
  • 网络medieval philosophy;Mediaeval Philosophy
  1. 中世纪哲学的基本精神及意义

    On the General Spirit and Significant Role of the Medieval Philosophy

  2. 那个系每年都开中世纪哲学课。

    The Department offers a course on medieval philosophy each year .

  3. 中世纪哲学研究的几个关键问题&读《理性与信仰:西方中世纪哲学思想》有感

    Some Key Issues in the Research on Mediaeval Philosophy

  4. 论中世纪哲学中的光照论及其意义

    On Illumination Theory and its Significance in Medieval Philosophy

  5. 中世纪哲学是以基督教信仰为前提的,是以信仰寻求理解为基础展开的。

    The spirit of medieval philosophy was the Christian faith and faith seeking understanding .

  6. 理念与光照&论柏拉图理念论对中世纪哲学的影响

    On the Impact of Platonism on Medieval Philosophy

  7. 中世纪哲学中理性主义的异变及其历史功绩

    The Variation of the Rationalism in the Middle Ages Philosophy and it 's Historical Contribution

  8. 他们的哲学注定要给法国、意大利乃至整个基督教世界的中世纪哲学注入新的生命。

    Their philosophy was destined to reanimate the medieval philosophy of France and Italy and the whole Christian world .

  9. 十五、十六世纪的文艺复兴运动起源于对中世纪哲学和神学的思维方式的反叛。

    The Renaissance movement of the 15th and 16th centuries was born out of a disenchantment with the Mediaeval philosophical and theological way of thinking .

  10. 作为联系古代哲学和中世纪哲学、东方哲学和西方哲学的桥梁的阿拉伯哲学,在世界哲学思想发展史上占有特殊的地位。

    As a link like " bridge " in ancient philosophy and medieval philosophy , Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy , Arabic philosophy occupies a special position in the world philosophy history .

  11. 神学和哲学、信仰和理性的关系问题作为中世纪哲学的基本问题是神人关系在理论深处的高曲变奏。

    The problem about the relationship between theology and philosophy as well as faith and reason the basic philosophical problem in the Middle Ages is the variation between god and human being in theoretical depths .

  12. 光照论是中世纪哲学基于基督教信仰之下的一种独特的知识论,是柏拉图的理念论和新柏拉图主义的流溢说在认识领域的逻辑延伸,其主要目的是论证人的知识的可靠性和确定性。

    Illumination Theory is a peculiar epistemology of Christianity in the Middle Ages and an outcome from the extension of Platonic Idea and New-Platonic Emanation in epistemology , which ensures the reliability and certainty of knowledge .

  13. 中世纪哲学秉承了西方哲学的理性传统,以一种独特的形态延续着西方哲学发展的轨迹,其基本精神仍是理性的科学精神与信仰的宗教精神的交融。

    The medieval philosophy inherited the western reason traditions and went along the track of the development of western philosophy in a special pattern , so its general spirit was still the integration of reasonably scientific spirit and religious spirit .

  14. 讽刺攻击中世纪经院哲学的作者(1494-1553)。

    Author of satirical attacks on medieval scholasticism ( 1494-1553 ) .

  15. 在中世纪,哲学与神学是不分的。

    In the middle ages , philosophy and theology were inextricable .

  16. 中世纪经院哲学对近代西方科学的形上学贡献

    Metaphysical Attributions to Modern Science by Scholasticism in Middle Ages

  17. 哥特式建筑艺术实现了中世纪基督教哲学与艺术创作的完美结合。

    Gothic architecture achieves medieval Christian perfect combination of philosophy and art .

  18. 在基督教的中世纪,哲学存在于基督教神学中。

    In " the Christian Middle Ages ", philosophy existed in Christian theology .

  19. 蒙田的怀疑论是摧毁中世纪经院哲学精神统治的有力武器;

    The scepticism of Montaigne is a powerful weapon to destroy the spirit control of scholasticism of Middle Ages .

  20. 尽管中世纪宗教哲学与艺术对希腊罗马文化进行了歪曲,但仍然大量地整理与探索了相关的文化遗产。

    Though Greco-Roman philosophy and art were distorted in Middle Ages , relevant cultural legacies have greatly been organized and explored .

  21. 主体性原则是在反对中世纪宗教哲学上帝创世论中逐步确立起来的,主体原则、真理原则是其基本特征。

    It is essential and urgent , on terms of theory and practice , to probe the subjective principle of dealing with the relation of .

  22. 这种起源在西方以某种独特的方式与古希腊思想向中世纪基督教哲学的转变相联系。

    This origin is , in a unique way in the west , related to the transformation from ancient Greek thought to Medieval Christian philosophy .

  23. 意向性这一概念最早就出现于中世纪经院哲学中,是布伦塔诺的改造才使其具备成为后来如此重要的哲学概念的可能。

    The concept of intentionality first appeared in the Medieval scholasticism . It was the transformation of Brentano that made it become an essential philosophical concept possible .

  24. 西方传统哲学从古希腊本体论哲学体系,经过中世纪宗教哲学体系、近代科学理性哲学体系,最终走向体系哲学(思辨理性的哲学体系)。

    Western traditional philosophy is the process of establishing and improving system belief from the ontological philosophy in ancient Greek , religious philosophy in medieval century and the modern scientifically rational philosophy to speculative philosophy .

  25. 第五种要素在古代和中世纪的哲学中,除了土、空气、火和水四大基本元素以外的第五种也是最高的精髓,被认为是天体的组成物质并潜伏在于所有事物之中。

    In ancient and medieval philosophy , the fifth and highest essence after the four elements of earth , air , fire , and water , thought to be the substance of the heavenly bodies and latent in all things .

  26. 中世纪神学与哲学发展一体的关系

    United Relationship of Theology and Philosophy in the Middle Ages

  27. 它与中世纪的经院哲学针锋相对,成为文艺复兴的一个重要的方向。

    Tit for tat with the medieval scholasticism , the Renaissance is an important direction .

  28. 中世纪是欧洲哲学发展的重要时期。

    The Middle Ages of Europe is an important period in the development of European philosophy .

  29. 这些论证展示了理性能力是如何与信仰达成绝妙的一致的。最后,我们还将看到,这个命题在中世纪之后的哲学影响,它将关联到近现代哲学家们的基本努力。

    These proofs show how reason ability comply with the faith . Finally , we will see , the philosophical affect of this proposition after the middle ages , it will related to the basic endeavor of the modern philosophers .

  30. 首先,阐述了近代法哲学兴起的原因,即古代和中世纪自然法哲学提供了思想养料以及当时的历史和文化条件的作用。

    First of all , elaborated the modern law philosophy emerges the reason , namely the ancient times and the ?? le ages natural law philosophy has provided the thought nourishment as well as historical and the cultural condition function then .