
  1. 人性问题是一个古老的哲学命题。

    Humanity is an ancient philosophical proposition .

  2. 认识自我,不仅是一个哲学命题,更是一个人生课题。

    Self-awareness is not only a philosophical proposition but also a subject in human life .

  3. “知者乐水,仁者乐山”是一个深刻的哲学命题。

    That intelligent person likes water and benevolence person likes mountain is a profound philosophy proposition .

  4. 人生哲学命题的现代释绎

    A Modern Interpretation of Life Philosophy

  5. 从某种程度上说,意识形态既是个深奥的哲学命题,又是个敏感的政治问题。

    To some degree , ideology is not only an abstruse philosophical proposition but a sensitive political issue .

  6. 体现天才&一个与作曲家相关的哲学命题这个天才的作家创作了一篇又一篇轰动一时的作品。

    Genius form Composition : A Philosophy Theme Correlative with Composer ; The gifted author wrote one smash after another .

  7. 生命观中的形神理论是重要的哲学命题,也是中医学独具特色的重要学术思想之一。

    The theory of physique and vitality in philosophic topic of life outlook is the important scientific thoughts of TCM .

  8. 天人观是一个系统的哲学命题,孟子和庄子在这方面都有着非常丰富的思想。

    Thoughts of human and Heaven are a systematic philosophical proposition , on which both Mencius and Zhuang Tzu have rich ideas .

  9. 以人为本对教育提出了人本的哲学命题,教育哲学的人本就是人之为人。

    Based on human is the human based philosophy proposition raised for education . The people-oriented educational philosophy means to base on human .

  10. 天人合一不但是一个重要的哲学命题,而且构成了中国哲学的一种思维模式。

    Oneness between heaven and man is not only an important philosophical proposition but also constitutes a mode of thought in Chinese philosophy .

  11. 鲁迅和陀氏都描写死、惧死,但在探索生与死这个哲学命题时,却表现了明显的文化差异。

    They both described death and feared death , but they showed distinct cultural differences in exploring the philosophical proposition of life and death .

  12. 本文结合一些常见的认识困惑,探讨这些基本科学哲学命题所蕴含的认识论本质。

    Based on some common confusion about the formulation , the paper probes into the cognitive essence of these basic scientific and philosophical suppositions .

  13. 马克思唯物史观对人进行了科学的规定,对以人为本这一哲学命题做出了科学的回答,并且与抽象人本主义划清了理论界限。

    Marx 's historical materialistic view has given man a scientific definition and answered the philosophical proposition of taking man as the most important scientifically .

  14. 第一部分,追溯传统言外之意与现代言外之意的研究状况及其不同内涵。传统的言外之意论经历了一个从哲学命题到文学理论命题的转换。

    The first part goes back to research situation and different connotation of traditional implicature experienced a change from a philosophical proposition to a literary proposition .

  15. 自从笛卡尔提出著名的哲学命题“我思故我在”,人们就不断的在追问自我。

    People constantly ask " Who am I ?", since Descartes put forword the famous philosophic proposition - " I think , therefore I am " .

  16. 和谐,是一个古老的哲学命题,它展示了人类历史从分裂走向统一的过程,标志着人类追求公平和正义的进步过程。

    Harmony is an ancient proposition . It shows the human history from isolation to unity . It marks the pursuit of fairness and justice in human progress .

  17. 而对于十六世纪入华,志在中华归主的耶稣会士而言,这不仅是一个神学或哲学命题,更是一个首要的实践问题。

    While for the Jesuits who visited China trying to convert Chinese to Christianity , it was not only theological or philosophical proposition but also an all-important practical issue .

  18. 如果把艺术作为图解一个哲学命题或者某种观念的话,这往往会导致视觉艺术的失败,或者说对视觉艺术而言没有太大的意义。

    Trying to illustrate a philosophical proposition or an idea tends to result in the failure of visual art , or is of no great significance to visual art .

  19. 因此,我们非常有必要重新解读王阳明“知行合一”哲学命题,对我们的道德实践有着现实指导意义。

    Therefore , we have the necessity to explain Wang Yangming " the unity of knowledge and action " the philosophy proposition , has the reality guiding sense to our moral practice .

  20. 早期太谷学派作为中国最后一支传统民间学派,在性、命、心等传统哲学命题上未脱离传统儒家的基本范畴,但也有自己的创新和发挥。

    The concept about nature , fate and heart from Taigu School in the early stage does not exceed the range of the Confucian School , but not without creation and development .

  21. 人的自由而全面发展作为一个哲学命题,是指人在生活世界中通过自己的活动去涵摄人类发展的所有成果以及人的对象性关系的全面生成。

    As a philosophical proposition ," Human freedom and comprehensive development " refers to people living in this world through their own activities to subsumption human development fruits and comprehensive generated object relationship .

  22. 他望向天花板,也望着那中间冰冷的黑暗。那黑暗似乎在努力地拖拽着什么。而爱书华好像思考着“是生存还是死亡”这样沉重的哲学命题。

    He looked at the ceiling , at the cold black in it that pulled so loudly , as if he was thinking about a question like TO BE OR NOT TO BE .

  23. 紧扣自由意志与决定论、自由与必然两大哲学命题,系统思考了道德选择教育的理论基础。

    The theoretical foundation of moral selection education has been systematically considered on the basis of the two philosophic propositions , which are the Free Will and Determinism as well as Freedom and Necessity .

  24. 此次论坛将关注艺术在文化中扮演的角色,用一系列更为广博的哲学命题重新审视艺术理论和文化理论,阐述各种亟待探讨的文化和社会问题。

    This Forum will address a set of cultural and social issues by refocusing art theory and cultural theory upon a set of much broader philosophical questions concerning the role of art in culture .

  25. 我认为天人合一不仅是一个哲学命题,也是一个政治命题,只有深入考察它的社会历史内容,才能了解它的内涵,把握其精神实质。

    In my opinion , the theory is both a philosophical and a political proposition . Only by going deeply into it , can we understand it and grasp its connotation and spiritual essence .

  26. 魏晋玄学中的言意之辨作为一个哲学命题渗入到我国古代文艺理论中,是很值得关注的问题。

    The " distinction between word and meaning " as a philosophical argument of the Chinese metaphysics that started in the Wei and Jin Period extended its influence over China 's art philosophy in ancient times .

  27. 解放思想是一个包含了唯物论、认识论和辩证法的哲学命题,世界的物质统一性、辩证唯物主义认识论、辩证唯物主义的发展观是解放思想的哲学依据。

    Ideological emancipation is a philosophical proposition including materialism , epistemology and dialectics . Its philosophical basis is the unity of matter , the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge and the dialectical materialist outlook of development .

  28. 根据维特根斯坦语词意义即用法的著名哲学命题,美学一词有四种用法,这四种用法,也就是美学的四种形态:美丽论美学,统一论美学,超越论美学,张力论美学。

    The author of this paper holds that the word " aesthetics " has four usages which reflect its four connotations beauty theory aesthetics , unity theory aesthetics , transcendence theory aesthetics and extension theory aesthetics .

  29. 跨文化文学翻译的美学因子主观性认知和重创性的哲学命题特点决定了译者在翻译活动中既有能动的活动空间,又有必要的限度。

    The philosophical characteristics of culture and re-creation in intercultural literature translation decide that a translator has not only an active space that is allowed to move about , but also the necessary restriction that is observed .

  30. 限于篇幅,本文仅就这两个责任群体,站在工程伦理的视角进行研究分析,进而上升到人与自然这一哲学命题上展开论证。

    Somewhere , this article only aim at the two responsibility group , standing in engineering ethics angle of view to research and analysis , and then rose to man and nature this philosophical proposition launched demonstration .