
  • 网络deductive argument;deductive proof
  1. 另一种乱用演绎论证的方式是从一个错误的前提进行论证。

    Another way to screw up a deductive argument is by arguing from a false premise .

  2. 第二,法律推理的总体思维模式属于演绎论证模式;

    Second , the thinking mode of legal reasoning on the whole belongs to " deductive demonstration mode " .

  3. 几何教学应使学生在空间观念、合情推理和演绎论证、定量思维等方面都获得发展;

    The assignment of geometrical teaching was student 's development in the geometrical gnosis , the fair and reasonable consequence and syllogistically argumentation , the ration thinking et al ;

  4. 采用演绎论证作为元方法说明现代文化中的逻辑和其他文化的逻辑在现代文化中的译本具有文化相对性;

    Taking the deductive method as the classical research method , this paper argues for the existence of the culture-based relativity of logic in modern culture and other cultures .

  5. 通过语言博弈和生活形式概念说明作为元方法的演绎论证同样具有文化相对性。

    This paper also seeks to prove by studying the interactions between different languages and ways of life that the classical research method was also built on cultural relativity .

  6. 针对数学教学中只注重演绎论证的现状,用实例说明了类比推理是进行发现性数学思维的有效方法;

    In view of the existing situation that only the deductive inference is paid attention to , this thesis illustrates with examples that reasoning from analogy is an efficient way to practiSe creative mathematic thought ;

  7. 第三章则运用演绎法,分析论证杨绛语言的清新质朴、婉转含蓄、幽默讽刺等语言风格。

    By resorting to deduction , Chapter Three analyses and demonstrates the freshness and plainness , tactfulness , humor and irony of the language used in her works .