
zhāng yú
  • octopus
章鱼 [zhāng yú]
  • [octopus] 软体动物,有八条长的腕足,上面有吸盘,生活在海底

章鱼[zhāng yú]
  1. 吃了章鱼后他感到恶心。

    He experienced nausea after eating octopus .

  2. 在蜘蛛侠(反派称呼他为WebHead)和章鱼博士大战之时,李老爷子从坠落的残骸中救下了一名女子。

    In the middle of a battle between Web Head and Doctor Octopus ( Alfred Molina ), Lee saves a woman from falling debris .

  3. 他尤其对巨大的章鱼非常着迷!

    He was particularly fascinated by the huge octopus2 !

  4. 据《泰晤士报》报道,尽管这项法案目前只涉及脊椎动物,但立法者正在考虑将对象扩大到龙虾、章鱼、贻贝等无脊椎动物。

    Though the legislation currently only includes vertebrates , lawmakers are weighing expanding it to include invertebrates such as lobsters , as well as octopuses and mussels , according to The Times .

  5. HACCP系统在炭烤章鱼加工中的应用

    Application of HACCP System in Processing of the Grilled Octopus by Charcoal

  6. 章鱼(Octopus)及头足类(Caphalopoda)的生产和消费对章鱼养殖的影响

    Effect of Production and Consumption of Octopus and Cephalopoda on Aquaculture of Octopus

  7. 章鱼图由Laplacian谱确定

    Octopus Graphs are Determined by Their Laplacian Spectra

  8. 小说名叫《章鱼时间》(TimeoftheOctopus),讲述的是一个名叫乔舒亚•科尔德(JoshuaCold)的美国国家安全局(NationalSecurityAgency)泄密者以及当在他在机场孤立无援时解救他的俄罗斯支持者。

    Titled Time of the Octopus , it follows a National Security Agency leaker named Joshua Cold who is marooned in the airport and the Russian advocate who liberates him .

  9. TEM观察到Cu加入后催化剂上碳纤维的生长模式由顶端模式变为多方向章鱼状生长,碳层排布由鱼骨状变为平行排布。

    The growth mode of carbon filaments also shifts from tip-growth model to octopus growth mode , with the arrangement of the graphite sheet from fishbone to parallel .

  10. arm一词亦指无脊椎动物的附肢或运动器官,如海星的腕、章鱼的触手和腕足纲动物的腕足。

    The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate ( e.g. , the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus ) .

  11. 我们今晚的特价餐是鲜酥章鱼和煎封夏威夷Ahi鲔鱼排。

    Our specials this evening are Fresh Crispy Calamari and Seared Hawaiian Ahi Tuna .

  12. 潜入深海的探测器DeepDiscoverer是在内克尔岛附近遇见这只章鱼的。该岛屿位于夏威夷群岛的西北部边缘地带。

    The remotely operated underwater vehicle Deep Discoverer came across the octopod near Necker Island , or Mokumanamana , on the northwestern end of the Hawaiian Archipelago .

  13. 10月26日,章鱼保罗在睡梦中安然离世,年近3岁。Facebook上它的六万多名粉丝发表了数百条慰问信息,还有人发表了一些不太沉痛的评论。

    He died peacefully in his sleep aged nearly three on October 26 , sparking hundreds of messages of condolence from his 60000-strong Facebook fan club and some less serious comments 。

  14. 本期节目中展示的大多数视频都是由Macdonald提供的,例如一只章鱼被卡在塑料淋浴头里面的这段录像。

    Macdonald provided most of the video in this story , including this octopus living in a plastic shower head .

  15. PVCN内有章鱼细胞、多极细胞和球形细胞;

    There were also some globular cells , multipolar cells appeared in central PVCN .

  16. 3种浓度的NaCl提取的章鱼糖蛋白的性质不同,5%NaCl提取的糖蛋白OGP2总糖含量较高;

    The characteristic of the glycoproteins were different with 3 concentrations of NaCl solution , the total sugar content of OGP2 ( with 5 % NaCl ) was the highest ;

  17. 章鱼保罗出生于英格兰,但过去两年它一直生活在德国西部的一家水族馆。与它一起为英格兰申办助威的明星还包括球星大卫贝克汉姆和里奥费迪南德、F1赛手刘易斯汉密尔顿、歌手诺埃尔加拉格尔和斯汀。

    Paul , who was hatched in England but has spent the last two years in an aquarium in western Germany , joins footballers David Beckham and Rio Ferdinand , Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton and singers Noel Gallagher and Sting in backing the bid .

  18. Boal说:我们的预计是如果章鱼和鼠或人一样,它们从差的环境迁移到好的环境将会高兴和乐观;

    " My prediction is that if the octopuses are like rats ( or people ), the octopuses moved from impoverished to enriched conditions should be'happy'and'optimistic , ' " said Boal .

  19. 气导听觉剥夺造成了耳蜗核神经元数量和密度的下降,PVCN章鱼样细胞体积缩小,数量减少,密度下降。

    Auditory deprivation of air-conduction resulted in the loss of neuron and its density . In the AD group , the PVCN octopus like cells was smaller , less number and density .

  20. 本雅明-霍齐纳(BinyaminHochner)和他的同事研究章鱼多年,尤其是关注他们灵活的腕足和身体运动的控制。

    Binyamin Hochner and his colleagues had been working with octopuses for many years , focusing especially on their flexible arms and body motor control .

  21. 事实上,研究者正在于欧洲委员会STIFF-FLOP项目共享他们的研究成果,该项目致力于研发章鱼腕足形状的手术操作臂。

    In fact , the researchers are sharing their findings with European Commission project STIFF-FLOP , aimed to develop a flexible surgical manipulator in the shape of an octopus arm .

  22. 章鱼岛海域出现神秘海怪,战船紧急出动!

    Octopus Island appeared mysterious sea waters strange warships dispatched emergency !

  23. 生吃章鱼的秘诀在包裹。

    The trick to eating live octopi are in the wrap .

  24. 看活吃章鱼的电影?

    Watching a movie about a guy eating a live octopus ?

  25. 章鱼先生说了一个疯狂的事儿关于他和

    There 's that crazy talk from The Octopus about him and

  26. 鱼类、蟹类、章鱼都是自游动物的组成部分。

    Fishes , crabs , octopus , are part of nekton .

  27. 他并不知道章鱼哥有多么厌烦他。

    He is unaware of how Squidward is annoyed by him .

  28. 船舰下沉或被大章鱼攻击以外。

    The ship sinking or being attacked by a giant octopus .

  29. 假设比起贻贝,章鱼保罗更喜欢牡蛎。

    Perhaps Paul likes oyster better than mussel , for example .

  30. 它们吃其他的鱼类、甲壳类、软体动物和章鱼。

    They eat other fish , crustaceans , mollusks , and octopus .