也是该项目的一位志愿教练。

    Nearly all members of last year ’ s winning U.S. IMO team took part in Math Counts as middle school students , as did Loh , the coach .

  10. 计算机科学家们已经创造了一个叫作“贝蒂的大脑”的动画人物,她被数百个中学生“教授”了环境科学。

    Computer scientists have created an animated figure called Betty 's Brain , who has been " taught " about environmental science by hundreds of middle school students .

  11. 它转向了一群中学生。

    It 's turning to a bunch of high school kids .

  12. 多伦多教育局的中学生受邀在他们的日常课表中添加一到两个电子学习课程。

    Secondary students across Toronto District School Board ( TDSB ) are invited to take one or two e-Learning courses on their day school timetable .

  13. 2015年5月1日,7名中学生在东江游泳。

    On May 1st , 2015 , seven middle school students went swimming in the Dongjiang River .

  14. 但是,有一群特殊的中国中学生决定品尝校外生活的艰辛。

    But a special group of Chinese middle school students decided to taste the hardship of life outside school .

  15. 我可以告你诱拐中学生。

    I can indict you for abducting high school student .

  16. 近20%的中学生经常喝含糖饮料。

    Nearly 20 percent of middle and high school students regularly consume sugary drinks , it added .

  17. 我建议将中学生早晨到校的时间推迟到7:30,并且要规定最晚的放学时间,任何学生不得留校。

    I suggest schools start classes after 7:30 am , and nail down a deadline for when students must be dismissed4 .

  18. 无论是中学生、大学生还是成年跑者,都需要了解越野跑会带来的伤病风险。

    High school runners , college runners , and adult runners all need to be aware of the risks of injury that come with running cross country .

  19. 卡玛拉由一名普通的中学生变为惊奇队长,成了能伸缩自如、任意变形、抚慰自愈的超级英雄。

    Kamala went from being an ordinary high school student to being Ms. Marvel4 — a Super Hero with the power to stretch , morph , and heal .

  20. 现在的中学生起得早,睡得晚,不少学生为完成当日作业,晚上过了11点,甚至过了12点才能入寝,第二天一早5点半又要艰难地爬起来,保证7点之前就得到校。

    To get their homework done , many students cannot go to bed until 11 pm or even later . And they have to get up around 5:30 am to ensure they get to school before 7 am .

  21. 福州市大、中学生掌握艾滋病(AIDS)知识的现状调查

    Investigating Students ' Knowledge of AIDS

  22. 药理学PBL教学中学生批判性思维能力的培养

    Evaluation of critical thinking skills in pharmacological PBL teaching

  23. 教学讨论区以合作学习的方式,采用ASP编程,运用ACCESS数据库系统构建,支持学习过程中学生之间、学生与教师之间的交流与合作。

    The discussion area of educating which supports exchanging and cooperation between the students and teachers in studying by cooperative studying has been set up utilizing access data base system and ASP program .

  24. 方法:采用中学生主观幸福感量表和EPQ对283名中学生进行调查。

    Methods : 283 secondary school students were evaluated by the Secondary School Students ' Subjective Well-Being Scale and EPQ .

  25. 在中学生中,BMI指数和肩胛下角部位的皮脂厚度比对照组也显著增加。

    In the junior school students , BMI index and sebaceous thickness of shoulder blade increased more remarkable in the interventional group than in the control group .

  26. 方法对4所初中学校所有在校学生进行呼吸系统健康状况和家庭问卷调查,采用多元非条件Logistic回归模型就中学生呼吸系统症状的影响因素进行分析。

    Methods A questionnaire investigation based on students respiratory health and family conditions was carried out among 4 middle school students . Data were sent into unconditional multiple regression logistic model to analyze the influencing factors .

  27. 方法选取乐昌市300名中学生药物滥用者为研究组,随机抽取与研究组性别、年龄相匹配的600名正常中学生为对照组,采用自拟问卷进行调查,并进行单因素和多因素条件Logistic回归分析。

    Methods 300 students were selected from Lechang city who were drug-abuser as research group , and control group were randomly selected 600 normal ones matched for age and sex . Investigations were conducted with the Self-made Questionnaire and so were single-and multiple-factor conditional logistic regression analyses .

  28. 结果网络过度使用在上海市中学生中的发生率为2.62%,男生IOU的发生率明显高于女生(P<0.05);

    Results : The occurrence rate of IOU in these middle school students was 2.65 % , The occurrence rate of male was significantly higher than that of female ( P < 0.05 );

  29. 因此,笔者从数学学习心理层面提出生长教学策略,用以完善中学生的CPFS结构。

    Because of this , the paper offers such an idea & The Growth Teaching Strategy of Improving the middle school students ' CPFS Frame , from an angle of mathematics study psychology .

  30. 结果如下:(1)MSLSS是适合于中、以中学生生活满意度跨文化研究的有效工具;

    The results show : ( 1 ) MSLSS is an effective instrument to do the cross-cultural study on Chinese and Israeli middle school students ' life satisfaction .