
  • 网络philosophical school;schools of philosophy
  1. 道家是一个哲学流派,而道教是一个宗教流派;

    Taoist school is a philosophical school , while Taoism is a religious sect .

  2. 瑜伽论是古印度的一个重要哲学流派,其理论深刻而复杂,而现代人却片面地把瑜伽认为是一种单纯的健身方式。

    The yoga theory is a important philosophical school , its theory deep and complicated , however , the modern people just take yoga as a simple way to keep fit .

  3. 初为父母的人要面临扑面而来的各种商业产品和育儿哲学流派:亲密育儿法、婴幼儿资源中心(ResourcesforInfantEducarers)、《从零岁开始》(BabyWise)等等。

    The first-time parent faces a bewildering array of commercial products and schools of parenting philosophies : attachment parenting , " Resources for Infant Educarers , " " Baby Wise , " the list rolls on .

  4. 实证主义、人文主义、结构主义是现代西方地理学中的三大哲学流派。

    Three philosophies-positivism , humanism and structuralism - dominate western geography .

  5. 道学和儒学是中国历史上最具影响力的两个哲学流派。

    Taoism and Confucianism are the two most influential philosophies in China .

  6. 古希腊存在着大量的哲学流派。

    So there was a huge variety of philosophy in ancient Greece .

  7. 教育哲学流派影响的强弱变化;

    The strong and weak change of the influence of educational psychology genres ;

  8. 摘要存在主义是当代西方世界流行很广的一个哲学流派。

    Existentialism is a school of philosophy widely in the modrn western world .

  9. 现象学无疑是二十世纪重要的哲学流派之一。

    Phenomenology is undoubtedly one of the important philosophical schools in the twentieth century .

  10. 解构主义是一个哲学流派,起源于二十世纪六十年代后期的法国。

    Deconstruction is a school of philosophy that originated in France in the late 1960s .

  11. 许多哲学流派的思想影响个人的生活和服装设计的概念。

    Many philosophicalschools of thought influenced both people 's lives and the conceptions of clothing design .

  12. 还有伊鸠派哲人和斯多格派哲人,也是非常有名的哲学流派。

    The Epicurean philosophers , the Stoic philosophers , again , are very famous schools of philosophy .

  13. 因此,第一个问题自然就是:“这个哲学流派到底分析什么?”

    So a natural first question is : " What exactly does this school of philosophy analyse ?"

  14. 春秋战国哲学流派研究的反思

    Reflection on Research into the Schools of Philosophy in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States

  15. 在现代西方社会,非马克思主义哲学流派基本上可以划分为科学主义和人本主义两大思潮。

    In modem western society , non-Marxist philosophical schools can be basically divided into two trends : scientism and humanism .

  16. 国外教学论的发展经历以下几个阶段:第一,前理性时期。代表思想是智者派的教学思想、柏拉图的教学思想和经院哲学流派的教学思想。

    The first period was pre-rational phase in which representative thoughts were the teaching ideas of Sophists , Plato and scholasticism .

  17. 一些当代西方哲学流派把人类解放的路径转向内心体验和诗性之思,这根本不可能替代马克思哲学完成对当下社会批判和建设的历史使命。

    They can 't take the place of Marxist philosophy to finish the historical mission of critique and construction on today'society .

  18. 存在主义产生于二十世纪20年代,盛行于40&60年代,现在已经式微的一哲学流派。

    Existentialism is a kind of philosophy school that originated in 1920s , popularized in 1940s-1960s , and now it ebbs .

  19. 作为20世纪最有影响的哲学流派之一的现象学,其核心就是它的方法;

    Phenomenology is one of the most influential philosophical schools in the 20th century . Its outstanding feature lies in its method .

  20. 有许许多多的哲学流派描述了死后的世界,却全都彼此矛盾。

    There are scores of philosophies which speak about what happens after death and all these philosophies are contradictory to each other .

  21. 斯多亚学派是希腊化三大哲学流派之一,它的宇宙论在古代西方独树一帜。

    Stoicism is one of three main philosophical schools in Hellenistic period , its cosmogony is distinctive in the whole western age .

  22. 他创立的现象学是20世纪最有影响的哲学流派之一,也是西方学术界公认的近代以来最重要的哲学思想。

    The phenomenology found by him is one of the philosophic schools of thought , which has the greatest significance in 20th century .

  23. 揭示结构主义哲学流派的演变,有利于我们进一步认识后现代主义文化思潮的本质和意义。

    Revealing the development of philosophical sect of structuralism contributed to our realization of the essence and significance of cultural ideological trend of post-modernism .

  24. 社群主义,作为20世纪后期西方政治哲学流派,是在反思与批判自由主义的进程中发展起来的。

    Communitarianism , as the western political philosophy school on later stage of the 20th century , develops during the process of reviewing and criticizing liberalism .

  25. 经过几十年的积淀,春秋战国哲学流派研究取得了丰硕的成果,但是也存在着需要认真反思的地方。

    Research into the schools of philosophy in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States have gotten a lot of achievement through many years .

  26. 在公元前6世纪到3世纪盛行于中国的哲学流派中,法家学派也是非常重要的。

    Another of the many schools of philosophy that flourished in China between the sixth and third centuries BC was the Legalist school , of which mention has already been made .

  27. 当前,在红学领域出现了一种否定学术规范、否认是非对错标准的相对主义倾向,这与当代西方各种激进的哲学流派的涌入不无关系。

    Currently , a relativism trend has emerged in the scope of Study on " Dream of Red Mansions ", denying academic criterions and denying norms for the right and the wrong .

  28. 当然由于文化背景的不同,中西方哲人对异化的理解也有所不同,而且在相同的文化背景下,不同的哲学流派之间的理解也是大相径庭。

    Due to different cultural background Chinese philosophers vary from those of the West in understanding of this concept , which has also called various opinions among philosophical schools with similar background .

  29. 中国古代众多哲学流派的思想家都试图通过对人性的分析和探究来获得对宇宙、自然和人类自身本源的认识。

    Thinkers of many philosophical schools in ancient China try to achieve the understanding of the universe , the nature and the human being itself through analysis and exploration into the humanity .

  30. 法兰克福学派是当代西方的一种重要社会哲学流派,以批判的社会理论著称,大众文化批判理论是法兰克福学派社会批判理论的重要组成部分。

    Frankfurt School is an important social philosophy school in contemporary western societies , which is famous for critical social theory . Mass culture critical theory is an important component of critical social theory .