
  • Zhang Ziyi;Ziyi Zhang;Maggie
  1. 章子怡:是的,好多次呢。

    Ziyi Zhang : Yes , many times .

  2. 知道哪个中国名人?姚明,休斯敦火箭队的核心,还有成龙、李小龙和章子怡。

    Who is Chinese well-know person ? Yow ming , center of the Houston rockets , Jackie chan , Bruce lee , Ziyi zhang .

  3. 实上,在她的宣言不久,我就看见章子怡在中国大饭店与汪小菲做spa。

    However , shortly after her love announcement , I saw Zhang checking into a lover 's suite at China World Hotelspawith Wang Xiaofei .

  4. 这部由周润发、章子怡和杨紫琼主演的影片取得了意想不到的成功,在线电影票房网站BoxOfficeMojo称,该片在全球共获得了2.135亿美元的票房。

    It starred Chow Yun-fat , Zhang Ziyi and Ms. Yeoh and was an unexpected hit ─ pulling in a world-wide total of $ 213.5 million , according to Box Office Mojo .

  5. 鉴于巩俐和章子怡在好莱坞(Hollywood)大片中获得的成功,上述结论未免有些绝对。然而,在音乐和电影等文化产品领域,中国毫无疑问处于贸易失衡状态。

    That verdict may be a little harsh , given the success of actresses Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi in big budget Hollywood movies , but there is no doubting the trade imbalance when it comes to cultural products ranging from music to movies .

  6. 7月24日,《ELLE中国》的编辑和工作人员发布了几张章子怡在洛杉矶为该杂志拍摄照片时,与设计师唐毅、摄影师冯海的合影。

    On July 24 , editors and crew from ELLE China published several photos of Zhang doing a photoshoot for the magazine in Los Angeles , along with stylist Tang Yi and photographer Feng Hai .

  7. 来自Kofic的数据显示,2012年,由章子怡和张东健主演的改编自18世纪法国小说的电影《危险关系》(DangerousLiaisons)在中国市场仅获得了略高于人民币6000万元的票房,不及该片预算的一半。

    In 2012 , ' Dangerous Liaisons , ' an adaptation of the 18th-century French novel starring Zhang Ziyi and Jang Dong-gun , pulled in just a little more than 60 million yuan in China , according to Kofic , less than half of its budget .

  8. 而有人猜测这颗老鼠屎暗指的就是队友言承旭。有报道说,言承旭受邀与章子怡一起主演新版《花木兰》,由于戏约在身甚是繁忙,所以对F4重组的事情并不上心。

    This was taken to refer to band mate Jerry Yan , who has been plucked to play the lead opposite Zhang Ziyi in the new Mulan movie and is reportedly so busy he ` s not interested in reforming F4 .

  9. 晚上,章子怡和另一位韩国导演leechang-dong一同亮相,同样吸引了云台海滩的粉丝,他们拥至舞台底部,试图用手中的智能手机和照相机拍摄这名中国演员。

    In the evening , Zhang Ziyi also wooed fans at the Haeundae beach , by appearing with another South Korean director , Lee Chang-dong . Fans swarmed to the bottom of the stage , in an attempt to capture the Chinese star on their smartphones and cameras .

  10. 在好莱坞,为什么章子怡和杨紫琼出名?

    Why are Zhang Ziyi and Yang Ziqiong famous in Hollywood ?

  11. 章子怡于1979年2月9日在北京出生。

    Zhang ZiYi was born in Beijing on February 9 , 1979 .

  12. 是的,章子怡,你能和我交往吗。

    Yes , Zhang Ziyi , will you go out with me ?

  13. 最差的节目当属章子怡唱歌了。

    The worst part was definitely Zhang Ziyi 's singing .

  14. 章子怡是现今中国最有名的演员之一。

    Zhang Ziyi is one of the most famous Chinese actresses nowadays .

  15. 中国著名女演员章子怡正式成为了一名母亲。

    Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi is officially a mother .

  16. 在论坛里,看到不少网友依然对章子怡群起而攻之。

    In the forum , a wealth of neticizens still attacked Zhang fiercely .

  17. 杨紫琼:(对章子怡)说说你学习舞蹈的一些情况吧。

    Michelle Yeoh : Tell them about your dancing .

  18. 章子怡已经成功挤入好莱坞的名利场。

    Zhang Ziyi has successfully insinuated herself into the vanity fair in hollywood .

  19. 最近章子怡的“捐款门”事件在网上炒得沸沸扬扬,一发不可收拾。

    These days the Donation Affairs about Zhang Ziyi has been heatedly debated online .

  20. 譬如,我认识电影明星章子怡。

    I know the film star Zhang Ziyi .

  21. 章子怡愿为心上人息影。

    Zhang Ziyi willing to give up actin .

  22. 在她的第一部影片《我的父亲母亲》里,章子怡的表演扣人心弦。

    In her first film The Road Home Zhang Ziyi gave a breathless performance .

  23. 章子怡被真正认为是一个有着辉煌未来的年轻女演员。

    Zhang Ziyi is taken seriously as a young actress with a brilliant future .

  24. 一切水落石出,章子怡在接受采访时泣不成声。

    The truth finally coming out , Zhang could not help tearing when being interviewed .

  25. 对于章子怡这种国际大明星,我们更应该这样做。

    As with Zhang Ziyi such an international star , we should do like this .

  26. 所有的捐款被放进于美国注册的章子怡基金。

    All money was to be put into Zhang 's Ziyi Foundation founded in the USA.

  27. 在捐款的同时,章子怡也为自己澄清了“捐款门”事件里的一切冤屈。

    Meantime , Zhang also clarified all her undeserved wrongs in the " Donation Affairs " .

  28. 章子怡因一直未对“诈捐”指责做出回应而饱受批评。

    Zhang Ziyi has been criticized for not replying to accusations of charity fraudleveled against her .

  29. 成龙和章子怡也曾在之前登台过。

    The likes of Jackie Chan and Zhang Ziyi have made appearances on the previous showcases .

  30. 电影结束后,她站了起来,发现章子怡就坐在她旁边的位置!

    At the end she got up , and Zhang Ziyi was in the seat beside her .