
yǎn jiánɡ ɡǎo
  • text;written text of a speech
  1. 演讲稿已经改写过22遍了。

    The speech had already been redrafted 22 times .

  2. 一位发言人说,朗西博士的演讲稿已经分发给所有主教了。

    A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie 's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops .

  3. 她讲演不用演讲稿。

    She lectured without notes .

  4. 我还花了三个小时来写我的演讲稿,告诉他们如果有问题可以随时来找我。

    I also spent three hours writing my speech , saying that I was the onethey could turn to whenever they had a problem .

  5. 我要感谢佩林(palin)州长,她(目光离开演讲稿)

    I would like to thank Governor Palin for her ( looking away from teleprompter )

  6. 凯特琳的演讲稿是受到《暮光之城3:月食》的启发,里面用到了heck这个词(hell的委婉语),但是凯特琳当时却用了hell。

    The script for the speech , inspired by Eclipse : The Twilight Saga , includes the word heck , but Kaitlin used hell in the moment .

  7. 凯特琳的演讲稿是受到《暮光之城3:月食》的启发,里面用到了“heck”这个词(hell的委婉语),但是凯特琳当时却用了“hell”。

    The script for the speech , inspired by Eclipse : The Twilight Saga , includes the word " heck , " but Kaitlin used " hell " in the moment .

  8. 在我的理解中,她的话是“方法论的个人主义”(methodologicalindividualism)的表达(但愿她不是在演讲稿撰写者的劝说下说出这番话的)。

    I interpreted her remarks as an expression of methodological individualism ( although I pity any speech writer who sought to persuade her to say those words ) .

  9. 这是篇有趣的文章,他鼓励读者去参考他的blog文章,或者下载最初的带有或者不带有音乐剪辑的演讲稿并使用它,当然是在注明出处的前提下。

    It 's an amusing article , and he encourages readers to reference his blog entry or download the original talk , with or without music clips , and to use it , with proper attribution , of course .

  10. Logue保存的材料中包括手写的演讲稿,其中标注了哪些单词该读重音,哪里该停顿等。

    The copy in Logue 's archive contains handwritten pencil notes , indicating what words to stress and where to pause .

  11. 斯托克的第一本完整的书,是早些时候在都柏林写的,一本名叫《TheDutiesofClerksofPettySessions》的非小说,紧随其后的是小说、演讲稿、短篇故事、文章、连续剧和两卷欧文回忆录。

    Stoker 's first full-length book , written earlier in Dublin , was a piece on non-fiction entitled The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland , and was followed by novels , lectures , short stories , articles , serials and a two-volume memoir of Irving .

  12. 本章首先指出了译前准备的重要性,然后结合翻译实例,对交替传译译前准备的几个方面做了更直观的解释,包括专业准备、语言准备、演讲稿或PPT准备和相关装备准备。

    Firstly , the importance of pre-task preparations is stressed . Then with the help of examples , the pre-task preparations are more directly presented , including professional knowledge preparation , language preparation , speech draft or PowerPoint preparation and the relevant equipment preparation .

  13. 他削除我的演讲稿中他认为不相关的东西。

    He pruned my speech of what he thought was irrelevant .

  14. 那不是演讲稿,那是论文。

    It 's not a speech . it 's an essay .

  15. 那是给我准备的演讲稿。

    That was the speech I 'm not going to give .

  16. 特里.埃德蒙兹是克林顿前总统的演讲稿撰写人。

    Terry Edmonds was the director of speechwriting for President Clinton .

  17. 仅仅几分钟,我就写出了一整篇令人难忘的演讲稿。

    In just minutes , I wrote an entire memorable speech .

  18. 我们按照传统的程序起草演讲稿。

    That 's the traditional routine we follow to write any speeches .

  19. 我们可以在信仰和公众价值方面好好地写一篇演讲稿。

    We could do a big speech on faith and public values .

  20. 这就是你刚刚问的演讲稿。

    Here 's that speech you was just asking about .

  21. 她说你在楼上这里练习演讲稿。

    She said you were up here practicing your speech .

  22. 她正忙着为下周的会议起草演讲稿。

    She 's busy drafting her speech for next week 's conference .

  23. 他逐字逐句在纸上写下了演讲稿,然后练习。

    He wrote his speeches word-for-word on paper , and practiced them .

  24. 为别人写演讲稿的人。

    A writer who composes speeches for others to deliver .

  25. 在网上读了演讲稿,很喜欢。

    I read it online , and I loved it .

  26. 他用一些旧笔记拼凑成几篇演讲稿。

    He vamped up some lectures out of old notes .

  27. 这里展示了许多真纳著名的演讲稿。

    Some of Jinnah 's most famous speeches were displayed .

  28. 草草撰写演讲稿;赶写一首舞曲。

    Bat out a speech ; bat out dance music .

  29. 我还是决定写那篇演讲稿

    I decided that I 'm gonna write that speech after all .

  30. 不死之身莉迪亚·戴维斯的演讲稿碎片

    of a shredded speech by the unbreakable Lydia Davis .