
  • 网络problem-complex;complex problem;complex question;can of worms
  1. 面向复杂问题的BP神经网络并行算法

    The Parallel Algorithm of the BP Neural Network Facing Complex Problems

  2. 多Agent协作是求解复杂问题的有效途径之一,而在多Agent协作过程中Agent如何组合是问题的关键。

    Multi-Agent Collaboration is one of the effective methods to resolve the complex problems . The crucial point is how to combine the Agents .

  3. ESB处理使用者和提供者之间的所有复杂问题,从而使得服务调用对于两者都比较简单。

    An ESB makes service invocation simpler for both the consumer and the provider by handling all of the complexity in between .

  4. 本文提出一种基于复杂问题分解的布尔函数极小化方法SWT3。

    This paper presents a complicated problem decomposition-based approach called SWT , to the Boolean function minimization .

  5. 结果表明,利用GC_AED的高选择性和高灵敏度,能够快速、有效地解决石油分析中的一些复杂问题,准确度、精密度满足应用要求。

    The results show that some complex problems in petroleum analysis can be solved effectively by this method due to its good selectivity and sensitivity .

  6. OMR在信息自动采集中的应用越来越广泛,而读卡机的统一驱动一直是信息采集中的一个复杂问题。

    Information collection by OMR has been increasingly applied . The unified driver for OMR is always the complex problem on information collection .

  7. Mendel的遗传学说的基础上产生和发展起来的一类随机搜索优化方法,常用于求解许多传统方法难以解决的高维的、多模态的、非线性的和多目标的复杂问题。

    Mendel 's genetic theory . Its application predominance lives in higher-dimensional , multimodal , non-linear and multiobjective complicated problems , which are difficult for traditional searching methods .

  8. 诸如石油工业中勘探方案选择,考虑钻井成本的最优化等复杂问题,可以归结为非线性随机动态规划问题,MDP方法是解决这些问题的良好途径。

    The MDP model discussed above may point out an efficient way of solving the problems of nonlinear , random and dynamic progamming nature in selecting exploration alternatives and optimizing drilling cost in the oil industry .

  9. Dorner作为该领域的先驱,将计算机模拟情境作为研究工具,后来的研究者从不同的角度进行复杂问题解决研究。

    Following the pioneering work of Dorner , more and more researchers apply computer-simulation as an experimental method to study CPS from different perspectives .

  10. 它能够处理与分布式应用程序相关的复杂问题。

    It is able to handle complex issues associated with distributed applications .

  11. 应用知识发现方法来解决复杂问题,给出验证知识有效性的实例。

    We also use the practice problem to evulate the knowledge discovery methods .

  12. 映射反演模型方法是分析复杂问题的经典方法。

    The method of mapping inversion model is a classical method of analyzing complicate problems .

  13. 该系统模型是具有社会性的体系结构,因此系统设计更人性化,便于解决复杂问题。

    Characterized of sociality , the system design has more human nature and can solve complex questions easily .

  14. 除了舞动博士,我们还应该用舞蹈解释所有复杂问题。

    Rather than dancing our Ph.Ds , we should use dance to explain all of our complex problems .

  15. 文化绘图是解决城市地区,尤其是城市历史地段中一些复杂问题的一种方法。

    Cultural mapping is an approach to the problem-solving of complex issues within urban areas , particularly historic urban areas .

  16. 该公司目前依靠面试问题来考察应聘者过去是如何解决复杂问题的。

    The company now relies on interview questions that probe how a potential hire has solved complex problems in the past .

  17. 分析这类问题求解的一种可行方案是:用商空间法来合理地对复杂问题进行粒度描述,分解复杂问题为可求解的。

    A useful scheme to solve these problems is proposed . Complex problems are represented by different granules based quotient space .

  18. 基于虚拟对象的检查点实现策略不仅简化了检查点系统中的一些复杂问题,而且克服了原有检查点实现中的一些局限性。

    The strategy not only simplifies some inherent issues in checkpointing , but also overcome some limitations in the existing checkpoint systems .

  19. 水动力学中的自由表面流动现象广泛地存在于现实生活和工程应用中,是一个非线性很强的复杂问题。

    Free surface flows in hydrodynamics widely exist in real life and engineering applications , and are associated with strong nonlinear physics .

  20. 文明生态城市理论能够为人们找寻城市问题症结提供有效的分析手段,并提供了系统的解决城市复杂问题的有效对策。

    The theory of civilized and ecological city could offer analytical means of resolving urban problems for people and provide some effective countermeasures .

  21. 该机制将查找表根据输出端口分割为若干个小查找表,并允许查找引擎对每个小查找表进行并行处理,有效地将寻找最长前缀匹配的复杂问题简化为第1前缀匹配问题。

    This simplifies the complex problem of finding " the longest prefix match " to a simpler " first prefix match " effectively .

  22. 提出了网络的分解与综合方法,避免了模糊神经网络用于实际复杂问题时,模糊规则的组合爆炸问题。

    A method , namely disassembly and integration of network , was presented to avoid the combination explosion of fuzzy rules in real application .

  23. 世界各发达金融市场国家为了应对商业银行公司治理缺陷带来的复杂问题以保障银行稳健、高效的运营,大都设计了精细而完善的法律制度以规范商业银行公司治理。

    Developed financial countries elaborate and design the legal system of corporate governance of banks in order to improve guarantee stable and efficient operation .

  24. 复杂性及其哲学问题本身就是个包含众多层面,难以清晰把握的复杂问题。

    Complexity problem as well as the problem of complexity philosophy itself is a complex problem with many aspects and difficult to be grasped .

  25. 本世纪末我国燃煤电厂年排灰渣量将达到1.9亿t,如何贮放和利用大量的灰渣是一个涉及许多学科的复杂问题。

    About 190 million tons of coal ash will be produced annually by coal-burning power plant in China by the end of this century .

  26. 建立了面向复杂问题的贝叶斯网建模流程,分为问题分析,模型设计与模型测试三个阶段。

    The process of Bayesian networks modeling for complex problems was built . Three phases are included : problem analyzing , model designing and model testing .

  27. 它使中期天气预报成为模拟气象专家解决复杂问题时科学综合、逻辑推理的思维过程。

    It has maee mid-range forecast become a think proceeding that analog the meteorological experts to synthesize scientifically and logical reason when they solve complex problems .

  28. 对于信息系统方案评价这种复杂问题提出一种新的方法,以避免主观判断的不确定性和随意性。

    A new approach to the complex problem of the rationality in evaluating information system integration is proposed to avoid non-determinacy and optional judgements resulted from subjective opinions .

  29. 将分形理论应用于土壤水分溶质运移机制的研究,探讨其领域中的众多复杂问题,是一种全新的思路和方法。

    It is a new ideal and method that the soil water and the solute are studied with the fractal theory to settle the complex problems in this area .

  30. 与传统的知识表示与推理方法相比,面向对象因子图能在统一的概率框架下综合利用多个领域专家知识和已知样本信息,具有处理更大规模和更复杂问题的能力。

    Compared with existing knowledge representations and reasoning methods , the object-oriented factor graph can process expert knowledge and known information of the samples with a general probabilistic frame .